F Chamber Group Item 40 - Neon water, extremely rare, is almond water with color variation, different colors and different flavors.

It can heal any disease or wound on the wanderer, comparable to Super Almond Water!

Therefore, some people also call it - the ultimate almond water.

However, almond water is harmful to entities, let alone this extremely powerful almond water.

However, considering that Dr. Dark Color's research direction is medical aspect, he was praised by Dr. [Data Hide] as "the most promising medical genius in the future".

He said it was an improved version that could heal entities.

Li Xun decided to believe him, but...

"Doctor, Xiao Yi and I have just drunk super almond water, I'm afraid we can't drink this for a short time."

"Oh? Do you even have super almond water? Can I get neon water and you for some when I turn back?

"No problem, Doctor, you give this drop, to Xiaowei."

Hibiki immediately leaned over and looked at Dr. Dark expectantly.

Dr. Dark nodded and dropped the improved neon water into Hibiki's mouth.


The sound of drinking neon water conveys a comfortable and delicious mood.

Its burned forelimbs are visibly beginning to recover!

"There is something wrong with your hair ball, do you need me to check it for you?"

Dr. Dark also saw Xiao Yi's abnormality at this time, and reached out to help it check it.


In exchange for Xiao Yi's threatening voice.

Not for the sake of the neon water it gave to Xiangwei, Xiao Yi was ready to scratch.

"Uh... Doctor, it's the demon black cat.

Li Xun touched Xiao Yi's head, soothed, and explained to Dr. Dark with some embarrassment.

"Huh? The forehead is white, not pure black, and does not match the records in the data.

"If it is a demon black cat, then it should need to eat in this state."

Although Dr. Dark Night had some doubts about whether Xiao Yi was pure black, he still gave the reason for Xiao Yi's abnormal state.

"I fed, it's still royal rations."

"It's not this kind of eating, it's another kind - a living heart."

"A living heart? Yes...... Yes, Xiao Yi is a demon black cat! After it has been transformed for a while, it must eat a living heart! When

Li Xun heard Dr. Dark's words, he slammed his brain and suddenly realized, remembering the introduction of the paragraph about the demon black cat in the data.

Although Xiao Yi's situation is still somewhat inconsistent with the introduction, it is generally correct.

"If you have a fresh heart, those entities outside are a good choice!"

Inspector Li stroked Xiao Yi's head, his gaze seemed to penetrate the blue wall, looking at the group of entities in the red corridor.

Anser has found it, and the next step is to take him to the Promised Land, find Sau Ji Disa, and complete the delivery.

In Level -!, there is only one entrance to the Promised Land.

Leaving the Blue Corridor and returning to the main area of Level -! again will lead to the beginning of the second, longer corridor.

At the end of this corridor, there is a staircase that leads to other levels.

There are reports that this staircase leads to the Promised Land.

But according to the description in the report, it is more likely to be level 3999.

However, there is Dr. Dark here, just ask directly.

"Doctor, do you know how to get to the Promised Land?"

Lee turned his head and looked at Dr. Dark and asked.

"From here back to Level -! The main area, at the end of the corridor, has a staircase, and after walking up the stairs, it is up to me to push open the door and lead to the Promised Land.

"It's just that corridor, with its hordes of entities, is very dangerous, and it was because I wasn't sure about getting through that corridor that I was stuck here."

Dr. Dark knew that he quickly answered Li Xun's question.

It turns out that only the snuggler or the stopper can go from there to the Promised Land!

When Li Xun heard Dr. Dark's return, he immediately figured out the key.

Having determined the entrance to the Promised Land, he was not prepared to delay any longer, and after communicating with Dr. Dark, he went together to find the exit back to the main area.

They quickly found a door marked "EXIT" and through this door left the blue zone and returned to the main area!

The same neon colors fill the corridors, and the shrill sirens are constantly sounded.

The only difference is that there is no physical pursuit here!

