There were very few entities in the monument area, and after Li Xun walked into the fog, he only encountered a few aimlessly wandering skin thieves, and he was in a state of non-hostility.

He would not take the initiative to provoke, and those skin thieves, when they were a certain distance away from Li Xun, showed a somewhat disgusted look and quickly moved away.

I think it's the role of lightning in the bottle.

After this period of experience, Li Xun also discovered that the role of lightning in the bottle to disperse the entity was not as good as imagined.

It only has a noticeable dispersive effect on less hostile entities, and as long as the hostility is strong enough, the attack will strike.

Along the way, Li Patrol did not encounter special entity mourners, and soon came to the cemetery area.

He walked cautiously on the three-meter-wide sidewalk, which was lined with irregular lawns scattered with tombstones.

In the cemetery area, only the sidewalks are relatively safe.

On the lawn on the side, as long as people stay on the lawn for more than 5 minutes, they will immediately begin to sink until they are completely engulfed by the lawn!

Randomly distributed tombstones, the moment they are touched, will teleport the person they touch to a very dangerous level.

However, perhaps because of the lightning in the bottle, Li Xun walked in the cemetery area for a while, and although he encountered some entities, he did not attack him.

He saw a lot of death moths, nesting in some branches on the lawn, and if it weren't for the fact that there would be very little moth frost there, he couldn't help but dig out the nest.

He also saw some almond water bottles on the lawn, quickly ran up to get them back, and when he opened them, he found that they contained dark red gelatin liquid.

It's liquid pain.

This item is used well, it is definitely a super chemical weapon.

Li Xun continued to move along the sidewalk, always paying attention to the movements around him, hoping to find the trace of the fear centipede as soon as possible, and managed to stuff the note and go back to complete the express delivery.

A knocking sound came from the lawn.

Li Xun turned his head and saw that it was coming from inside the coffin on the lawn.

He didn't bother to look at it, because he knew that it was a limb plexus, similar to the limb mass in the W chamber group.

After walking for some distance, there were more coffins on the lawns on both sides, and more and more coffins were heard from knocking, clapping,

crackling... Some limbs have even stretched their arms out of the coffin, waving their hands constantly, and are still trying to make some kind of sign language movement, in order to lure Li Patrol over.

Li Xun ignored it and quickened his pace, wanting to pass through here quickly.

Perhaps it was Li Xun's long-term neglect that angered the limbs in the coffin, and they crawled out of the coffin one by one and began to chase Li Patrol in groups.

Seeing this, Li Xun did not dare to be rigid, so he ran away.

His wave of strange operations constantly lured out many entities in the entire cemetery, and they all joined the pursuit queue.

The water cannon kept shooting, and the fire and salt bombs were thrown out like money, just to delay the footsteps of some entities and buy time for their own escapes.

He looked around nervously, looking for a place to hide.

Finally, he found a one-story building, immediately turned around, and rushed towards it.

After approaching the building, he did not hesitate and rushed directly in.

Upon entering, I found that the lobby had no suitable hiding place except for a front desk and several offices.

Looking back at the group of entities that was about to chase, he was anxious!

Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of a corridor on the side, and there was an elevator on the side.

This one-story building actually has an elevator, and where it leads to is self-explanatory.

He quickly walked to the elevator and pressed the button.


The elevator quickly reached the first floor, and the moment the door opened, he flashed in.

Looking at the floor button inside the elevator, there was only one "1" and "-1" option, and he chose "-1" without hesitation.

When the elevator door was about to close, he could already hear that a large number of entities had poured into the hall, and the overwhelming roar of entities kept approaching the elevator.

Fortunately, before the entity chased the elevator, the elevator door closed and began to descend.

When the elevator door opened again, Li Xun felt a cold constantly invading his body, and a strong smell of formalin came to his nose.

He frowned slightly, hesitated, and finally walked out of the elevator.

Compared to facing the group of entities above, he believes that the probability of survival at this level should be greater.

The dark gray walls are slightly oppressive, and the fluorescent lights that flicker from time to time add a gloomy atmosphere, and there is a thick dead air everywhere.

He recognized this place, the third area of the cemetery - the underground morgue!

Li Xun felt an inexplicable fear and was desperately drilling into his bones.

To ease this weird feeling, he tries to think about something and distract him a little.

The first is this commission, which revealed certain things from some words of the fifth layer beast.

His powerful existence would be limited to Level 5, unable to leave freely, and deprived of spatial abilities.

But from the fact that he can sacrifice the walker and open the spatial door to the F chamber group, it shows that his spatial ability is not completely deprived, it is likely that his spatial ability across the chamber group is deprived!

Thinking about it this way, the beasts of the fifth layer were previously able to shuttle through various chamber groups at will.

Combined with this, the Blue Knight once said that the Crimson Rover, Red Knight, and Crimson Wanderer are the same entity, and his existence is unique.

Then, it can be boldly speculated that the beast of the fifth layer is also the only entity existence in the chamber group!

He will be grounded at level 5 and deprived of the ability to span chamber spaces, and must have touched on something more taboo, limited by a being more powerful than Him.

This time, His mandate was to retrieve the fear centipede.

The fear centipede of the W chamber group appeared in level 180 of the F chamber group.

Could it be that it also has the ability to shuttle between chamber groups?

But M.E.G.'s data never records this, much less its spatial capability.

The beast of the fifth layer, this time wants to retrieve the fear centipede, I am afraid it has a great relationship with the cross-chamber group space ability!

When Li Patrol thought of this, he suddenly felt that the situation in the back room was becoming more and more complicated.

Just like this cemetery, it is full of fog!

He always felt that something very big was going to happen in the back room recently!

He decided that after this delivery, he must apply to the courier station for a leave of absence.

In addition to adjusting and relaxing, it is also necessary to do a comprehensive combing of some recent things.

A faint sound of electricity came from the backpack, interrupting Li Xun's train of thought.

Lightning in the bottle warns that there are physical haunts nearby!

Li Xun raised the water gun and walked forward cautiously.

He found two corpses lying in the corridor ahead!

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