The moment Li Xun opened the door, he raised his foot and kicked, and a yellow figure was kicked to the ground, it was a skin thief.

He pulled out the broken world knife at his waist, stepped out in one step, and with a pop, the skin thief suddenly separated his head!

After Li Patrol finished solving this skin thief, he heard the sound of fighting in other rooms, but they all ended quickly.

He immediately walked out of the room to see what was happening after the others opened the door.

Behind the door opened by Xiao Wei was a winding stone bridge filled with thick fog.

After Li Patrol saw the opposite scene, he compared it with the relevant information he checked before coming and confirmed that this level was level 387 - Bridge of Annihilation of the F Chamber Group.

A hierarchy of enigmatic attributes that lacks valid information, but from a simple description, memories may slowly fade in it.

Behind Kayla's open door was a hospital, a hospital where all doors and windows were sealed with iron bars.

When Li Xun saw it, he immediately closed the door.

"I don't know, if there really is a parallel universe in it, I am undergoing 'transformation'."

This level is Level 444/en "Warning! Don't go to that page! "。

It is said that the page is generated by a special entity within the hierarchy, "Control Desire", and cannot be deleted or hidden.

There will be an emoji "" ^_^ on the page it generates, and when a wanderer enters the page and sees this emoji, it is too late.

Another special entity in the level, the Dean, will drag the wanderer from another parallel universe into the hierarchy for "transformation" in some unknown way.

Wanderers who have entered this level describe it as being suddenly grabbed by the back of the neck by an invisible hand, dragged to the nearest plane, and entered level 444/en.

This process is called "deliverance".

After being dragged into this level, the homeless person will be searched by the physical "instructor", confiscate all personal belongings, and be taken into the punishment room to receive the "dean" electric shock.

If the homeless person does not admit that he is sick, he will be shocked until he admits, and then he will be shaved by the "instructor", changed into a camouflage uniform, and taken to a dormitory to wait for "reform".

The "reform" method usually consists of listening to the "dean's" speech, "psychotherapy", keeping a daily diary, and not having any negativity or dissatisfaction.

It is currently known that there are 86 regulations in the hospital, and if a homeless person violates any of them during the "reform" period, not only will the "reform" time be extended, but also the "instructor" will be beaten or electrocuted!

The ultimate purpose of "transformation" is to make the wanderers obey the orders of the "dean".

Wanderers who complete the "transformation" will be attached to the "desire for control" and sent to a safety level.

Li Xun entered the level page and also saw the hidden emoji.

He now suspects that a parallel universe of himself is being "transformed" inside.

But now is not the time to save "him", the entity "instructor" inside is very strong.

It is difficult to be harmed except that it can be killed by a water gun filled with almond water.

The point is that the entity can be spawned infinitely, and killing doesn't mean much.

"When the Blue Knight lifts the grounding, or I have strong strength, you can consider it."

Li Xun stopped thinking about things at that level and came to the door where a limb group opened.

Behind this door is a modern office area that is basically the same as the description of Level 191 - Psychedelic Building.

"Xiaowei, take a few limbs to find something, hold this door against it, and don't let it close."

As long as the door is open, this entry point will not change.

He had thought about cutting off this door, even part of the wall, once and for all.

But the hierarchy has the ability to repair itself, and when it is suddenly repaired one day, it will have to open the door all over again, which is troublesome.

He led the others through the door and into Level 191 - Psychedelic Mansion.

There are many cubicle offices, open-plan desks, wall clocks on the walls, and bookshelves full of documents and books.

Greenery can also be found everywhere, with some compartments separated by only one door, others separated by corridors.

But here the corridors are not connected to each other, only to the door that leads to another room.

"Everyone, only explore on this floor, not upstairs or downstairs!"

"The inter-floor traffic here, if you don't follow the right route, it's a non-Euclidean space."

"When you go upstairs or downstairs, you don't necessarily go up or down, and it's easy to get lost!"

"We just need to look for a significantly larger reception area on this floor, tentatively for an hour, whether we find it or not, and return here immediately to report the situation!"

After Li Patrol finished arranging, he walked in one direction, and when Disa and Kayla heard this, they also scattered and began to search.

Level 191 - Psychedelic Mansion is home to other human groups, such as the Eternal Library and the Backroom Renovation Company, all of which have bases here.

Li Xun would love to meet one of these two groups, they must have some correct way of using the floor.

Unfortunately, it backfired, and they found the larger reception area, but did not run into other human groups.

Li Xun followed Kayla to a reception area, and compared with the two surrounding reception areas, it was obviously a circle.

He came to the front door of the reception area and reached out to hold the doorknob, but he did not turn it.

Although it didn't take long to come to the back room, the life here made him feel a long-lost passion.

Dance on the tip of the knife and wander among the big guys.

Drinking almond water, slashing and killing entities.

There are his lovely staff and reliable Blue Knights.

He liked it a little, and if he really wanted to leave, he was very reluctant.

The front room is safe, but his life is boring.

Work is to earn money, entrepreneurship is to make money.

Since stepping into society, his dream is really a dream, his passion has been worn out, and all that remains is unwillingness and persistence in life.

If he goes back, what will he do?

Keep working, keep making money?

It is said that making money is for a better life, but looking back, life seems to give work.

"Brother Patrol, what's wrong with you?"

Disa noticed that something was wrong with Li Xun, stepped forward, and asked with concern.

"Oh, nothing, suddenly a little emotional."

Lee looked around, smiled at Disha, and then looked back at the door in front of him.

After inhaling


taking a few deep breaths, he calmed down and slowly opened the door in front of him.

A white light spilled out from it, and I vaguely saw the neon and traffic scene of the city opposite.

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