> Outside the castle of the Arashi Fortress, in the valley, 176 mourns, 27 ringing nightmares, and 100 limbs gathered there quietly.

In front of the limb group, ten masked girls wearing different masks stood and the leader was none other than an old acquaintance, Kayla.

There are not many actual members of the masked girls, each one is precious, and each one is elite!

Li Xun stood on a high ground, next to the Blue Knight, and behind him stood Disha and Xiao Yi.

"Everyone, this battle will be won!"

He did not give a long speech, but was concise, clear and imposing.

However, there was silence in the field, only the rustle of leaves in the breeze under the indigo sky.

Oh, forget to wipe the lip balm.


The little evils on the side suddenly responded, followed by the rattling of the terrifying array below.

Then came the mournful and noisy sound of limbs.

Although I can't understand what they say, I think it should mean the same thing.

Kayla and the others stood in place with strange expressions, a little at a loss.

Li Xun looked at Xiao Wei appreciatively, and then raised his hand to press it, and the scene suddenly became quiet again.

"Blue, open the space door."

The Blue Knight nodded, waved his hand, and a space door appeared for at least three limbs to pass through in parallel, opposite the small room that led to the Level 191-Abandoned Factory.

The fusion level is special, and the Blue Knight cannot directly open the space door to level 191.

Li Xun jumped from the heights and was the first to step through the space door and enter the small room.

Instead of directly opening the door leading to Level 191, he took out the Broken World Knife from his waist and walked to the wall.

I saw that he slammed the sword into the upper corner, slashed upward, and easily cut a hole.

Then he looked back at Xiao Wei who followed and said, "Xiao Wei

, pick me up."

When Xiao Wei heard this, he picked Li Xun up so that he could continue to lift the knife upwards.

With the help of Xiao Wei, Li Xun used the Broken World Knife to cut the entire wall along the edge.

At this time, the wall was already neatly standing with limbs, and there were more outside the space door.

Li Xun walked to the door, stretched out his hand to hold the doorknob, and ordered the limbs on the side:

"As soon as I open the door, you will immediately push the wall with all your strength!"

This time I applied Babel lip balm, and the limbs quickly responded and showed that they understood.

"Everyone listen to me, attack in a moment, do as I say!"

"Disa, Kayla, you lead someone to block the staircase and don't allow a single skin stealer to come down!"

"Tragedy, sound, you stare at the death and laughter!"

"Limbed cuties, earth dogs and moths for me to die!"

With that, he turned the doorknob and pulled the door open.

"Abandon the factory, get ready to welcome your new master!"

Not far outside the door, dozens of hunting dogs were lying on their stomachs, and when they saw Li Xun, they barked and rushed towards him!

Li Xun just smiled faintly, held both sides of the door frame with both hands, and gently pushed forward.

Under the roar of the limbs, the entire wall fell forward.

More than half of the hounds did not have time to dodge, and they were all pressed under the wall.

But there were still more than a dozen hunting dogs rushing towards Li Patrol!

Before he could get close, a dozen limbs rushed out from his side, knocking down all the rushing hounds, and the sound of gnawing followed.

Li Xun raised his hand and waved, and the army of entities behind him stepped through the space door one after another and rushed towards the abandoned factory!

For a time, inside the factory, there were roars, barks, and gunshots.

Li Patrol also rushed into the battle group with the World Breaking Saber in his hand, while shouting:

"Act according to the plan!"

Level 191 - Abandoned factory, divided into two floors, tens of thousands of square meters, physical encroachment.

The main entities on the first floor are hounds, laughing nightmares and death moths, and skin stealers generally stay on the second floor.

Nearly a thousand entities occupy the entire abandoned factory, but fortunately it is only a common entity, and there are no powerful entities like crushers.

The entity of the hunting dog, the reinforcements brought by Li Patrol, just take out one, you can easily 1V3.

However, as human beings, Li Xun and the masked girls should try to avoid being bitten by them, otherwise they will be infected with the hunting dog virus, and there is no solution for the time being.

Li Xun had just swung his sword to kill a death moth, and suddenly a figure flew over, and he only had time to raise his right arm to block it.


