Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 926 I make an agreement with the teacher

"Now, teacher, what do you think of me?"

On an isolated island in the deep blue ocean, on a quiet beach shrouded in bright stars.

Looking at the starry sky, with his hands in the pockets of his white researcher's coat, standing next to Lin Lan, was a slender girl with white hair and blue eyes.

She was not even tall enough to reach Lin Lan's shoulders, and she was wearing a white eagle jacket with a black velvet collar.

The cool sea breeze blew against her face, making Lin Lan feel an extremely real and comfortable feeling.

But he was a little confused. He didn't know where this place was, but he felt familiar with it from the bottom of his heart.

The docks on the surrounding islands, the modern military buildings, and the girl beside him who couldn't name him were all so familiar.

It seemed that in his memory, everything here was extremely important to him, but it was covered with a layer of curtain, preventing him from completely recalling it.

For some reason, Lin Lan found himself unable to answer the question the girl asked him.

It was as if something was blocking him, preventing him from answering.

Seeing that he was still silent, the girl next to him suddenly laughed out loud and walked up to him with elegant steps.

He gently brushed his white hair on the temples that was a little messy due to the sea breeze, then stood on tiptoes and reached out to remove the small devices from his ears.

The petite girl with white hair blushed, looked at him like this, lowered her voice and said with a chuckle:

"You are not allowed to secretly use the Rubik's Cube Bluetooth headset to consult York City and the others, and you are not allowed to recite the original sentences from those girls' psychology books to fool me.

"What I want to hear is the teacher's true words.

"What does the teacher think of me?

"As a valued student?

"Or...does the teacher have stronger feelings for me than the teacher-student relationship?"

The petite girl in front of Lin Lan raised her head, stared at him intently, and continued to talk to herself:

"If the teacher gives the answer here, I will really fly away with the teacher.

"I don't care about the spokesperson or the celebrity, I just want to be with the teacher. That's enough.

"Hmm... But if it's just the two of us, we'll definitely still be a little lonely. If the teacher wants to, it's okay to invite the company and the others to elope together.

"I am very convinced of the teacher's charm. If I don't want to be chased to the ends of the earth by them, I can only share the teacher with them.

"Of course, of course, the teacher is not allowed to tell Dr. Anjie and Dr. Aosta where we live.

"Just let them worry, and then I will secretly give them the group photo we took in our new home as a surprise, hehehe~"

Lin Lan silently watched the cute girl in front of him, who was full of energy and full of tenderness, telling him all this.

The smooth and delicate innocent face was filled with the smile of a girl looking forward to her future life.

Obviously what the other person said was interesting.

But for some reason, two lines of tears poured out of his eyes uncontrollably and fell down his face.

An indescribable feeling of sadness spread from his heart.

Then, for some reason, he took out a wrapped gift box from the pocket of his white coat and handed it to the girl in front of him.

"Ah, is this the Christmas gift the teacher prepared for me?

"That's right. It seems that I was sent by the Ocean Federation military to shoot a movie during Christmas. I didn't have time to catch up with your Christmas party, and I called you to complain about it."

The white-haired girl showed a bit of surprise on her face. As she spoke, she hid the flash of disappointment in her eyes and opened the gift box.

Then Lin Lan watched the girl in front of him carefully take out the black gold-edged leather forehead protector from the gift box.

"Oh, this gift must have been made by the teacher himself. No store in Baiying can make such a low-quality forehead protector... Pfft, I was kidding.

"I like this forehead protector very much, teacher. I will definitely keep this gift well."

After the girl said to him playfully, she carefully put the leather forehead protector on her head and pressed her white bangs under the forehead protector.

This makes the originally gentle and pleasant girl look a little more capable and energetic because of the forehead protector.

But seeing this girl, Lin Lan felt her heart tremble, she looked very familiar.

At this moment, everything around him began to become illusive and hazy.

The sky, the ocean, the beach beneath his feet, and the figure of the girl in front of him all began to disintegrate and dissipate rapidly.

He wanted to reach out and grab the girl in front of him, but he couldn't move. He could only watch as the girl's body gradually disappeared into nothingness along with everything around her.

"Teacher, although I know that you still have many responsibilities on your shoulders, you cannot answer my willful question.

"But it doesn't matter, I will always be by your side, waiting for the day when you answer this question yourself.

"Now, I made an agreement with the teacher. When I... end... the relationship between the Ocean Federation and the Forward Front...

"When that time comes... get married..."

The girl's extremely gentle voice became intermittent, and Lin Lan was unable to hear what she wanted to say to him in the end.

And when he opened his eyes again, he found himself lying on his bed in the royal camp palace in the port area.

The sleeping Queen Elizabeth was nestled tightly in his arms.

Even though Her Majesty the Queen is asleep, she still has a sweet and happy smile on her face, and she is still mumbling some vague words.

It's like having a sweet dream.

Lin Lan gently touched the back of the person in his arms, causing Elizabeth to make a pleasant sound.

He looked out the window. The sky was getting bright at this time, probably around six or seven in the morning.

But to his surprise, white snowflakes were falling outside the window.

Lin Lan was stunned for a moment, but soon realized that the seasonal changes in the area where his port area was located were different from Liaozhou.

Like the United States of Orange, here there are four distinct seasons throughout the year, and Minato City, which has just celebrated the Spring Festival, should be experiencing the late spring cold.

Putting aside his surprise at the change of seasons, Lin Lan hugged Queen Elizabeth and thought about the strange dream he had just now.

The Ocean Federation and the Forward Front, as well as the girl calling him "teacher", all prove that the location in the dream is the original world destroyed by X.

It seems that he has dreamed about the memory of the original world again.

It had been a while since he had dreamed about the memory of the original world, so it took him a while to realize it.

And the identity of the white-haired girl who accompanied him to watch the stars at the beach in the original world...

"Could she be Good Richard?"

Lin Lan quickly determined who the girl was based on the spokesperson and celebrity the other party mentioned to him, as well as the appearance of wearing a forehead protector.

But after confirming that the gentle girl in the dream was Richard, Lin Lan felt a sense of uneasiness and worry in her heart.

How could he inexplicably dream about this crazy girl?

This is never a good sign.

The good guy Richard who appears in the game plot, whether in terms of appearance, clothing, or mental state, is obviously very different from the state in his dream just now.

The girl wearing a torn black and red short shirt, with scarlet eyes and completely eroded by X, always made violent comments about metamorphizing all the shipgirls every time she appeared.

Although he remembered that it was described in the game plot, he, Dr. Anjie and Dr. Aosta in the original world had mental locks on the Rubik's Cubes of all the ship girls.

The good guy Richard tried several times to transform his shipgirl into a mata in the game plot, but they all went bankrupt because of the existence of this mind lock.

But no matter what, all of this happens in the game plot.

Now, he doesn't want the ship girls to have any contact with that crazy girl.

Especially when he was on the phone with the corporate meta in Huanyang City, the other party also reminded him that he must be careful about the good guy Richard.

For Ember Leader to remind him so carefully is enough to prove how difficult Good Richard is.

Just as Lin Lan was thinking about whether he had a dream about good Richard, it was necessary to go to Xinghai Base for a full physical examination.

But he suddenly discovered that there were some traces of moisture on his pillow.

"I...really cried just now?"

Only then did Lin Lan realize that there was a moist feeling on his face, which was obviously caused by tears just now.

"This crazy girl... seems to have met me in the original world, and her personality is not that crazy.

"Why did she become the original meta?"

Lin Lan recalled all the details that happened in the dream.

Especially the shy and cute look of the good Richard in front of him made him feel confused.

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