"Anti-Euclidean device!"

It can distort space and typically has a range of up to 50 meters.

That is, the surrounding environment, without being reduced, becomes quite close.

Li Xun looked at the device in his hand, and there was already a diamond he put in beforehand in the filler mouth, which was also the most effective fuel for starting the device.

After estimating the distance from the corridor, the two dials on the device were adjusted appropriately, representing the intensity and range of action.

After he debugged the device, he immediately pressed the blue button in the middle.

The surrounding space was distorted for a while, and Li Xun only took a few steps forward, and he actually appeared on the corridor thirty meters away!

There are only a few dead rats and skin thieves, and he easily solves the blockage and quickly escapes here.

Li Xun kept running in the underground morgue, and after solving a few dead rats that had been left alone, he came to a morgue and looked left and right, but did not find any suspicious entities.

He opened the door sharply, quickly dodged inside, and closed and locked it with his backhand.

There were several beds covered with white sheets in this morgue, but no bodies were parked.

Li Xun walked to a bed, sat cross-legged, took out cups and raw materials from his backpack, and began to brew Zhicha coffee.

After he gradually calmed down, he remembered that according to the data, there is a special spiritual hazard in the underground morgue of Level 180 - Mausoleum!

Being in this mental hazard environment for a long time will make people violently die or commit suicide, and there is a very small probability that it will turn into a tragic corpse in a short time!

And almond water, against this harm, has no resistance effect!

Thinking about it this way, his previous mental state was not entirely due to his own fear, but more likely affected by this special spiritual harm.

Yes, it must be!

After knowing that the tea coffee was brewed, Li Xun took the cup and took a slow sip, enjoying the taste of "living mouth".

I don't know when this kind of live maggot irrigation has become a kind of enjoyment?!

As he finished a cup of Zhicha coffee, Li Xun felt that his mental state had greatly improved.

"Could it be that this tea coffee has a special resistance to this mental hazard?"

He looked at the Zhicha Coffee that was still left at the bottom of the cup, thinking about the introduction of Zhicha in the information.

Perhaps, protection from mental hazards is one of the so-called supernatural abilities?

Good stuff, good stuff!

"I know! Insisting on drinking for a long time will definitely have unexpected effects!

"I just don't know when this ability to be protected from mental harm will be permanently possessed."

"In addition to this, what other supernatural abilities can be produced, I am really looking forward to it!"

Li Xun suddenly felt happy, and began to brew the second cup of Zhicha coffee again, he wanted to have superpowers to kill through the backroom of this dog day!

"Xiao Patrol, are you back?"

Li Xun, who was brewing coffee, his hand shook and he almost crushed the fire salt fragments.

He carefully put away the fire salt fragments, plucked his ears with his hands, and looked at the place where the voice came from.

That voice, he would never forget, but for many years, he had not heard it again.

"I haven't been home for a year, look at you, you've lost weight again!"

"Have you been too tired from work lately?"

"Did you not eat properly again?"

"How many times have I told you that when you are out alone, you must take care of yourself, eat well, drink well, sleep well!"

"You kid, you'll never listen."

"Xiao Xun, why don't you speak, do you think I'm nagging?"

"Hey, I also know that I'm too nagging and annoying sometimes."

"But, Mom... Just missed you.

Li Xun listened to the familiar voice and looked at the familiar face that gradually emerged from the darkness.

My heart ached terribly, and my eyes filled with tears.

His lips twitched, and he wanted to shout out "Mom!" "。

But I felt that my throat and eyes seemed to be blocked by something, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't make any sound.

He got out of bed, trembling slightly from excitement, and walked slowly there.

At a distance of about three meters, he stopped.

Li Xun looked at the kind face, and with all his strength, he finally called out the familiar and longing title:


He wanted to touch his mother's cheek again and give her another hug!

That day, the missed last side was his lifelong regret!

However, after all, he still did not embrace the "mother" in front of him.

Just drank Zhicha coffee, at this time, his mind was clear, and the illusion in front of him could not affect him much.

From the moment he heard the first sentence, he knew it was fake.

However, what about the fake, he didn't want to debunk it so quickly, he wanted to listen to it a little more, wanted to see it a little more!

"Xiao Xun, come over quickly, let my mother take a good look."

Li Xun was still unmoved, standing in place, just looking affectionately at the kind "mother" in front of him.

"You, quick, come here!"

Suddenly, the kind face of the "mother" became hideous!

The eyes glowed white, the corners of the originally smiling mouth became larger and larger, and the sharp fangs outlined a weird smile!

An extraordinarily long human arm stretched out from the darkness, and its hand was like a claw, grabbing Li Xun!

Li Xun had already prepared, his figure quickly retreated, and he raised the water gun and poofed.

The arm flashed flexibly, and then retracted into the darkness.

After a while, the sound of crackling came from the darkness, like countless limbs walking in it.

A monster with a female face, human arms, and centipede body emerges from the darkness.

"Fear centipede!"

Li Xun's pupils shrank slightly, and the first time he saw this monster, he recognized it.

"You know me? I feel His breath from you, it's nasty! The

fear centipede looked at Li Xun in disgust, and a strange female voice emanated from its human-like head.

"Beast of the fifth layer, he asked me to take you back."

Li Patrol looked at the fear centipede vigilantly, and a fire salt bomb was already pinched in his left hand, ready to blow it up at any time.

"He? A squid head who doesn't know how to pity Xiangxiang and cherish jade, I don't want to go back.

"But well, you can really want me to go back."

"Come, little patrol, let mom hug."

Speaking of the last sentence, the face of the fear centipede once again transformed into Li Xun's mother, and said this sentence in her mother's voice.

Li Xun was instantly furious, and the fire salt bomb in his left hand threw it vigorously.

And regardless of the outcome, turn around and run.

He now clearly realized that with his own strength, he could not deal with the fear centipede at all.

Not to mention, to stuff a note into its mouth.

It's just delusional!

This matter needs to be considered in the long term and outwitted.


The sound of explosions came from behind, and the scorching air wave pushed Li Xun faster.

He ran to the door and reached for the doorknob to open it, but he grabbed it.

Then, the whole person turned upside down, his body soared into the air, and he was pulled back by a huge force, and a strange female voice came from his ears:

"Cluck, you, can't run away!"

The fear centipede grabbed Li Xun's right leg with one hand, giggled, picked up his body, and smashed it towards the wall!


Li Xun was smashed heavily against the wall, and suddenly felt that his whole body and bones were about to fall apart, his head was buzzing, and his eyes were blurry.

If it weren't for drinking Zhicha coffee for a long time, which greatly strengthened his physique, he might have been completely crippled at this moment!

Suddenly, in the blurred vision, some strange scenes began to appear, and the weird whispers of the fear centipede came from the ears, and the facial features began to become particularly active.

Li Xun knew that this was the fear centipede beginning to inflict mental hallucinations on him.

After crippled the captured human being, it tortures it through mental illusions, which it likes to do the most!

When the victim is consumed by great anxiety and fear, it will not hesitate to dismember them!

Li Xun, knowing that the potency of tea and coffee was still there, supported his last trace of sanity, struggled to take out his mobile phone from his pocket, and opened the three-second video he had recorded earlier.

Then, he couldn't hold on any longer, the clarity in his eyes quickly dissipated, and a strange green color began to spread in front of his eyes!

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