A sound of teeth colliding with metal sounded, and a hunting dog bit Li Xun's wrist fiercely, but was blocked by a silver-white bracelet.

The light of the knife flashed, and the head of the hunting dog was cut off by the slashing knife!

This bracelet is a backroom alloy bracelet that Li Patrol pulled off Xiao Wei's arm before he set off.

His Mo Dao is gone, so he can only borrow a bracelet from Xiao Wei and wear it for the time being.

When there is a power outage in the abandoned factory, it will cause the homeless to lose his mind, and he must take precautions.

As the battle intensified, skin-stealers on the second floor began to rush downstairs, wanting to join the fight.

The brave Wang army rushed in front at this time, holding a water gun, under the cover of Xiao Yi and Disha, he had arrived at the entrance of the stairs and shouted:

"Huangpizi, if you want to come down, pass your military master first!"

Then he pulled the trigger, and the fire oil poured out, instantly igniting several skin stealers who were going downstairs.

The skin thief who was covered in fire just wanted to pounce on Wang Dajun, but was suddenly fanned away by an invisible force.

Li Xun appeared behind Wang Dajun and cooperated with Disha and Xiao Yi to clean up the attacking entities.

"Army, good!"

After hearing Li Xun's praise, Wang Dajun worked harder and began to try to go upstairs.

The fighting in the factory continues, but Xiao Wei is unlucky.

The most abandoned entities in factories are hounds, followed by death moths and skin thieves, with the fewest laughters, with fewer than a hundred.

And they are the key siege targets of tragedy and sound, they can be captured alive and never killed, and they can be crippled and never left behind!

As long as they are successfully transformed, this is their future people.

With the passage of time, the entity on the first floor of the factory gradually decreased, and Li Xun's reinforcements had completely gained the upper hand.

The blockade battle at the entrance of the stairs on the second floor has also entered a fever pitch, and Wang Dajun's fire oil has been exhausted, and under the escort of two tragic horses, he went back to replenish.

Xiao Yi turned into a demon black cat and took the place of Wang Dajun.

Li Xun wielded the severing knife with his right hand, and shot out his left hand in the air, resisting one after another rushing skin thieves.

Gunshots continued to rang out, and the masked girls led by Kayla were equally brave.

With the number of limb groups, it was originally a situation of fighting more with less, but after the return of their gods, an ability they once possessed returned at the same time.

Each broken limb will immediately grow back into a new limb!

The number of limb masses is simply getting bigger and bigger!

It's just that the body size is getting smaller and smaller.

When the number of hounds and death moths was no longer an advantage, the battle on the first floor soon came to an end.

The limbs and the sorrow, and the ringing can immediately free their hands to support the second floor and kill these skin thieves!

Soon, Wang Dajun, who had finished replenishing the fire oil, returned again.

At the same time, all entities on the first floor have been wiped out.

The many skin thieves on the second floor have become lambs to be slaughtered in Li Xun's eyes!

When all support reached the second floor, the battle had become a one-sided situation, and all but one skin thief were destroyed.

Xiao Yi, who was in the state of the demon black cat, carried the skin stealer down to the first floor and walked towards a dark corner.

Li Xun duly beckoned everyone to walk towards the many doors on the second floor, and other entities were also asked not to go downstairs.

The doors on the second floor of the abandoned factory had 24 doors confirmed by Li Xun.

According to records, except for 3 doors leading to certain levels, the other doors correspond to only some rooms.

The room may contain debris such as weapons, flashlights, and batteries, and it may be overrun by skin thieves.

According to what Dr. Dark said before, the location leading to this door is changing at any time.

However, it is difficult for Li Xun.

"Everyone listen to my password, I count to three, open all doors at the same time, and pay attention to the possible skin stealers inside, and the danger level that may lead to the opposite side of the door."

This is like Schrödinger's cat, which is both dead and alive before opening, but its state is immediately determined after opening.

Open 24 doors at the same time to instantly determine the situation behind the door, without giving it any chance to change!




As soon as Li Xun's "three" words fell, everyone and the limbs opened the door in front of them at the same time!

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