It's not that the physical herd has dispersed, they are still looking for fleeing wanderers, and as soon as they are found, it is the beginning of another escape journey!

Li Xun and his group walked softly in the corridor, for fear of making too much noise and being discovered by the entity group.

Along the way, relying on the warning of lightning noise in the bottle, they dodged wave after wave of entity groups.

After marching through the corridor for at least an hour, they reached the end of this corridor.

There is a staircase there, just climb it and open the door by Dr. Dark, and you can reach the Promised Land!

What a strange stroke of luck.

"Doctor, I left Xiao Wei to protect you, I need to take Xiao Yi to eat, I must go back quickly."

Li Patrol touched Xiao Yi, who was languishing in his arms, and told Dr. Dark about his plan.

Turning around, he said to the Xiangwei on the side:

"Xiaowei, you stay to protect the good doctor, and wait for me and Xiaoyi to come back."


Hibiki nodded and stood beside Dr. Dark.

After Li Patrol arranged the things here, he took Xiao Yi and walked towards the red corridor.

Among the entities he saw in the corridor, there were probably many living hearts.

What needs to be done now is to try to find the single entity, kill it as quickly as possible, and let Xiao Yi eat his fresh heart.

Li Patrol hugged Xiao Yi and walked slowly in the corridor.

He has already encountered multiple waves of entities, all carefully avoided.

The entity that has not been found has been found.

Just as he was thinking about whether to be reckless, the rumbling sound came again, and the noise of lightning in the bottle gradually became louder.

After thinking about it, he still gave up the idea of reckless waves, and quickly left here with Xiao Yi in his arms.

When he just turned a corner of a corridor, he paused and hurriedly retreated.

He saw a group of entities running in the corridor in the distance, but fortunately not in his direction.

"Huh? Maybe an opportunity!

Li Xun suddenly leaned out half of his face again and looked at the distant entity group.

He set his sights on a hound running at the back!

Take out the anti-Euclidean device from the backpack, adjust the intensity and range of application, and place the right thumb on the blue button.

When most of the entities turned the corner, he quickly pressed the button.

The space in front of him was distorted for a while, and Li Xun stepped out and appeared directly 50 meters away.

Without pausing, he pressed the button again and stepped out again.

After several successive times, he quickly approached the last hunting dog.

The anti-Euclid device withdrew the backpack, took out a silver string, and quickly threw it into his mouth.

The hound also noticed the strange appearance behind him, and turned around to see a human standing there with a fur ball.

It opened its mouth and was ready to howl, calling for the entity group, but it was suddenly restrained by an invisible force, and its mouth could not be opened!

After Li Xun controlled the hound with his mental power, his right hand was pulled back.

I saw that the hound was uncontrollable and was quickly dragged in front of him.

Li Xun used his mental power to firmly control the hound on the ground, and then looked at Xiao Yi in his arms.

Xiao Yi jumped from his arms and walked towards the hound.

Its figure gradually grew larger as it walked, until it became larger than the hound.

The sharp claw popped out, at the heart of the hound, just so simple a stroke, its chest was cut open!

The hounds let out a muffled mournful cry, and life quickly began to pass away.

"Can you turn around, Meow?"

Xiao Yi did not immediately cut out the hound's heart to eat, but looked at Li Xun and made him turn around.

Li Xun was stunned for a moment, then understood what Xiao Yi meant, loosened the restraints on the hound, and turned his back to Xiao Yi.

The sound of eating came from behind him, but it lasted for a short time, as if swallowing heavily, and quickly ate the heart of the hound.

Then, Li Xun heard a strange sound again.

After waiting for a while, he heard Xiao Yi's voice, no longer a baby voice!

"You can turn around, meow."

When Li Xunyan heard this, he turned around and looked at Xiao Yi, and then raised his hand to Xiao Yi, his face full of disbelief.

"Are you... Xiao Yi? "

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