Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 890 The deserted Shen Lian Island (2900 words)

That's right, the Sword of the Brave in Lin Lan's hand at this time has been used by him to use the lens of reality to generate the power of the anti-realm treasure from the Blue Star anime - the Heaven and Earth Sword.

Ever since he was pulled into the illusory spiritual world by Abbott last time, he has been on guard against Abbott's weird ability.

At this time, he was indeed unable to detect any elements, and the brave skill bar seemed to be shielded by Abbott's evil energy.

But whether it's military equipment, invisible breath, or the Sumeru Ring and the Reality Lens, these props that have been bound to his soul are still effective in this virtual world.

Among them, the most efficient way to destroy Abbott and the world is naturally the reality lens.

Those crimson light patterns turned into a red grid that contained the roots of the world, and began to gather quickly just above the sword of the brave in his hand.

The blade of the Brave Sword completely turned into a black cylinder wrapped in crimson lines, and began to rotate at a faster speed in three sections.

The red wind pressure and lightning emitted by the rotation of the three sections of the sword caused everything around it to begin to fall apart at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The earth is shattering, the sky is torn apart, and the world is wailing.

Abbott witnessed the destruction caused by the Beili sword and roared in despair:

"No! My divine soil! I will cut you into pieces!!!"

Countless black lightning and vines were controlled by Abbott to attack Lin Lan, but they were all blocked by the flames and rocks surrounding Lin Lan.

Although the little sword spirit didn't know where Lin Lan got such world-shaking power at this time.

But she knew very well that once this power was fully charged, it would be enough to completely destroy the enemy in front of her and even the world.

Therefore, the little sword spirit did not hesitate to control the power of the sword spirit to protect Lin Lan and hold back all of Abbott's attacks.

Lin Lan, who was in the commander's uniform, held the sword of the brave high, stared at Abbott coldly, and read out the liberation chant lines of the EA deviation sword:

“The original narrative.

“When the world was created, nothingness also congratulated it.

"Tear the world apart with my sword of deviation.

“The hell that surrounds the mortar of the stars is the end of the night before the creation of the world.”

At this point in the chant, the EA sword held high in Lin Lan's hand had formed a majestic crimson energy storm around him.

Abbott's body has been completely annihilated by the coercion emanating from this Noble Phantasm that attacks the concept of the world.

But Lin Lan didn't stop.

He raised his head and looked at the deep black energy vortex that was constantly swirling outside the broken world wall directly above him.

Abbott is just a puppet chosen by the goddess of the abyss corrupted by X.

Since the world between illusion and reality he currently lives in has not collapsed with the death of Abbott...

Then the answer is obvious. This world on the verge of destruction was probably created with the help of the power of the fallen goddess, and is connected to the abyss.

If we don't use the power of the reality lens to destroy this channel, how long will it take?

"Let your death settle everything."

The energy storage of the Guili sword in Lin Lan's hand has been completely completed, and all the huge black-red energy balls filled with enough energy to destroy the world are compressed on the tip of the sword.

The space around him continued to disintegrate and collapse, making him seem to be stepping into the void.

The next second, the black-red sword tip in Lin Lan's hand emitted a cross-shaped crimson flash.

"Heaven and earth are deviant, open up the star!!!"

Lin Lan roared out the last line of the song of "Zi Li Jian" loudly, and the majestic energy beam instantly shot straight into the sky from the tip of his sword, penetrating into the vast darkness.

The black energy vortex swirling in the sky reacted to the blow almost instantly.

In addition to the black vines and thunder and lightning that Abbott had just before he was annihilated, countless dark black barriers were also generated in an instant.

There is no doubt that these seemingly unconscious corrosive energies are the real culprits who truly control the core power of Yuze Island, Gaotian Island, and even Shenlian Island.

He tried every means to stop the crimson energy beam that was destroying the world and destroying the world.

But all this stubborn resistance is ultimately a futile struggle in the face of the opposite Noble Phantasm that has the concept of directly destroying the world.


Without being blocked at all, the majestic crimson light pillar broke through all obstacles and hit the top of the dark sky directly.

The huge explosion flame ignited the entire sky, and the rich black energy that occupied the dome was vaporized in an instant, revealing the original appearance of the sky -

A huge gap was broken in the center of the world wall, which was covered by the almost dissipated pale golden grid.

All the black energy just poured into the world from this gap.

