"It seems that something important must have happened in the original world, which led to the metamorphosis of Good Richard."

Lin Lan finally made such a judgment in his heart.

He couldn't feel any threat or meta aura from the good man Richard with blue eyes in the dream.

On the contrary, as soon as he recalled the bright smile of the good man Richard accompanying him, regret and self-blame surged uncontrollably in his heart.

Especially when he thought about Richard in his dream disappearing before his eyes, he felt that his heart was about to break.

During the large-scale battle in the game, he collected the original world files and paid little attention to them.

But he still remembered that part of the original world files were titled "Richard Incident".

It is very possible that these files named [Richard Incident] record what happened to this crazy girl.

Lin Lan planned to wait until Queen Elizabeth woke up, get the mobile terminal, and ask TB to help check the port database.

Since these original world files were collected by him in the game, he should be able to check them in his port database.

Thinking of this, he hugged Her Majesty the Queen's delicate body tightly, took a long breath, closed his eyes again and prepared to take a nap.

But the next second, he heard light footsteps coming from outside the room.

"Master, Your Majesty, breakfast is ready, it's time to get up."

Belfast's elegant voice sounded from outside the door, and the back door was pushed open, and the head maid walked into the house with Dido.

"Good morning, Befa, Dido."

Lin Lan had already woken up, so he sat up and greeted the two royal maids.

But it was obvious that Her Majesty the Queen did not want to get up early after having an in-depth discussion with him last night.

"Ah~ I want to sleep for a while... You should take your servants to have breakfast first, and call me later."

The blond loli queen turned over on the bed, wrapped herself tightly in the quilt, and made a cute lazy sound.

Just like a child staying in bed.

In response, Belfast originally sighed and planned to lean over and pull Her Majesty out of bed.

But Lin Lan stopped Belfast with a doting smile and shook her head at the head maid.

After all, Her Majesty the Queen did discuss it with him until midnight last night, so let Her Majesty the Queen sleep in for once.

Belfast, who read his mind, finally gave up on trying to forcefully wake Queen Elizabeth.

If it were anyone else, she would definitely not be able to interfere with the strict requirements that the perfect maid has for Her Majesty.

But Lin Lan was their master, so of course Belfast was obedient to Lin Lan's small request.

Lin Lan then washed up and put on Zan Xin's clean commander uniform with the help of two royal maids.

Afterwards, he got the mobile terminal and left Her Majesty's room with the two maids.

"Master, Her Majesty the Queen's daily schedule has been planned long ago. You can't always pamper her like this."

As soon as he walked out of the door, Belfast smiled and said to Lin Lan with a somewhat helpless tone.

Lin Lan certainly knows this. After all, Her Majesty the Queen is the flagship of the royal camp. Many matters of the royal camp need to be personally taken care of by the queen as a member of the royal family.

"I understand, I won't do it again."

Lin Lan replied to Belfast with a smile. At the same time, he thought about it and added jokingly:

"But I remember that Ying Ying always wants to seize power and usurp the throne. Is it okay to give Her Majesty the Queen a break occasionally?"

The two-horse-tailed white-haired loli battleship girl who communicated with him before was heroic. Like Elizabeth and Warspite, she was an Elizabeth-class royal member.

Ying Ying coveted the status of queen and always wanted to see Elizabeth suffer in her place.

This obsession can be seen through the change of costume of the heroic Majesty the Queen who won the chess bet and "successfully usurped the throne" in the game.

Lin Lan felt that since Ying Ying wanted to seize power so much, it would be better to let Her Majesty the Queen share some of the affairs with Ying Ying, so that she would not have to worry so much.

However, upon hearing his words, Belfast and Dido sighed heavily at the same time.

"Master, you don't think Her Majesty the Queen hasn't tried this before, do you?"

Belfast led Lin Lan towards the restaurant along the spacious and tidy palace corridor, which was decorated with various artworks and portraits.

On the way, Belfast told Lin Lan about the "royal scandal" in the port area that had happened before:

“Although Lord Valiant is indeed capable of doing her job, she always raises objections to Her Majesty the Queen’s decrees and vetoes them in all aspects.

"This makes many daily tasks that were originally planned, once she changes them, they will have a chain reaction that is completely different from before, making it difficult to end."

Seeing that Lin Lan seemed a little unbelievable, Belfast gave him the simplest example:

“It’s just like the joint exercises we held with the Iron-Blooded Camp before.

"Master should understand that our Royal camp has always relied on aviation power to steadily suppress the Iron-Blooded camp. In terms of artillery battles, the Iron-Blooded camp is on par with us in terms of combat effectiveness.

"But Lord Valiant ignored Lord Warwear's obstruction, failed to withstand Eugen's provocation, and took over the exercise mode of using artillery warfare throughout.

"The results can be imagined. The Iron Blood Fleet had carefully planned that exercise, and the Royal Fleet also achieved a rare defeat."

Lin Languang could already imagine how Prince Eugen successfully provoked and bravely fell into the trap just by listening to Belfast's story.

After all, bravery is a battleship lolita. Just emphasizing this point will not worry about bravery and not being fooled.

The example given by Belfast also allowed Lin Lan to easily distinguish the character differences between Ying Ying and Elizabeth.

Although they are equally arrogant biological sisters, Elizabeth obviously will not let her personal emotions affect the face of the royal camp.

It can be said that even though Her Majesty the Queen may be willful at times, she will never be easily deceived by low-level tactics such as provocation.

If Elizabeth had faced Prince Eugen's aggressive tactics during that exercise, she would have been furious, but she would have replied with a sneer:

"You have such a strong temper and strong aviation power, Guanghui. In this exercise, your aviation formation will use Eugen to hammer me to death."

After all, Valiant is still not as sophisticated as Queen Elizabeth when it comes to handling these camp affairs.

Coupled with the fact that Toutou Yingying has some personal prejudice against Elizabeth, this leads Yingying to always want to do some deeds to prove that she can surpass Elizabeth, but instead she stumbles.

Lin Lan, who wanted to understand all this, smiled and shook his head.

It seems that Valiant still has a long way to go before he can replace Elizabeth as queen.

At this time, he also followed Belfast and Dido to the corner of the corridor and entered the luxurious and magnificent main hall of the Royal Palace.

And at a glance, he saw three royal maids from the maid team holding mops, rags and buckets, seemingly preparing to clean the main hall of the palace.

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