(Yesterday, due to some stupidity, the new chapter was uploaded incorrectly, so I had to merge the chapters together. Readers who read early yesterday should remember to refresh 119, as it has become a 4K chapter.)

"If we can really build this brick factory, it will be amazing!"

He Aiguo widened his eyes and muttered softly.

"However, if a private brick factory is run, it is easy to have problems."

He Jianguo scratched his head, feeling itchy as if being scratched by a cat.

Who doesn't know that doing business can make money?

The key is that no one dares to do it!

Business is run by the state, and if it is run by a private person, it is a capitalist roader.

It will be overthrown!

Now that the policy is good, in fact, the whole family still has some doubts in their hearts.

""Little one, do you think there won't be any problem with this? Should we talk to Wu Youhua and ask the village to do it? Even if we earn less this way, at least it will be stable, right?"

Old Mrs. He seemed very cautious about this matter.

At present, the He family's conditions are already good enough.

The annual income from honey alone is more than 1,000 yuan, which is incomparable even to dual-income families in the city!

Even if an eighth-level fitter comes, his annual salary cannot catch up with the more than 1,000 yuan of honey money.

And the rest is the annual output of the fish pond, the output of grain in the fields, and the output of He Qiang's hunting. With so many incomes added together, a conservative estimate of 2,000 yuan a year is no problem.

Their family is already rich enough, and there is no need to take greater risks.

"Grandma, it’s meaningless to let the villagers get involved in the brick factory. We can’t work so hard just to get a job in the brick factory, right? If that’s the case, why should we set up this brick factory?"

He Qiang directly rejected Grandma He’s proposal.

It’s obviously not possible to run a brick factory as a collective enterprise like Sun Jifa’s store.

Because Sun Jifa’s store, except for Sun Jifa, no one in the village has the connections to open it, so no one will close the store out of jealousy, because it will be inconvenient for the people in the team. If they are caught, they can’t live in the team.

But this green brick factory is different. There is no threshold. It depends on who does it first and who dares to do it.

Once a collective enterprise is established and the village is involved, the villagers will make a fuss in the end, and the enterprise will definitely become a township enterprise run by the village.

Human nature has always been unable to withstand the test, and He Qiang didn’t want to use this matter to test how much prestige he has in the team.

Private enterprises, as long as The procedures are in compliance, and there are people supporting the government. Actually, there won't be any big problems these days.

After all, it will be opened next year. If you try it out now and get attention, it won't be a problem.

But the nature of collective enterprises is different after all. Don't talk about affiliation. If you don't let go after a big fuss, it will involve embezzlement of state-owned assets. Either the initial investment will go down the drain and you will be skinned out, or you will be arrested and put in jail, and then find ways to find external aid to rescue you.

So if you want to build a green brick factory, build a private one!

After all, his daughter now recognizes Song Guoqiang as her godfather, and he has also broken up with Chen Xuebing, so he is confident.

The timid will starve to death, and the bold will die of gluttony. These days, if you want to make a lot of money, you have to be willing to risk it!

"Grandma, I know you may think that there will be big problems if we open a factory and do business privately, but as long as we don't hire too many workers, there will be no problem!"

He Qiang is actually very clear about some taboos of this era.

Why did so many people in the coastal areas do business as a family at that time?

Because family members who run a business together do not count as hiring workers.

And those who are easily labeled as bourgeois and exploited cases actually need to hire no more than 8 people, which is not considered exploitation and cannot be defined as capitalists!

So this is called family business!

There was a classic case in the 1980s, when an individual business owner directly brought the matter to the central government because he hired five workers.

In the end, it was the central experts who found the guiding content based on Marx's works and concluded that hiring no more than eight workers was not considered exploitation.

Although He Qiang started in 1978, it took some time to set up a brick factory, start production, and finally make a profit. It was after the opening up that someone reported it.

At that time, He Qiang didn't need to worry about problems!

"Is it really okay? I remember saying at a general meeting before that as long as a self-employed business owner hires workers, it is considered exploitation, right?"

Old Mrs. He looked puzzled.

After all, she was someone who had lived through the era of extremes and was still very familiar with some red lines.

He Qiang waved his hand and said,"That was in the past! The leaders are different now. Even the household contract system has begun. What's wrong with self-employed businesses hiring workers! There are so many people in our family, and we won't be able to hire a few helpers by then!"

He Yongjun suddenly asked,"Have you asked your brother Chen?"

Of course He Qiang had to follow this at this time, and nodded hurriedly and said,"Didn't Brother Chen tell me before that the price of mountain products will increase next year, so let us plant more! If the scale is really large, won't we still have to ask people to help? At that time, I was told that there would be no more than eight people, and it would be fine if we asked seven people to help!"

All of a sudden, the family's attitude changed.

Chen Xuebing's position was not low, and he was sworn brothers with He Qiang, so he certainly couldn't harm him.

Since Chen Xuebing said so, there must be no problem.

All of a sudden, the family's atmosphere became even more heated.

He Qiang looked at his uncle and second uncle and knew what they were thinking.

"Everyone, pay attention, it's time to eat!"

At this time, Aunt Liu Juan came out with a large iron basin.

The basin was full of beef, and the aroma of meat could be smelled from afar. The children sitting at another table were almost drooling with greed.

Potato cubes and beef were squeezed in the basin, dotted with chopped green onions and coriander, which was full of color, aroma and taste!

He Qiang's appetite was aroused by the braised beef in the basin, and his saliva was secreted crazily. Seeing that her grandson was hungry, Grandma He also said,"We can talk about the brick factory after we finish eating, let's eat first!"

This large basin of beef weighed at least ten pounds, and even the other���It hasn't been served yet, but it's enough for all the adults at the table to eat first.

He Qiang first picked up the first piece with his chopsticks and gave it to Old Lady He, which made the old lady smile happily:

"Eat quickly, my son, don't worry about me! You've been busy for a few days, eat more meat to make up for it!"He Yongjun, who was standing aside, couldn't help but feel sour in his heart when he saw He Qiang trying to please Old Lady He.

What a flatterer!

You don't even need to show respect to me!

But He Qiang didn't notice that his father was jealous at all, and stuffed a piece of fat beef brisket into his mouth.

Although there was no pressure cooker, the meat was completely soft after being stewed in a large clay pot for nearly three hours.

After chewing it, the cubed beef brisket turned directly into strands of meat, and the fat absorbed the soup and melted directly in the mouth.

The salty fragrance of the soup and the deliciousness of the beef filled the taste buds, making He Qiang squint his eyes in enjoyment.

But even though the beef was so delicious, He Aiguo and his brother didn't know how to taste it.

Who doesn't know the difference between a full meal and a full meal!

""Uncle, second uncle, let's calculate the shares of the brick factory according to the money and labor. When the time comes, the eldest brother will help, the second brother will help drive the tractor to sell goods, and the third brother can also contribute. I am too busy here, so we will pay the money when the time comes."

After He Qiang said this, the cloudy weather suddenly turned sunny for the two uncles, and they couldn't stop smiling.

He Qiang didn't think he was at a disadvantage.

In this day and age, it is impossible to expand the scale without a family business. Besides, the blue brick business has only been around for one or two years. He Qiang paid the majority of the money and let his family help with the work, which is already the best choice.

He didn't need to give up this treasure pot in the mountains to manage the brick factory, which would be more trouble than gain.

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