"The royal knights, commander and accompanying companions will be here soon!"

Outside the pier of the royal camp, on the blue ocean illuminated by the morning sun, there were more than ten ship girls standing neatly, fully armed and with their ship uniforms spread out.

The waves crashing under their feet and the sea breeze blowing wantonly could not shake their bodies in the slightest.

The air was filled with a chilling aura that even an entire heavily armored army formation could not condense into.

This is the Royal Knights that the royal camp is most proud of.

At this time, the Knight Commander of the Royal Knights, King George V, whose long golden hair was fluttering in the sea breeze, was loudly preaching to the companions in front of her.

"This competition exercise is the first exercise that the Commander has personally participated in since returning to the port area. The Royal Knights must not disappoint the Commander's expectations!

“Of course, the final winner of the exercise will be personally commended by the commander.

"This is also the best time to make a personal request to the commander personally...York, don't giggle. This honor needs to be earned through strength. I will supervise you."

George scanned the knights in front of her with her eyes.

But she soon noticed that some of the royal knights showed evil smiles with evil intentions, so she warned them without mercy.

"Hehehe~ Yu is your biological sister, so you shouldn't warn Yu in front of so many companions.

"But if the time of this exercise is changed to a beautiful night, maybe Yu will have a better chance of winning."

The pink-haired battleship girl named by the Knight Commander had a coquettish smile on her delicate and alluring face.

Although she said this, she obviously didn't care at all about being called out by her sister in public.

Wearing black stockings and red clothes, holding a black-edged rapier, with vampire-like pointy ears on both sides of her forehead, this Royal Ship Lady, who coexists with elegance and charm, is the King George V-class battleship No. 3——

Duke of York.

But the Duke of York felt the serious gaze from George, and finally said with a smirk:

"Don't worry~ I won't seduce the commander on such a serious occasion related to chivalry."

After hearing the Duke of York's assurance, George smiled with satisfaction.

It is a well-known fact in Minato that the Duke of York likes to seduce commanders just like the big foxes of Chong Sakura.

On weekdays, if her sister did something behind her back, she could pretend she didn't see it if she didn't bump into her face to face.

But this exercise was the first exercise in the port area that the commander actually participated in personally.

This is a great honor for the Royal Knights, and it is also related to the impression of the Royal Camp in the eyes of the commander.

Therefore, King George V did not want anything to go wrong in this exchange exercise.

However, while waiting for the arrival of Lin Lan and Hood, George felt a little uneasy.

If it were her normal self, she would not have any psychological burden no matter who gained the title of Champion Knight.

But this time is different.

She wants to win.

Even though she knew that there would be many opportunities to be alone with the Commander in the future, she still wanted to receive the Commander's personal praise.

And George believed that all the royal knights were like this.

This can be seen just from the fighting spirit almost overflowing from the eyes of every royal knight.

The uneasiness in her heart came from her lack of confidence in whether she could win the championship.

Although she is a knight captain, she cannot guarantee that she will definitely win the championship among the Royal Knights.

Not to mention the Royal Navy legend War Tired, who looked serious at this time, with both hands on the hilt of his sword, and the vanguard who was rarely silent.

Her three younger sisters alone: ​​the Prince of Wales, the Duke of York, and Howe, are as powerful as her when it comes to serious matters.

And the golden-haired classical knight with a series of titles such as "Royal God of War" and "29-section Nelson", who is holding a scabbard and closing his eyes to rest, will definitely show his full strength in this exercise.

Even the timid blond knight in white, Royal Oak, rarely hid behind his sister's revenge. Instead, he clenched the scabbard of his sword tremblingly.

It can be imagined that it is not easy to win the championship in this competition exercise.

But what concerned George V the most was the indifferent knight standing at the end of the queue, standing with the three light patrol knights Southampton, War Goddess and Quejie.

He held down his long ocher hair with a black military cap, wore a black military coat that was incompatible with the style of the royal camp, and held a sharp sword decorated like a cane.

This knight is like her opposite, a lonely monarch who has the power to look down on the world.

And this battleship lady is the monarch.

The first-phase scientific research battleships of the royal camp were brought to earth by their commander from the abandoned plan of the George V class.

Prior to this, the monarch had never participated in any sparring exercise of the Knights.

But George knew that this was not because the monarch was unwilling to discuss with them.

On the contrary, as a scientific research ship, the strength of the Monarch is too exaggerated, so that it cannot easily use the power of the ship's equipment to take action.

During the battle with the Siren, this monarch, who was in a sense her sister, would cause extremely horrific damage with every shelling.

Unless there is no use of ship equipment and pure swordsmanship.

Otherwise, even she would be unable to withstand the Sovereign's main gun attack.

But since the monarch came to the exercise site, it was absolutely impossible to just be an audience.

Among all the knights present, the monarch's desire to win is undoubtedly the strongest.

George took a rare deep breath to calm down, and tightly held the hilt of the sword in her hand.

No matter how difficult it is to win the championship in this competition exercise, she will try her best.

But just as she turned around, she and all the members of the Royal Knights looked towards the shore of the pier.

Southampton, a lively light cruiser girl wearing a ceremonial little red riding hood and short golden hair, suddenly raised her head and looked at the sky in confusion.

"Eh? Eh?! Everyone, look at the sky. Commander and Ms. Hood are flying over from the sky!"

After a brief moment of astonishment, Southampton shouted excitedly and raised his hand to point upward.

And when everyone looked up, they saw a butterfly with fluttering white-gold wings flying towards them from the sea.

As ship girls with excellent eyesight, they quickly saw Lin Lan, Hood and others standing on the back of the butterfly.

As if aware of their surprised looks, Lin Lan even smiled and waved to them on the back of the butterfly.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect the commander to appear in this way. Is this the power of the brave that Shige Sakura's allies say?"

George V looked at Lin Lan and others who were getting closer and closer to them on the Elemental Butterfly. He quickly understood what kind of vehicle this was and showed a bright smile.

And now that their commander has arrived, the exercise will officially begin.

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