The strong rancid and bloody smell scrambled to penetrate Li Xun's nostrils, forcing him to wake up from his coma.

Li Xun opened his eyes, his brows furrowed slightly, and his mind was in chaos.

After a few moments, he felt the slight tremor of the key to escape, and his mind became clear again, but he still couldn't get rid of the strange scene in front of him.

He was still wearing his gray tracksuit, but his backpack and other equipment and belongings were all gone.

"Am I in a fantasy?"

"But what is this place and why does it feel so real?"

"This is not in line with the introduction, I can hardly feel everything in the outside world!"

"No, there are some who can perceive it, this laughter, very familiar!"

Li Xun listened sideways, and a mocking screech laugh came from outside this space, it was the screaming laughter of the fear centipede!

He collected his mind and began to look at the space he was in.

This phantom space has an irregular shape as a whole, with an eerie gray-green color as its main color.

On the surrounding walls, there are scratches of varying degrees, as well as marks left after the blunt object collision.

He walked over and reached out to touch it, it felt very dry, and the touch was extremely real!

There are three channels within the space.

At the narrowest point of the entire space, a cylindrical passage stretches all the way to nowhere.

There are two slender corridors on both sides of the space, and the strong smell of rancid and blood comes from the other end of the corridor.

Li Xun tightened his clothes, and the temperature in the entire space was very low, a little cold.

"This illusion is really a little scary!"

A squeaking sound came from one side of the corridor, and he paced cautiously closer to it.

In the area near the corridor that connects the space to the space, some rusted, huge nylon blades are scattered.

Li Xun picked up a nylon blade that looked relatively intact and came to the entrance of the corridor.

Looking in, he was suddenly startled and took several steps back.

On the walls of the corridor, there are huge steel pipes and screws, inserted messily into it, sticky and smelly pus, constantly dripping from the heights.

An unknown creature resembling maggots and about the size of a human body is lying on the wall, suspected to be the position of the mouth, with a huge barb, and is eating the corridor wall.

Li Xun did not disturb it, and slowly retreated to the center of space.

"Is this monster an entity? In my memory, there is no information about it! "

That huge maggot, he doesn't know, he doesn't know the right way to deal with it, if it's hard, just with this big blade in his hand, he has no certainty.

Although this is a fantasy, there is no guarantee that dying here will not affect your real self.

Maybe brain death!

Li Xun looked at the cylindrical passage again, and if he wanted to explore the current situation, he might be able to start from there.

He carried the nylon blade and walked there.

Inside the cylindrical channel, something strange.

It feels like human skin, but it is broken by something, and subtle cracks are all over the wall of the tube, and pus slowly oozes out of it.

It was as if something huge had just passed, and the pipe had been abnormally stretched out, and now it was slowly retracting.

Li Patrol carefully followed the passage, and he saw the corpses of many huge maggots, smashed by something.

There must be something more dangerous ahead, and you shouldn't go any further!

Li Xun kept telling himself in his heart that he wanted to stop and return, but he couldn't help but keep moving forward.

It seems that the thing in front of you has a strong attraction to yourself, and you must catch up!

The weird space, inexplicable attraction, brings a greater sense of depression.

Li Xun quickly walked out of the cylindrical passage and came to a larger space.

Suddenly, a scarlet tentacle squeezed into his line of sight and strangled him.

Li Xun flexibly flashed sideways, and his hand rose and fell.


A tentacle broke in response, and fishy blood spilled on the ground.

The severe pain caused the scarlet tentacle to quickly retract, and blood splashed, and Li Xun was already on guard and easily dodged.

A painful hiss sounded, a maggot lying on the wall, gnawing at it, its body was splashed with blood, and it was instantly corroded into potholes!

Seeing this, Li Xun gasped.

If he hadn't dodged just now, the consequences would have been unimaginable!

Similar tentacles, which are not a few in this passage, are constantly waving slowly.

As long as there are prey close, I believe that they will definitely strike like just now, lightning and strangle the prey!

Li Xun frowned a little, but was not afraid, and walked forward firmly.

