Occasionally bubbling, I'm still here. Chapter 229, I'm going to change it before tomorrow night.


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A voice screamed in horror.

The keymaster is awakened and his entire body is immediately in fight-or-flight mode.

He tried to jump out of bed, but his body was unsteady, causing his face to hit a stone wall and then fall back on the bed.

After lying there for a few minutes, the keyman first realized that the scream was his own, and secondly realized that if he died, he would not be able to do everything he had just done.

He blinked a few times and realized he was in his own living area.

He patted himself, realizing that he hadn't melted.

"So..... Those three men entered my dream, and then..." he muttered to himself.

Then there was a silence, and then he made a trembling voice "... Scold.

His chest widened, followed by another "huh."

Finally, he burst into a hearty laugh that he had never had before.

The key master felt that he was full of courage, because it was like he had just survived a life and death disaster.

"I'm alive!" He got up from the bed and shouted.

Then, he looked around the room and pondered.

This morning, the hub was much livelier than usual.

Wanderers gather to talk to each other and exchange supplies with each other.

Suddenly, the humans fell silent as they heard heavy footsteps approaching.

After so long, they could only associate that voice with a creature.

When he stopped in front of the crowd of gathered wanderers, the keymaster finally appeared.

The audience fell silent, and the key master scanned the crowd.

He couldn't remember the last time he was in front of so many people, and he almost felt a sense of anxiety begin to conquer him, but he overcame it and regained his calm.

"Tell me..... What day is it?" He asked softly.

Before a wanderer speaks, most people seem too scared to answer.

"Well, it's Christmas. "

Christmas?" The keymaster repeated.

Many in the crowd nodded in affirmation, and the keymaster bowed his head pensively, rubbing his hand over the cloak where it should have been his chin.

"I know you don't come to see me very often, and even if you do, I'm not at my best. So, I thank you for your patience with me..." Many

in the crowd seemed surprised to hear these words coming out of the mouth of the key master.

They are not used to seeing any sympathetic or vulnerable side in him.

What really shocked them, however, was what he said next.

"To those who celebrate, I just want to wish you ... The keymaster spoke, then froze.

He found it difficult to finish the sentence because he had never given any kind of good wishes before.

However, he managed to find the strength to continue.

"Merry Christmas!

Then there was silence, though no one could tell it, and the key master's face blushed fiercely.

Then, he turned and hurried away.

The crowd suddenly cheered and began to revel again.

The keymaster stopped, smiled briefly, and then continued to walk at a calmer pace.

It may not be much, but for now, it's a good enough start.

As he walked, the keymaster kept recalling his conversation with Jacob the day before.

The keymaster thought that maybe he was too strict with this young man.

After a short period of deliberation, he decided to finally release Jacob.

It was something he had never done before, but he gradually realized that there was a first time in everything.

The key master opens the crack to his prison and enters it.

"Hello, Jacob. I've considered our last interaction and realized that you have been treated unfairly..."

he said as he walked down the prison aisle, past many cells holding physical or human cells, and finally stopped in front of Jacob's cell.

"Therefore, I decided to finally give you freedom!

He said, then looked up and found that the cell was empty!

The key master stared blankly at the empty cell, his brain unable to process the strange things in front of him for a while.

When he finally came to his senses, his eyes widened in shock.

When was Jacob in the past?

How so?


All these questions and more lingered in the mind of the key master.

Although the current situation was shocking, he knew that now was not the time to worry, it could be later.

The keymaster walked into the central door to the 906th floor.

To thank Mrs. Blanche for her help last night, he opened the door with a key and walked inside.

When the keymaster came in, Blanche looked up from the book he was reading.

The title of the book is a language that the keymaster does not recognize.

"Key Master? Although there are some surprises, you are still welcome. Merry Christmas! The

keymaster approached her slowly.

"Hello, Blanche. I just wanted to thank you for helping me last night. You have opened my mind, even my heart.

"But: I

don't know what the keymaster said to Blanche, but Blanche changed from a smile to shock, and said loudly:


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