After Li Xun approached the corpse, he found that it was already mutilated, and most places had been gnawed by something.

Through the uniforms on their bodies, it was confirmed that they were M.E.G. personnel.

As for why he died here, it is likely that some kind of accident occurred while exploring this level.

Li Patrol became more cautious, M.E.G.'s exploration personnel, the equipment must not be too bad, and the personnel will not be just two.

But still died on this layer, must have encountered a powerful entity, or other strange things!

For example, fear centipedes!

Suddenly, whispered sobs came from a morgue with a half-hidden door.

Li Xun's body shook fiercely, and cold sweat broke out instantly!

He is afraid of certain entities, because he has insufficient firepower and cannot fight.

But this cold sobbing came into the ears, it was a psychological inexplicable fear, and it had nothing to do with the strength of the firepower.

"Generous gift crab!"

Li Xun used foul language to ease his fear.

What can be stored in the morgue, dead bodies!

How can there still be people staying inside!

The point is that this is a dangerous level, and there are two mutilated corpses lying in the corridor, how can a woman appear here!

I don't know if it was an illusion, he felt a gloomy cold breath wafting from that morgue, like a maggot with bones, clinging to the skin, penetrating into it little by little, cold to the heart!

Li Xun wrapped his hands around his arms and rubbed them vigorously to relieve the bone-piercing cold.

He gripped the water gun again and walked slowly towards the morgue.

Look through the glass on the door, look inside.

He saw a woman dressed in white, crouching against the morgue, her hands covered in her knees, her body shaking.

The cold sobs came from its mouth.

Li Xun felt that his hair stood on end, and his spine was cold!

He is not afraid of entities, after all, he can be physically rigid.

But this strange thing, he was afraid of from the bottom of his heart.

Li Xun didn't plan to go in to find out, he already felt that his legs were a little soft, and his throat and eyes were dry.

He moved his steps and quietly left the door.

Tiptoeing into the distance, for fear of alarming the strange woman in the morgue.

At this time, there was another bleak song, coming from another morgue not far ahead.

Then, there were all kinds of sounds and movements, coming from the entire corridor, from various morgues!

Li Xun's scalp exploded in an instant, and his body had begun to swing uncontrollably, and he wanted to pull out his legs and run immediately, but he didn't listen to the call.

A door opened, and the woman in white who was sobbing just now slowly paced out from inside the door!

As if it were a signal, doors opened one after another, and strange figures appeared in the corridor.

Sobbs, sneaks, songs, screams, all kinds of sounds sounded.

In the blink of an eye, the entire corridor became ghostly!

Li Xun took out a bottle of almond water and frantically poured it into his mouth in an attempt to ease his fear.

But he forgot that almond water was on this floor, and it didn't help!

Extreme fear hit Li Xun's heart.

He really wanted to escape by passing out, but the key to escape calmed his mind and kept him awake.

He looked at the strange and terrifying figures, constantly walking towards him, and his body had shaken into a sieve!

Suddenly, Li Xun heard bursts of louder and louder electric noise, which continued to come out from inside the quilt backpack.

It's lightning in a bottle!

These strange things in front of you are not ghosts, they are entities!

"I'm Nima! Scared Lao Tzu to death! Whoops! All

of Li Xun's fears disappeared in an instant.

Reason returned to the brain, and quickly deduced that the group of finished calf goods in front of him were skin thieves!

There is not much fire salt left, but there is still a water gun!

He wants to turn these damn skin stealers into scorched roast suckling pigs!

"Sun thief! Enjoy the barbecue! "

Li Patrol picked up the water gun and shot it towards the approaching skin thief, wildly output!

All the previous sounds were replaced by howls.

The eerie underground morgue suddenly became lively.

With the swaying firelight and dancing figures, it has a feeling of bouncing in a nightclub.

Such a big movement led to more skin thieves!

Li Patrol retreated while fighting, and entered a morgue, with a water gun and a small amount of fire salt, guarding the door.

