Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 925 The Richard Incident and Pandora’s Box

Dream Weaver Zero stared at Empress in silence for a long time.

Finally, Zero closed his eyes as if he was a little tired, and his dark blue pupil, which was covered by his short white hair bangs, was only exposed.

"Report on the current situation in Lavos, Dibel Road and Helopant."

A faint voice sounded from the throne, causing Empres to have a serious expression on his face and he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

What was supposed to come finally came.

"The data tower in Lavos has been successfully released from reverse mode, and the newly produced management machine was sent back to the large-scale natural experimental world by Tova.

“Due to insufficient authority, I cannot cancel the reverse mode of Dibelo and Helopant.

"After their management machines were repaired, they were returned to their host space inside the firewall and are under residual monitoring."

Empress finished reporting on the current situation of the three arbiters.

But Dream Weaver Zero seemed not to care and said softly:

"Their behavior is also part of the judge's plan to collect variables and does not need to be severely punished.

"After three months, the monitoring will be lifted and they will be sent to the sub-plane experimental site. I have experiments that require their cooperation."

After hearing Zero's answer, Empres seemed relieved and nodded.

But Empres didn't intend to leave just yet.

In addition to this matter, she has more important things to report to Zero.

Today's zeros are often not in the host space and cannot be contacted.

Therefore, Empress, as the actual leader of most affairs of the arbitration body today, needs to use this opportunity to determine some important matters towards zero.

The Arbiter Queen paused, looked up at Zero with a solemn tone, and continued:

"Zero, the soul beacon you asked Yu to chase has results.

"According to the news from Towa, the beacon released by Dibelu was also targeted by Ember, but..."

When Empress said this, he frowned:

"It's just that when the beacon was about to fall into the hands of Ember, it was robbed by the Category V threat omen."

Hearing these words, Dreamweaver Zero on the throne slowly opened his eyes.

"You mean...a bad omen?"

Compared to the tiredness and indifference before, Zero's voice this time was a little more solemn.

"Yes, Yu personally confirmed that there are residual traces of meta along the soul beacon, but in the end the soul beacon's trajectory disappeared within the scope of the bad omen's control.

“Not only that, the direction in which the bad omen originally spread the infection has also changed and started to spread towards this large natural world experimental site.

"According to calculations...if there is no obstruction, the bad omen will arrive outside the world wall on the 368th day from now at the earliest."

After Empress finished speaking in a deep voice, a sigh that was immature but full of exhaustion sounded from the throne:

"Has 'she' found her after all..."

Empres, as Anticus who was created from the original world, naturally understood who the "she" in Zero's mouth was referring to.

Original meta - Good Richard.

This original meta, whose mind was completely distorted by X, has now become a conceptual memetic pollution.

After the destruction of the original world, good man Richard became the killer of X-hunting ships and Antiques.

Just as Antix named it a bad omen, Good Richard's ship itself has long been unable to be observed.

It can corrode and corrupt the minds of all living beings through terrifying mental pollution.

All the experimental worlds that Antix had built were corroded and destroyed by the good Richard.

Because of this, both Zero and Empress understood how serious the situation would be if the soul beacon fell into the hands of the good man Richard.

"Zero, do you need Yu to lead Lavos to rebuild the world's defense line, is it the same as last time?"

Empres saw that Zero had not given instructions for a long time, so he opened his mouth to make suggestions.

As an arbiter who can turn the entire world into a war defense line as long as he has enough resources, Lavos is the best choice for Antix's defense against Good Guy Richard.

It can be said that once the world defense line constructed by Lavos is completed, even the good man Richard will never be able to break through it within a certain period of time.

And this certain amount of time depends on how much resources Antix is ​​willing to invest.


"Tempalans and Stelenkus are also included in the combat sequence of this defensive battle.

"Resource investment... tentatively decomposes three additional experimental worlds."

Zero responded quickly this time, but Empress was quite surprised to hear Zero mention the resource investment.

You must know that the total amount of various resources and energy converted by completely decomposing an entire world is no joke.

Last time at the beta experimental site where Commander Minato was located, they only invested a total of one experimental world's resources for Lavos to use in their defense line against the ominous invasion.

But this time, Zero actually chose to disintegrate the three experimental worlds to protect this large natural experimental site?

Even Zero, who has a strict personality, added the prefix "tentative" before this.

Although Empres was surprised, when faced with the order given by the host, she just nodded with a sneer, indicating that she accepted the order.

They are Antiques.

Even if Zero asked her to lead all members of the arbitration agency to fight X, Empres would only think about how to bring maximum losses to X.

This is the meaning and mission of their existence.


Just when the Arbiter Queen thought that the host had no other instructions and was about to leave, she was suddenly stopped by Zero.

"Do you remember the Richard incident?"

Hearing Zero's sudden question, Empress showed a puzzled look on his face:

"You gave Yu the permission to leave the original world data, and of course Yu will remember it.

"Before Richard became a meta, he was originally a cheerful and popular spokesman for the White Eagle Navy. As a result, he starred in many famous movies and became a star that attracted much attention.

“Her mind is the most mature among the early ships, and even according to military emotional experiment test data, she is more like a human than Key Point G.

"But as she was lured to the Bermuda waters by those radical Ocean Federation researchers and government officials without telling the military, in the name of a joint exercise with the Forward Front, they attempted to dismantle her..."

Before Empres finished his narration, he was interrupted by Zero slowly waving his hand.

"Pandora's box of disaster was opened, and the ultimate reason was the key forged by the evil of human nature.


Zero held the doll in his hands and let out a long, humane sigh.

Hearing Zero's sigh, Empres couldn't help but ask:

"With all due respect, Ling, if you encounter any difficulties, Yu Dang is always willing to help you share them."

Zero shook his head lightly, then slowly stood up from the throne, looking down at Empres:

“Now the time has come to take out the hope left in the magic box.

"The long omen...may be that salvation will come soon."

As Zero whispered these words, Empress felt extremely puzzled.

The next second, Zero's petite body turned around and disappeared in front of the throne.

It was as if it had never appeared.

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