There are three forms of demon black cats, human, black cat and demon.

Li Xun looked at Xiao Yi in front of him and felt that she should be... Human form.

Mo is about 1.55 meters tall, wearing a black tight dress, wrapped around a petite figure, slender legs, and short black boots on his feet.

Fluffy black hair draped over his shoulders, a small fair face, and a white flame mark between his eyebrows.

At this point, Xiao Yi's appearance is still normal.


What's going on with those two fluffy, black, little pointy ears that still move from time to time?!

Demon cat lady?

"This is my human form, meow."

What came out of Xiao Yi's mouth was a sweet and soft loli sound!

Li Xun stepped forward a few steps and carefully looked at Xiao Yi, who had completely changed.

He reached out and tugged at her clothes.

"Well, it's really long."

"Meow... Woo! "


When Li Xun took Xiao Yi back to the end of the corridor, he saw Doctor Dark feeding almond cake to Xiangwei.

Almond cake is a great physical repellent in addition to making food.

When an entity eats almond cake, it will be friendly to the wanderer for a while, about 72 hours.

"Doctor, let's go."

"Well, it seems that you succeeded. Your demon black cat... It's special. After

Dr. Dark saw Xiao Yi's appearance, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

However, he didn't say anything more, turned and walked towards the stairs.

Li Patrol patted the big face plate of the Wei Wei, praised it for doing a good job, and followed Doctor Dark up the stairs.


Xiangwei saw Xiao Yi following behind Li Xun, and curiously circled around it, expressing doubts.


After Xiao Yi meowed with her soft loli voice, Xiangwei immediately confirmed that the cat lady in front of her was indeed its big sister, Xiao Yi.

During the process of going up the stairs, Xiangwei kept following behind Xiao Yi, rattling non-stop, as if communicating with Xiao Yi about something.

"You can't change, this is my special ability."

Xiao Yi slapped the big face plate and rejected the strange idea that it wanted to transform.

After a few minutes of marching up the stairs, several people came to a large door.

Dr. Dark stepped forward and pushed open the door.

The space behind the door is filled with pink lights.

What an ambiguous light color.

When Li Xun saw the scene inside the door, he confirmed that it was the Promised Land, which was consistent with the description in the data.


of surviving in the Promised Land: Livable

, safe

and sustainable communities

with no harmful entities

entering the Promised Land will first appear in a 300-story pink high-rise.

There are 1,000 rooms in the high-rise building, which are limited to 30 square meters.

The lights in the compartment are all pink.

Opposite this door is a certain compartment in the tall building!

Li Patrol followed Dr. Dark through the door and into the pink room.

Directly opposite the door is a window through which you can see that it is daytime outside.

Outside the window there is a floor made of clouds, on which some strange trees grow, which also seem to be made up of some type of cloud.

And these cloud trees also bear fruit.

The room is simply furnished, with only a bed against the wall on the right side of the entrance door, a writing desk and a chair under the window opposite.

After Xiao Yi and Xiangwei entered the room, Li Xun turned around and closed the door.

Then, he opened it again, and outside the door was no longer a level -!, but a normal apartment corridor.

After Dr. Dark entered the room, he turned off the pink light, walked over to the desk, and sat down.

He put the laptop in his hand on the table and connected it to the power supply next to it.

"Li Xun, you wait, after I connect to the Internet, contact Disa first and tell her that I am back, and wait for her to come to us."

After Dr. Dark turned on the computer, on a web page, he sent something similar to an email.

After the email was sent, he turned to Li Xun and said

, "Li Xun, you should have an escape key implanted in your body."

"Yes, Doctor, you talk about this, I just have some questions I want to ask, I wonder if it is okay?"

When Li Xun heard Dr. Dark ask him about the key to escape, he immediately remembered that the first courier was not sent by the scolder.

Maybe Dr. Dark can know something.

"You want to ask, the courier sent to the hedonic floor partygoers."

"Yes, Doctor, can you tell me?"

"Yes, some things can be revealed, you sit first."

Dr. Dark turned the chair around, and motioned for Li Xun to sit on the edge of the bed, and then continued:

"The virus in that courier was developed by me, the key to escape in your body was modified by Palt, and the courier was sent by little Tom."


Xun listened to Dr. Dark's words, a little messy for a while, and a little bit of information.

"Doctor, let me confirm that Part is the Party Doctor and Little Tom is the Childhood Spoiler, right?"

"That's right."

"Is there a young partygoer named Little Jim?"

"Yes, have you seen little Jim?"

"No, I guess."

Li Xun didn't give Dr. Dark a chance to dwell on this question, and then asked:

"Doctor, can you tell me about the effect of that virus?"

"Hmm... I can tell you that one of the purposes of the virus was to convert partygoers into dismissers, and now it seems to have failed.

"Another purpose?"

"I can't say."

Dr. Dark shook his head, no longer revealing relevant information, and said instead:

"Li Xun, come here, Part has installed a program on my computer that can be used to upgrade your escape key."

"Upgrade my escape key?"

Li Xun was very surprised, this is the first time to deliver the payment, is there an after-sales upgrade service?

Out of trust in Dr. Dark, he walked over anyway.

"Li Xun, press your finger here."

Dr. Dark pointed to a fingerprint recognition place on the laptop and continued:

"After this upgrade, the escape key in your body can be used normally in the F room group, and it was originally an item from here."

"At the same time, a hidden coordinate information within it - the Promised Land will also be activated."

After Li Xun's finger pressed to the fingerprint recognition, he immediately felt a weak current flowing down his index finger into his body.

The key to escape began to vibrate slightly, lasting about ten seconds before the feeling disappeared.



"Does it mean that in the future, I will be in the F Room Group and can enter the Promised Land at any time?"

"On the regular level, you can teleport into the Promised Land at any time."

Dr. Dark nodded affirmatively.

Li Xun was confirmed, and he was overjoyed in his heart, and he had another life-saving hole card!

Knock knock.

A sudden knock on the door interrupted the communication between the two.

"Uncle, I'm Disha."

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