After drinking Zhicha coffee for a long time, he has become very strong, although he is a little weak to deal with a powerful entity like the fear centipede.

But there is still some confidence in dealing with these tentacles with limited mobility.

Li Patrol flexibly dodged tentacle attacks along the way, trying to avoid head-on confrontation, because this corrosive blood was too troublesome.

As he marched, he could hear the shrill laughter of fearful centipedes from the outside world, as well as strange, sounds similar to chewing and swallowing.

Along the way, Li Xun was thinking about one thing.

The fear centipede is to torture humans with illusions to obtain the anxiety and fear of the victim, and take pleasure in it.

But so far, he has not developed any anxiety and fear, but he can always hear the screaming laughter of the fear centipede, without a trace of anger.

Among them, there must be something weird!

After continuing to walk forward for a while, the scarlet tentacles disappeared, and a strong sense of familiarity came from a huge figure in front.

Li Xun fixed his eyes on a huge body resembling a baby, crawling forward slowly and with difficulty in the passage.

As if sensing Li Xun's appearance, the strange giant baby stopped crawling and turned its head to look at him.

His eyes were dark, without a trace of whites, and his mouth was slightly open, revealing a mouth full of sharp and sharp teeth.

This is by no means a human infant!

Li Xun had just flashed such a thought in his mind at this time, but he suddenly felt an extremely strong gravitational pull.

His body was pulled by this gravitational force and flew towards the strange giant baby at a rapid speed!

"What's going on!"

As Li Xun's body continued to get closer, the dark eyes of the strange giant baby were full of ridicule, and the corners of his mouth cracked, emitting the same screaming laughter as the fear centipede.

At this moment, a flash of understanding flashed in Li Xun's eyes, he probably knew what place this was, and what was the purpose of fearing the centipede.

The moment his body came into contact with the strange giant baby, the surrounding space rippled like water ripples.

His body was integrated into the body of the giant baby little by little, and he did not have any resistance during the whole process, and his expression was calm.

He is ready for the final mental torment of the fantasy realm!


In one bedroom, a loud cry sounded, and a pair of white arms were holding a newborn baby, and the umbilical cord had not yet been cut.

Li Xun opened his eyes as soon as he was born.

Pale yellow wallpaper plasters all over the room, and warm sunlight shines through the curtains, making the whole room look warm.

On the big bed covered with turquoise sheets lay a young woman, sweat soaking her clothes and her hair sticking into strands close to her cheeks.

Now she is looking lovingly at the baby in her hand, this is her child!


Even though Li Xun was mentally prepared, he still trembled in his heart when he saw his mother's familiar face.

But before he could take a few more looks, in the blink of an eye, the originally warm room was unrecognizable!

The room was dotted with cobwebs and dilapidated.

On a large bed covered with blood and minced flesh lay a woman.

Her two eyes disappeared, leaving only two blood holes, and countless maggots kept squirming inside.

Li Xun looked at his mother, who was gentle a moment ago, but now he turned into such a terrifying appearance, and his eyes were torn!

The maniacal mocking screete of the fear centipede came from all directions, it was so harsh!

Li Xun, who was afraid of ghosts, did not have any fear at this time, only endless fury!

He wanted to immediately go and snatch the fear centipede alive, but there was nothing he could do.

Now hopefully, the three-second video in the phone will summon that thing.

I don't know if Li Xun's luck has changed, he just thought about that thing in his heart, and suddenly heard the screaming laughter of the fear centipede stop abruptly.

After a while, I heard the voice of the fear centipede again.

This time, though, it was an angry roar!

The illusion was no longer maintained by the fear centipede, and it began to appear unstable.

Li Xun looked at the house in front of him, one moment it was a warm bedroom, the other was a terrifying haunted house.

Just as he waited for the illusion to completely dissipate, an indescribably powerful force squeezed into his mind.

Without waiting for him to react, he felt his consciousness being kicked out in an instant.

When Li Xun regained consciousness again, he found himself back in the morgue.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a fearful centipede with an angry face, a huge figure jumping high, his hands clenched into fists and raised high, smashing towards a gray-white angel statue!

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