level 0 somewhere.

"Gag-" Li

Xun asked the blue knight how to make Zhicha coffee, this was the first time he tried to make it, and then he smothered it in one gulp.

Although I was mentally prepared, I felt the feeling of live maggots filling my mouth again, and I couldn't help but gag.

The Blue Knight finally agreed to Li Xun's request and returned to Level 0 with him.

Why didn't Li Xun ask the Blue Knight to send him directly to Level 1?

It's because he has something to work out.

The Blue Knight looked curiously at this eerie yellow space, this was the first time in his memory that he had left the Arashi Fortress and reached other levels.

"Blue, can you take me directly into the Manila room?"

"No, my current ability can only reach the regular level and sub-level."

"Well, it seems that you can only use stupid methods."

Hearing Blue Knight's answer, Li Xun knew that his idea of taking a shortcut was shattered, and asked the next question instead:

"Lan, how is your force worth?"

"Crimson fought with me, and I didn't lose."

"Then it should be interesting next."

Li Xun looked at the floating red balloon dozens of meters away, and revealed a meaningful smile.


Half an hour later, level 0 is an area.

"You, come here!"

Li Xun hooked his finger at a partyguest very arrogantly, and stood in place, waiting for it to approach.

There was no blue knight beside him.

Suddenly, a howl sounded not far behind him.

Li Xun calmly turned around and looked at the hounds that rushed towards him.

His eyes were fierce, and he met the eyes of the running hound.

A magical scene appeared, and the hounds were still showing hideous and grinning teeth a second ago.

In the next second, after being glared at by Li Xun, he suddenly stopped, whimpered and reflexively fled!

"Weak chicken!"

Li Xun raised his eyebrows in disdain, turned back again, and looked at the partygoers who were still slowly approaching him.

He learns about the weakness of the hounds from the Blue Knight, which can be scared away by direct eye contact.

In half an hour, Li Xun provoked at least 3 dispatchers and 2 partygoers.

Moreover, he is deliberately luring them all together to form a siege on himself.

As long as the partygoer or dispatcher has a tendency to give up pursuit, he will not hesitate to throw a small grain of fire salt at him.

After the fire salt is broken, it will produce strong light and high temperature, which can cause some damage to the entities and continue to raise their hatred.

More than 50g of fire salt can cause an explosion similar to TNT, but it is not used for the time being.

Fire salt is also one of the Blue Knight's collections, and Li Xun also cheekily asked for some, which is called brewing coffee.

"Abominable human, you me off, just in time for our party, there was still some small cake missing. =)" The

partygoers who kept approaching Li Xun stared at him viciously, and his tone was full of irritation.

Li Xun did not answer, but arrogantly gestured at it.

A howl sounded from all directions, and numerous coarse-skinned factioners appeared with hunting dogs.

Dozens of red balloons floated behind it, and partygoers with bright yellow skin slowly followed.

Li Patrol did not panic at all, calmly retreated to the center of the clearing, waiting for them to complete the encirclement.

He returned with a vicious look at every hound that wanted to rush, frightening it away.

The faster-moving dispatcher and the hounds formed a siege on him first, but did not rush to move, but waited for the party guests who moved a little slower.

Li Xun looked at a circle of nearly a hundred entities, swallowed his spit, and suddenly felt that he seemed to have lost some of his play.

When all the slow-moving partygoers had arrived, a party traveler with many traces of fire in the physical group took a step forward.

Li Xun felt bad, he did not dare to delay any longer, and he was about to shout something when he opened his mouth.

Suddenly, a strange nursery rhyme entered his ears, and he only felt soft and in a trance.

That fender suddenly moved and sprinted towards him at a speed of 100 meters!

Between the electric light and flint, Li Patrol in a trance woke up suddenly, and it was the key to escape that played a role.


The dispatcher who rushed to the front, his arm stretched out, the end was covered with hooked teeth, and grabbed Li Patrol's arm!


The factioner who was about to succeed was slapped away by an indigo armor arm that suddenly appeared.

In front of Li Xun, a pitch-black spatial crack suddenly appeared, and the armored arm stretched out from it.

Immediately afterwards, the Blue Knight stepped out of it and stood beside Li Xun.

After the appearance of the Blue Knight, all the hounds crawled on the ground, their paws on their heads, and whimpered softly.

"You crossed the line, you have your duty, you shouldn't be here! =)"

A party guest lined up, staring at the Blue Knight.

Unlike other partygoers, it is bright white all over.

The blue knight did not pay attention to it, but stretched out his hand and pointed to Li Xun next to him, and said to all the entities present:

"He, little brother, I cover it!"

[That's right! ]

Li Xun looked at the blue knight, his right hand hanging at his side, and secretly gave him a thumbs up.

This sentence was taught by him, and this monster plan was also proposed by him, and the blue knight thought it was very interesting, so he agreed to cooperate with him to act in it.

"Well, we can let him go, but you must promise not to interfere with our hunt again!! =)"

Otherwise, we will try to forcibly modify the data of level 28!" =)"

The Blue Knight looked at the strange partygoer and nodded noncommittally.

After receiving an affirmative answer, under the signal of the bright white partygoers, all the partygoers and partygoers began to withdraw.

The hound, who had been whining lowly, immediately got up and ran to the front like an amnesty.

"Blue, thanks!"

"We are friends."

"Well, we're friends!"


Since the last hunt was teased by Li Xun, in the next two days, no matter how provoked Li Xun was, no partyers or dispatchers took care of him.

After many fruitless provocations, Li Xun felt bored and began to calm down and wander aimlessly in Level 0 with the Blue Knight.

Due to the isolation effect of Level 0, they cannot encounter any wanderers except entities.

On the third day of Level 0 wandering, Li Xun began to become restless.

"It's already the sixth day, if I can't touch the Manila room again, I can only go directly to Level 1, and the most important test can't be completed, I'm unwilling!"

The blue knight didn't understand why Li Xun next to him suddenly became a little strange, he felt very happy these days.

Someone chatted with him, hung out with him, and acted in a play together.

If he could, he really wanted to stay with Li Patrol all the time.

"Blue, let's go to level 1."

Li Xun looked at the time on his phone, and finally decided to give up looking for the Manila room, go directly to Level 1, and then cut out as soon as possible to reach the pleasure floor.

"Patrol, don't you want to go to the Manila room?"

"I want to, I want to, but I don't have much time, I..."

Li Xun wanted to say something, but saw the blue knight suddenly pointing to a place behind him and said,

"Do you say that behind that door will be the room you want to go to?"


Li Xun turned around in surprise, he had just walked there, there was clearly no abnormality, and now a door appeared!

He walked to the door with the Blue Knight, reached out and grabbed the doorknob, which he could twist with a little force.

Then they pushed the door in.

Small enclosed room with different yellow Manila wallpaper from level 0.

The same fluorescent lamp, with a tiresome hum.

There was only one door in the room, a table, a chair, and nothing else in the center.

Li Xun closed the door, walked quickly to the table, and looked at a folder with the word M.E.G. printed on the table.

When you open the folder, the first thing that catches your eye is an investigation report:

since about a week ago, there have been reports of homeless people, and a large number of partygoers have appeared at level 0, and all the homeless people have been frantically hunted.

A party-goer-like humanoid creature also appeared.

They are usually accompanied by a hunting dog.

Some M.E.G. researchers blurted out the term "Dispatcher" through the description of wanderers.

Through the investigation of anomalous researchers, the current situation is summarized as follows,


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