Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 934 Preparing for future daily work

"So Neptune, you don't have any other maid team tasks today?"

Lin Lan said goodbye to Belfast and Dido, and left the restaurant with Hood and others, only to find that Neptune had also joined their team.

He asked in surprise as he looked at the smiling blue-haired royal girl in maid uniform following them.

"Sir Commander, as a scientific research ship, Cheshire and I are not official members of the Maid Corps, so Miss Befa will not specifically arrange our tasks in the Maid Corps schedule."

After Neptune finished speaking, Cheshire, who hugged his arm tightly, also smiled at him and said:

"That's right, that's right~ We all work as maids voluntarily. Now that my dear is back in the port area, of course we have to accompany you well~"

"And with their help, Commander's main schedule today can be completed as quickly as possible."

Edinburgh finally said to Lin Lan with a smile.

The bespectacled maid girl was holding the notepad Befa gave her in her hand, looking like his secretary.

While everyone was chatting, they also walked out of the royal palace from the main entrance and came to the garden outside the palace.

The sky has just brightened, and in the distant sky you can still see the golden morning light that has not yet dissipated through the cracks in the snow clouds.

The light snow on the ground had melted, which did not bring too much chill to Lin Lan. Instead, it made him feel extremely refreshing.

Facing the earthy morning breeze, everyone walked on the tiled path in the royal garden.

Perhaps it was still early, so there were no other royal ship girls in the huge garden.

Lin Lan asked Hood while admiring the exquisitely constructed shrubs and flower fields around him:

"Where is the Royal Knights' sparring exercise? Do we need to take a car to go there?"

"Of course not. Her Majesty the Queen's palace is not far from the royal camp's attack port. We can get there in ten minutes' walk."

After Hu De answered Lin Lan gently, he turned to Edinburgh and said:

"The Knights probably don't know that Her Majesty the Queen will be absent today. Edinburgh, please inform them."

"Okay, okay, Ms. Hood."

Lin Lan smiled helplessly when he heard Edinburgh's somewhat hurried reply while he was reading the noteboard in his hand.

He originally wanted to ask Edinburgh what other schedules he had for today.

But in order to prevent this reckless maid girl from making any mistakes while busy, he had better wait until Edinburgh sorted out the matters at hand before asking.

However, Hood, who was walking side by side with him, seemed to understand what he was thinking and smiled at him and said:

“Commander, if I remember correctly, Her Majesty the Queen’s schedule today originally included a meeting with the flagship of the Iron-Blooded camp.

"If you are interested, the commander can come with me to meet with Bismarck and Frederick as a representative of our royal camp."

Lin Lan couldn't help but be stunned by the itinerary mentioned by Hood.

He wants to meet Bismarck and Frederick as a representative of the royal camp?

Although he didn't care, wasn't Hood afraid that he would be abducted by the Iron-Blooded Ship girls?

"Commander, the theme of the flagship meeting is to discuss the organization of social activities between camps.

"Actually, you need to give final approval to the social activities between the camps. Participating in the meeting in person this time will definitely help the commander to familiarize himself with daily work."

After listening to Hood's patient explanation, Lin Lan understood why Hood suggested that he attend this flagship meeting between the Royal and Iron-Blooded camps.

The preparations for activities organized spontaneously by his ship girls will eventually be compiled into documents and sent to him, and he will decide whether to agree to hold them.

As a commander, he can't always sit in the office and approve documents.

The significance, purpose and consumption of resources and manpower of these activities are all things that the commander needs to consider.

After thinking about this, Lin Lan readily agreed to attend the meeting.

Of course, in addition to what Hood said, Lin Lan also considered other aspects.

At present, only the ship girls from the four camps of White Eagle, Chongsakura, Royal and Iron-Blooded have returned to his port area, which is still okay.

When the ship girls from Donghuang, Northern United, Sardinian Empire and Iris Theocracy all return to the port area in the future, there will definitely be no shortage of social activities of various sizes between the various camps.

If he doesn't take the time now to familiarize himself with the commander's work essentials, he will have a headache by then.

After all, he is a real commander now, instead of just doing daily tasks in Blue Star through the screen.

Seeing that Lin Lan agreed to participate in the talks, Hu De showed a happy smile on his face.

Compared with the commander who once let the secretary ship make the decision on everything, Lin Lan now has an extremely solid sense of reality in her heart.

While Lin Lan was listening to Hu De's introduction to the meeting, they had already walked out of the palace garden and arrived at the roadside.

The architectural style is different from the modern area where the White Eagle Ship girls live.

The buildings along the streets of the Royal Camp are mainly chic European-style small Western-style buildings.

Neat green belts and blooming flower fields can be seen everywhere, occupying most of the streets.

Looking around, Lin Lan felt as if he had arrived in a quiet and peaceful European town with beautiful scenery.

And he also smelled the faint salty smell of the ocean, which meant that his place was not far from the sea.

Think about it too.

After all, shipgirls love the sea and will definitely not build their daily residential areas inland far away from the ocean.

"Commander, the Knight Commander said that all members of the Royal Knights are already at the training site and are ready to be observed by the Commander."

Edinburgh suddenly spoke at this time and conveyed the situation on George's side to Lin Lan.

Hearing Edinburgh say the title Knight Commander, Lin Lan's mind couldn't help but flash back to the figure of the blond knight who blocked the "plunder" of the great pirate Drake last night.

In his impression, compared to Queen Elizabeth, the temperament displayed by the Royal Knight Commander was more like the leader of the royal camp.

Mature, stable, helpful, and behave as if he was born to be a perfect leader.

Originally, Lin Lan thought that George's character was a little too exaggerated.

But it wasn't until yesterday at the banquet, when he had a brief chat with George who greeted him, that he intuitively felt the magnanimous and bold spirit of the Royal Knight Commander.

It can be said that in front of such a dazzling George V, anyone who does not know the truth will regard her as the true flagship of the royal camp.

Of course, Lin Lan also knew that this temperament unintentionally released by George had once caused George a lot of trouble.

After all, even Queen Elizabeth doesn't care.

But if outsiders feel that the royal camp has another leader, it will definitely not be a good thing.

It's just that George's worries have been resolved by him and Hood in the personal plot in the game.

As for how to resolve it...

Lin Lan smiled and said to Edinburgh who was waiting for his answer:

"I understand, Edinburgh, tell George that we will be there soon."

After speaking to Edinburgh, he thought for a while, and suddenly a mysterious smile appeared on his face.

He stopped, touched Cheshire's head, turned around and smiled at several royal ship ladies who were traveling with him:

"To save time, I'd better take you to fly over from the air."

"Fly...over there?"

When Hood, Cheshire and others heard what he said, they all looked at him in confusion, not understanding why he suddenly said such strange words.

But they soon realized that Lin Lan was literally taking them to the meeting point of the Royal Knights.

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