Li Xun felt that his eyelids were as heavy as a thousand pounds, and he couldn't lift a trace of strength in his body.

Opening his eyes with difficulty, he looked at his arm for the first time, and the white acne rash that had covered his arm was completely gone.

That maddeningly hungry pang has also disappeared.

With great effort, he forced himself to sit up, leaned against the head of the bed, and began to observe the room.

The overall style of this house resembles a medieval European castle, but it is extremely simple.

Bare dark gray rock walls without any decoration.

The furniture in the room was even simpler, just a bed under him and a table and two chairs not far away.

Li Xun suddenly smelled a strong aroma of coffee and looked at the table looking for the smell.

A small white mug is placed on the table, and it is from there that the aroma of coffee continues to waft.

He smelled the fragrance and felt that his physical strength was recovering little by little.

Knock, knock, knock.

There was a knock on the door.

Li Xun thought of something and wanted to speak, but found that he was unable to make any sound at all.

The people outside were very polite, and after three knocks on the door, no one answered, and waited another 3 seconds before pushing the door to enter.

Li Xun stared at the doorway, wanting to confirm whether the "person" was what he had in mind.

The "man" who enters the door wears a set of indigo armor and has a strong medieval knightly style.

He can walk like a normal person and feels very courteous.

"You wake up, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

"You are infected with 'reptiles' in the rock spring, but don't worry, I have helped you get rid of them."

A male voice came from the armor, calm and soft.

[It's the Blue Knight, I bet right! ] Reptiles? Maybe that's why there is no one in the rock body spring?

The blue knight didn't know what Li Xun was thinking in his heart, and continued to walk slowly towards him.

As he passed the table, he brought the coffee on the table.

"This is the coffee I brewed for you, Sara taught me before, you drank it, it helps your body recover."

The Blue Knight said, passing the coffee to Li Xun's lips and motioning for him to drink it.

Li Xun wanted to raise his hand to take it, but he couldn't lift it, and after trying hard a few times, he gave up.

Opening his mouth slightly to hold the rim of the cup, the blue knight thought, gently raised the cup, and let him take a sip first.

"Huh? Not!! As

soon as the coffee was ingested, Li Xun's eyes suddenly widened, feeling like countless live maggots squirming in his mouth!

He immediately wanted to open his mouth and spit it out, but he was covered by a hand covered in armor!

"Don't be afraid, Sara told me that coffee with blind powder will have a taste called 'live mouth' when you drink it, but don't worry, just feel, it's really coffee."

The words of the blue knight did not relieve Li Xun's horror and nausea much.

[God's special taste, I feel them crawling down my throat and esophagus into my stomach! ]

Li Xun was too weak, and his struggle, in the eyes of the Blue Knight, was as helpless as Party Ji when he faced Crimson.

As the coffee was completely swallowed, the feeling called "living mouth" finally subsided from Li Xun's body.

After Li Xun took a sip of coffee, he immediately felt that his physical strength was recovering rapidly.

After only a moment, he was able to raise his hand and take the mug in the blue knight's hand by the way.

Li Xun held the mug, looked at the coffee in the cup, gritted his teeth, and drank it all.


He lay on the side of the bed and vomited in pain, but couldn't spit out anything.

The blue knight sitting on the side patted him on the back very intimately.

"Feel better?"


After Li Xun retched, he sat down again and carefully looked at the blue knight in front of him.

He is kind and shelters everyone who comes to Level 28.

He blamed himself, because of his inexplicable fear, there were raging storms and lightning strikes, but he could not stop them at will.

He was lonely and longed for someone to communicate and chat with, but because he was an entity, few people dared to approach him.

He can leave this level at any time, and can go to level 4, level 6.1, or level 11 at will.

But he didn't do that, and he didn't know if the presence of an entity like his own would make people there unsafe.

Li Xun suddenly stretched out his arms and hugged the blue knight.

The armor is a little cold, but there is a kind and fiery heart underneath.

The moment Li Patrol hugged the Blue Knight, the storm outside suddenly stopped, and the endless lightning strikes disappeared.

"Thank you!"

The voice of the blue knight sounded again, simple two words, but containing incomparable sincerity.

"When your body recovers a little more, I will personally take you out."

"No hurry, I think you can show me around the Arashishi Fortress."


Regardless of interests, Li Xun simply wanted to accompany him.

To be honest, there is actually nothing to visit.

The minimalist rooms in the castle are uniformly furnished.

Outside the Arashi Fortress, the indigo sky remains unchanged for eternity, and unknown light sources eternally illuminate this level.

The Blue Knight was happy to introduce him to some of his collection.

Li Xun saw a room full of almond water, and he cheekily begged for a few bottles.

But he saw more of the various objects and electronic products that some wanderers did not use, and he didn't know what the Blue Knight collected these for.

In the corner of a room, he found a large wooden barrel containing white powder and asked curiously: "What is this?"

"It is blind to powder, knowing the main raw material of tea coffee."

"Sara and I said that drinking Zhicha coffee can not only restore and increase mental strength and physical fitness, but also make this increase accumulate permanently."

"It may even give drinkers 'supernatural' abilities."

"However, what kind of supernatural ability it is, Sara does not know, and there is no exact research data yet."

When Li Xun heard this, his eyes stared at the white powder in the barrel, and he once again cheekily begged the blue knight for something.

This may be the chance for him to become stronger!

"Live" taste?

I'm afraid it's a hammer, it's all protein!

After Li Xun took a lot of things, he also felt very careless.

For the rest of the time, I kept chatting with the Blue Knight.

At the same time, he entered the coordinates of this place into the key to escape.

Blue Knight loves to talk to people because he hasn't communicated with people for too long.

He told Li Xun a lot about the situation in the back room, and there was also a lot of time he spent with Sara.

Li Xun introduced a lot of Blue Star to the Blue Knight.

In particular, he explained some movies and novels to the Blue Knight, which aroused the great interest of the Blue Knight.

This brings the relationship between the two one step further.

When he learned that the mobile phone that the Blue Knight got from Sara was dead, he took out his charging treasure from his backpack and gave it to the Blue Knight.

When Li Xun felt that the time was ripe, he tentatively made a request to the Blue Knight:

"Can you go back to level 0 with me?"

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