The next second he saw the gap appear, the sword of bravery in Lin Lan's hand changed back to its original appearance.

The magnificent energy of the Guili Sword disappeared, as if it was just a bright flash in the pan.

Lin Lan understood that now he had returned to the real world.

After putting down the raised sword of the brave, he looked around vigilantly, trying to contact Unzen and the others with the power of breath while observing the situation here.

He is now on a deserted island surrounded by a red ocean.

This place seemed to be in the middle of a battlefield that had just been bombarded by a violent explosion. There was a huge pit sunk in the black ground not far away from him, and the bottom was still exuding white mist washed by high temperature.

There were dilapidated building ruins all around, but this architectural style seemed inexplicably familiar to Lin Lan.

"This, this is the Demon King's Palace?!"

And the next second, the little sword spirit, who had recovered from the shock of seeing the horror of the Bili Sword, was shocked to recognize where this place was.

"Shen Lian Island? How did we get here?"

After Lin Lan heard what Little Sword Spirit said, he suddenly understood why he felt that these building ruins looked familiar.

Here was the Shen Lian Island he had seen in Yan Rongke's memory fantasy.

After being enveloped by the black barrier, he was pulled to his final destination in the turbulence of time and space.

But on this isolated island, there is nothing at all except the black energy that is still emerging from the abyss.

"Where's Di Beilu? Where's Lu Ling?"

For a moment, Lin Lan only felt confused in her heart.

It wasn't that he was worried that he wouldn't be able to return to the ship girls.

He had obtained all the Time Key fragments before, and now they are all in his Sumeru Ring.

The key to the question is where did Di Beilu and Lu Ling go?

The power of breath told him that he was the only one left on the entire Shenlian Island.

However, when Lin Lan focused his eyes on the huge pothole, he suddenly had an idea and thought of a possibility:

"Wait a minute, Abbott seemed to have said before that the divine envoy was captured...

"If the messenger Abbott mentioned is Dibel, could it be said that Dibel was arrested by other arbitration institutions?"

Lin Lan looked at this explosion crater that was obviously just born, and the more he thought about it, the more likely it became.

But this was not good news for him.

Because the hole in the sky undoubtedly represents the X corrosive energy of the corrupt gods in the abyss that has broken through the boundary center.

And it's not just that.

The hole in the center of the world also means that the line of sight from outside the world, originating from the X umbra, has been projected here.

Just by looking up at the hole, he could feel the endless hatred and desire to kill spreading in the abyss, as well as the infinite greed and desire for destruction projected from the supreme sky.

If we say that Dibel's plan is to let the X erosion in the abyss enter Liaozhou, attracting the arrival of X.

So, at least for now, Dibelu's plan has been successful.

And this means that Lu Ling's soul is really what Abbott said...

At this moment, Lin Lan's mind flashed to the childish smiling face that always followed him and would pull him to try new arcade games and claw machines.

" come you came a thousand years before me..."

Two lines of tears slid down Lin Lan's cheeks uncontrollably.

He trembled and said the first words he had said after meeting Lu Ling.

"Master... maybe Lu Ling's soul has been sent back to Blue Star by evil spirits."

Little Sword Spirit's melancholy voice sounded in Lin Lan's ears.

But just from the tone of voice, you can tell that even the little sword spirit himself doesn't believe these words.

At this time, three streams of light shining with purple, green and white slowly floated down from the sky and attached to the sword of the brave in Lin Lan's hand.

Lin Lan looked at these three streams of light in silence.

These are the sword souls of the three main islands that he actively attracted to the Sword of the Brave after he used the deviant sword of the Reality Lens to destroy the world between the cracks and the original energy of the corrupted gods.

At this moment, the Sword of the Brave in his hand has completely obtained all the sword souls of the Liaozhou Ten Islands.

"Master, all the sword souls have been gathered... we can't delay it any longer."

The bitter words of the little sword spirit made Lin Lan, who was holding the sword hilt tightly, finally take a long breath.

That's right.

If he continues to drag here, the fallen evil god in the abyss will soon come back from the hole in the center of the world.

This will not only pose a threat to the ship girls he is still fighting on Gaotian Island, waiting to reunite with him.

The X Umbrella outside the world is also likely to use this short-term breaking center to lock on this other world more accurately.

"Tell me what I should do."

In the end, Lin Lan suppressed the sadness in her heart and asked the little sword spirit in a deep voice.

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