Chapter 228 is being revised tonight.


The key master opened his eyes again, only to find... Almost nothing.

Everything was dark, and he could barely see what was in front of him.

As his gaze adjusted, he found himself in a gray forest covered in snow.

Despite his surroundings, he felt unusually warm.

The thick black cloak that wrapped around his body was of little use.

"Anyone?" The keymaster asked aloud as he ventured through the woods.

Eventually, he noticed that the sound of snow crunching under his footsteps seemed to increase, as if two people were walking instead of one.

However, when he looked around, he saw no one else.

The keymaster continued walking until he noticed that the shadow he cast on the snow seemed to change.

Its shape changed from his own silhouette to a hunchbacked, hooded figure, and then completely stopped following his movement.

The keymaster also stopped and stared at the distorted shadow in confusion.

He waved his arms and tilted his head, but the shadow remained motionless.

Suddenly, it exploded into the third dimension, taking on a solid physical form.

The bottom of the figure's cloak flowed like black flames, and as he began to slowly approach the Key Master, the snow around him melted into a hissing wisp of steam.

The key master took a few steps back, but found himself cornered into a corner, unable to avoid the man.

When he stopped in front of the keymaster, two purple rays of light flashed out from under the man's hood.

"Are you... The third messenger? The keymaster tried to stay calm, then asked slowly.

The man in the hood nodded. "I am. But you already know who I really am..." He lifted his face, revealing a burnt skeleton face.

The key master's eyes widened in shock and recognition. "

Augustus is dead, you fool! He said sharply, then gave a sly smile.

"So are the janitors. I'm not here to show the future of the janitor, but yours. You, someone who is going through all this. With that, the figure stretched out an arm and pointed somewhere deep in the forest.

As the keymaster stared in its direction, a gray light illuminated the area, revealing several mutilated, limping figures.

He saw many humanoid creatures dressed in blue robes, with black wings, and terrifying deformities.

This scene made the key master feel a little uneasy. "What's wrong with them?"

"They're fading." The figure replied simply. "The same fate may well befall you. The

keymaster shook his head in denial. "No, that's not true at all."

Icarus giggled. "How funny it is that even in the face of the truth, you choose ignorance. In this way, you will surely decay. "

You lie, Shadow," the keymaster replied.

"Is it? So far, your negligence has proven costly. How much more do you think you can bear? The

key master stood quietly, still refusing to believe the man's words.

The figure sighed. "I suspect you won't listen to pale explanations. It seems that the only way to convince you is to show you your ultimate destiny..."

With that, he put a black, skinny hand on the keymaster's shoulder, everything around him twisted.

This scene, he did not see from a detached point of view, but with his own eyes.


Another year, another Christmas.

As with almost everything that happened before, the keymaster did not celebrate.

Alone, in the secret chamber of the tower, he contemplated his existence.

He became more and more distant from humans and entities, almost completely isolated from the world, and he wanted nothing.

Not a single person understood him.

They didn't suffer as much as he did.

They are both ignorant and unsympathetic to his burden.

They do not deserve his presence or recognition.

The entire hub itself is almost empty.

Almost no one dared to go there for fear of incurring the wrath of the keymaster; Or worse, imprisoned by him.

His heart was completely closed.

But strangely, all of a sudden, he felt his cloak change.

On a visible level, nothing really changes; Its place on him is no different from usual.

But it didn't feel like a part of his life, but like a separate piece of clothing from him—a garment he happened to be wearing at the moment.

This confuses him because he usually feels like he has a lot of connection to it.

But in an instant, his attention left it—his mind had adapted to this new normal.

On the way to bed, he stopped to look at the hook on the wall, where he usually hangs the key ring every night.

Why did I never think about hanging up my cape before going to bed? He thought.

He thought how strange it was that every night of his entire life he slept in this thing every night.

At that moment, he immediately began to feel extremely uncomfortable.

He leaned against the table, trying to regain his composure, but he gripped it tightly to prevent himself from tipping over.

He felt... He felt... He felt... He felt... He felt that he was thinking harder than usual.

He felt like he was spinning in place.

Looking around his room, he felt like he had been misplaced – why had the space he had spent most of his life suddenly become so strange?

He tried to focus on a relief of himself carved on the wall opposite him.

He desperately tried to see clearly, but found that he couldn't see clearly at all.

It was vague, which made him incomprehensible.

He really couldn't understand it.

He can't.

His attention turned to a cloud of black liquid that had fallen to the ground.

He dipped a finger into the substance and analyzed it carefully.

It is a little sticky to the touch and has a rotten smell.

Even stranger, it creates a burning sensation.

When another drop of liquid dripped onto his hand, he realized it was dripping from his face, which deeply added to his concern.

He then tried to focus his attention on his hands.

His hand seemed to be losing its structural integrity, and its fingers soon could not maintain its appearance.

He felt pinprick-like pain as the flesh began to melt and fall off, revealing a pale hand bone, and then also began to turn black and disintegrate.

He... He couldn't... He... I don't understand what's going on.

His vision is further distorted to the point that he can only see with one eye.

Looking down at the growing black puddles around him, he saw his other eye staring at him before being swallowed by the liquid. He tried to scream in horror, but his mouth had melted.

His eyesight completely disappeared, and his mind dried up with their creation.

He felt the silver needles tugging at his brain, creating tiny tears and fragments, the entire fabric of the universe shining, spinning, far from his grasp and understanding, and his lungs filled with thick black tar that rose and fell as a result.

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