Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 891 The final chapter of the Sakura Hurricane: Do you regret coming to this world?

"Master, use the wind element to fly to the ancient altar of the island core on the Island of Divine Mercy, insert the sword of the brave into the ground of the Abyss Demon Cave, and then just release the touch of Divine Mercy."

After receiving the instructions from the little sword spirit, Lin Lan immediately followed them without hesitation.

With the help of Xi's black air current search, he quickly found the location of the Abyss Demon Cave on Shenlian Island.

It was in the center of Shen Lian Island, directly above the sky and below the broken hole in the center of the world.

He did not use the flying skills of the wind element, but directly used the power of breath to teleport to this location.

Then, he held the sword of the brave in both hands, pierced the tip of the sword into the black ground, and displayed the touch of divine mercy.

Lin Lan could clearly feel that his mental power was rapidly decreasing.

In just a few seconds, his mental energy was nearly exhausted, leaving him feeling top-heavy and in a daze, with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

So he immediately took out the power of faith props collected by Siren on Shimmer Island from the Sumeru Ring and fed them all to Xi.

The information that gained the power of faith soon brought him feedback, making his already almost bottomed out mental power and loss almost equal.

"This is not enough..."

Lin Lan soon realized that the power of faith contained in these props was a drop in the bucket.

He raised his head and glanced at the sky. The hole in the center of the world where black energy was constantly pouring out was indeed smaller than before.

But it is still very early to completely fill this hole.

However, just when Lin Lan worriedly fed the last power of faith item to his breath and tried his best to resist the loss of mental power, something unexpected happened to him.

The breath that should have stopped feeding back his mental power was actually still providing him with a steady stream of majestic mental power.

It was as if Xi had gained the power of faith from somewhere else.

"Could them?"

In a trance, Lin Lan felt that his brain's thinking speed had seriously slowed down.

But he still quickly realized where the power of Xi's faith came from.

In other words, this is the only explanation under the current circumstances.

His ship girls gave him the power of faith through the invisible breath he left on Kokai Island to protect them!

Although they are not in the same world as themselves at this time.

But their love and yearning for themselves have never been interrupted because they don't belong to the same world.

It was this strong spiritual power that Xi regarded as an existence equivalent to the power of faith, and was transformed into spiritual power for him.

In this way, although Lin Lan's mental power was on the verge of bottoming out, it finally equaled the depleted mental power.

But in this way, because his mental strength was in an extremely low state, waves of fatigue and fainting kept coming to him.

But Lin Lan kept biting her lower lip, relying on the pain to force herself not to lose consciousness.

He used his hands in military uniform to rest on the hilt of the sword of bravery to steady himself.

And he could no longer look up to see how long it would take to repair the world-breaking center.

Because he seriously doubted that if he moved even a little bit, he would fall into a coma uncontrollably.

Just like that, I don’t know how long passed.

Maybe a minute, maybe an hour.

Lin Lan felt that he had completely lost his perception of the passage of time, but he still maintained his consciousness and the touch of divine mercy.

He knew that if he failed, he and his ship girls would be completely destroyed by X.

He finally traveled through time and met his ship girls, and he would never let everything turn into nothingness.

In such a trance, Lin Lan seemed to feel a tall and ethereal figure standing next to him.

It should be a woman.

He could feel this man's eyes, full of tenderness, distress, self-blame, pity, and other complex emotions, being placed on him.

"I'm sorry...I was so selfish that I made you and the child endure all this suffering.

"Do you... regret being brought into this world?"

The gentle voice seemed to sound directly in Lin Lan's mind.

But in this state, Lin Lan couldn't think about the other person's identity, or even turn his head to look at the other person.

But for Lin Lan, the answer to this question didn't require thinking at all.

If he had not come to this world, he would not have met his ship girls.

He also had no chance to personally protect his ship girls from the threat of X and carry out the duties of the commander.


Lin Lan squeezed out this short word from his mouth as the answer to this question.

The ethereal figure shook, seemingly shocked by Lin Lan's answer.

Then, a gentle voice with a hint of crying sounded in his ears again:


"I... bless you... forever..."

Lin Lan couldn't hear the rest of the words clearly, and he didn't know whether it was because of the other party or because his thoughts were getting more and more confusing.

But he always remembered that all his attention must be on maintaining the touch of divine mercy.

I don’t know when the illusory figure will disappear again.

But what followed was a conversation between two familiar voices, a man and a woman, ringing in Lin Lan's ears:

"I once tried to treat the world gently, but I didn't expect that this would be the greatest harm to it... Even if we take advantage of the ocean, we have no ability to defeat them."

A woman's voice full of bitterness and regret sounded first, followed by the hoarse voice of a middle-aged man:

"The so-called evolution is actually a natural selection process. The more harsh the environment, the stronger the sample that can survive is the [meme]. The weak will eat the strong, and the fittest will survive. It is natural.

"Did you see it? This is the tragic ending brought about by your weakness."

At this point in their conversation, Lin Lan, who was already exhausted, suddenly felt a dazzling orange light coming from before his eyes, forcing him to close his eyes.

"Commander! Look, the commander is back!!!"

"Commander found! Bring the Kitchen Goddess here quickly!"

"Master! Wake up quickly. It took a lot of effort for Dido to see you. Master must be fine!"

"My lord... Tiancheng knew that my lord would definitely return in triumph..."

Lin Lan closed her eyes and heard the sound of the ocean tide ringing in her ears.

Countless friendly voices, either crying or expressing deep concern, also came from far and near.

He felt like he was floating on his back on the warm sea where the setting sun was shining.

"Did I...succeed..."

He wanted to open his eyes and see his shipgirls.

But his eyelids felt as heavy as a thousand pounds, and his consciousness continued to fade away.

And before his consciousness completely fell into sleep, the last words that reached his ears were the last words spoken by the middle-aged man just now:

“At least… at the end, we have a chance to try to correct the wrongs of history.

"Ling, restart the [Judger] plan. The future... no, the past of mankind will be left to you."

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