The two sides were at a stalemate for a while, but a steady stream of skin stealers were constantly consuming Li Xun's fire oil and fire salt.

If it goes on like this, he won't last long.

No one on both sides of the fierce battle noticed that a rumbling sound came from the ceiling.

That's when countless creatures run, it can be emitted.

Li Xun had a water gun in one hand and a fire salt bomb in the other.

As soon as they find that the skin stealers have gathered to a certain scale, they will immediately reward them with a fire salt bomb and scatter them.

For the skin stealers who rushed in, they directly greeted the water gun, and the flames that continued to ignite kept this morgue warm.

He was playing hard, and a gray shadow suddenly fell from the ceiling to the ground.


This fall was not light, and the gray shadow screamed in pain.

But the figure was agile, and he quickly rolled over and pounced on the one of the skin stealers closest to it.

It was so fast that it rushed straight to the skin-stealer's calf and bit his Achilles tendon.

In just a few strokes, it gnawed a large piece of his Achilles tendon, causing the skin stealer to stand unsteadily and fall to the ground.

The gray shadow saw the situation, jumped up, jumped on the neck of the skin thief, and bit into the throat.

Roar...... Not!

The skin thief roared in pain, but the moment he opened his mouth, the gray shadow took the opportunity to burrow into his mouth, a large bag bulged at his throat, and it was moving down rapidly.

It was the gray shadow that went down the esophagus of the skin thief and drilled into the stomach!

Li Xun's eyes widened, and he clearly saw that the gray shadow was a gray mouse the size of two slaps of an adult!

Gray hair, brown tail, red eyes, plus that crazy attack.

"Death rats!"

Li Xun recognized that entity, it was the entity of the F Chamber Group 25 - Death Rat!

"Dead rats generally move in groups, and if one appears..."

As if in response to Li Xun's words, a rumbling sound sounded above the ceiling above his head.


A rat cry sounded from the skin-stealer who had just fallen to the ground.

It turned out to be the dead rat just now, which bit through the stomach and belly of the skin thief, drilled out, and was shouting towards the ceiling.

As if to say: "Come on, come on, there are a lot of broilers here!" "


The ceiling fell, followed by countless gray rats, raining down to the ground.

"I'm Nima!"

Li Xun was shocked and slapped his body madly, and there were also many death rats that fell on his body.

Poof, poof!

Water gun fire oil continues to spew out, shooting at the densely packed dead rats around!

Li Xun relied on the water gun to secure for himself a safe area with a diameter of less than two meters.

But more dead rats popped out of corridors, rooms, pipes, and other places!

They attack all living creatures in sight, including skin stealers!

Although it can be regarded as the siege of skin stealers for Li Patrol, he himself is also among the recipes!

Li Xun reached into his pocket with his left hand, took out one of the few fire salt bombs again, and threw it forcefully at the rats between him and the door.


A violent explosion accompanied by flames cleared a large clearing there.

Li Patrol seized the opportunity, fired the water cannon, rushed madly, and approached the door.

Fortunately, there were a large number of skin thieves, attracting the vast majority of death rats, and he was able to burn a charred escape route.

Li Xun finally came to the door of the room, looked around, but saw that the corridor was full of dead rats and other skin stealers who came to support his companions.

He threw the storage tank, there was not much fire oil in it, and he couldn't support it to kill out of this corridor!

The skin stealers in the melee, tired of dealing with the death rats that kept pounced, did not have time to pay attention to Li Xun on the side.

But death rats kept coming at him!

There is less and less fire oil, and only a small box of fire salt remains.

If this continues, he will surely die!

Li Patrol put away the fire salt, held a gun in one hand, and repelled the death rats that rushed one by one.

The left hand reached into the backpack and took out a mechanical device about 25 centimeters long and shaped like a cuboid.

He looked at the device in his hand and thought back to how to use it.

Whether you can escape or not, it's up to you!

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