The first and second wives received He Qiang's confirmation, and their wishes were satisfied. At this moment, they also turned their attention to the dishes on the table.

Today is a full-beef banquet. There are not only popular dishes such as beef stew with potatoes, but also pickled pepper beef shreds, boiled beef, and beef and radish soup.

Of course, what He Qiang is most looking forward to is the husband and wife lung slices! Although this dish is called lung slices, the raw materials are generally made of beef heart, beef tongue, tripe, beef and other ingredients, which are exactly the parts that He Qiang has kept! The beef lungs that Fan Tong ate at that time were the least critical ingredients, and the flavor was not affected by whether there was one or not.

This husband and wife lung slices are a famous dish in their provincial capital. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, it became a state-owned store, but the business has always been very good. Later, it gradually spread in their province. This dish is very in line with the taste of the people in the province. It is spicy, fresh and fragrant, and very addictive.

Ordinary people probably don't have the opportunity to eat these meat dishes at ordinary times, but the He family has always been in good condition, and they can eat a table of good dishes during festivals.

When Grandpa He was still alive, because he had a life-and-death friendship with the brother who worked at the grain station, it was Grandpa He who stole grain to save him during the famine, so at that time the He family was very prominent, even more powerful than the captain and the village chief.

People often came to ask for connections, and they always received a lot of gifts. They were overwhelmed by all kinds of social activities, and they would pack some dishes to take home from time to time.

Dishes with rich oil and water, such as Fuqi Feipian, have always been the favorite of the family.

Even if the meat is eaten, the soup is very delicious when used to make noodles, but it is more often used to cook directly to save the cooking oil at home.

So this is why He Qiang brought these internal organs back.

The Fuqi Feipian made by his second aunt Zhao Hui has always been his favorite.

The ingredients marinated in brine prepared with various spices are cut into thin slices and spread in bright red oil, and the embellishment of chives and coriander makes He Qiang saliva secrete crazily.

He couldn't wait to pick up a large chopstick and put it in his mouth. The spicy and delicious taste of the red oil salad mixed with the marinated beef heart, beef tongue and beef immediately captured He Qiang's taste buds.

"Second aunt, you must teach Xiaohua how to make this Fuqi Feipian, it's so delicious!"

He Qiang gave a thumbs up to Second aunt with a satisfied look on his face.

Zhao Hui was not afraid of being ordered around by He Qiang, but was afraid that she could not help in the third room.

Why did she come home more often to take care of Wu Shuhua and help with housework recently?

It was because she was better than her eldest sister-in-law Liu Juan in cooking talent, and the dishes she cooked were He Qiang's favorite.

Now that He Qiang's family conditions were better, Zhao Hui had more ingredients and seasonings to use, and her cooking skills were gradually improving!

"Qiangwaer, you don't have to explain this kind of thing. Your Xiaohua is obsessed with you as the head of the family. Recently, she wants to learn whatever dishes I cook! I'm afraid it won't be long before she learns all your aunt's cooking skills!" What makes Zhao Hui most satisfied is that she can help cook in the youngest room and bring some food back.

It's definitely not possible for the whole family to eat, but it can improve the diet and supplement the nutrition for the children.

""My dear wife, thank you for your hard work! I really did not choose the wrong person back then. In the future, you just wait and enjoy life!"

He Qiang thanked Wu Shuhua affectionately.

The whole family was there. Wu Shuhua blushed with shame at He Qiang's confession and buried her head in eating without saying a word.

But Mrs. He said with a smile:"Xiaohua has been married to you for so many years, and she has finally made it. It is only right that you treat her better. When your second child is born, you have to take care of the family more and don't let Xiaohua worry about everything."

He Qiang patted his chest and promised:"Don't worry, how can I treat Xiaohua badly? I will definitely make good arrangements by then, and I guarantee that Xiaohua won't worry!"

He Yongjun said sourly:"You still need to make arrangements? Just go home more often to see your wife and children."

He Qiang looked at He Yongjun, smiled and said,"I'll go and ask Miss Zhao to come over, then someone will take care of Xiaohua. I'm a grown man and I'm clumsy, so I just need to accompany my wife and children. If we really want to take care of them, we have to ask someone who is careful."

He Yongjun's old face turned red, and he scolded He Qiang in a bad mood,"They owe you something. They have to come and take care of your wife and children for you!"

He Qiang argued,"It's what you should do once you get married! I'm not looking for a babysitter!"

He Yongjun's expression froze. He was caught off guard by He Qiang's move. It was not right to refute, nor to remain silent.

The family looked at He Yongjun's amorous look, and they understood his thoughts and made jokes.

Seeing this scene, Old Lady He even joined in.

After all, the He family is really rich now, and He Yongjun has been a bachelor for more than 20 years. In fact, she is also very distressed about her youngest son.

It's just that because of He Qiang over the years, she has never thought of helping He Yongjun. She was afraid that He Yongjun and his stepmother would have a child and divide the family property in the future, which would make He Qiang unhappy.

But now He Qiang is so capable that even if He Yongjun doesn't leave any of his share to the child, it will not affect He Qiang.

The most important thing is that He Qiang's attitude is also very clear, so Old Lady He simply said:"Third brother, if you are really interested in Linghua, just tell the truth, and then mom will arrange a marriage for you. You are not a child anymore. If you really want to find another one, you should do it as soon as possible!"

He Yongjun's face turned red, and he finally stammered under his mother's questioning:"The main thing is that I don't know what others think, and this matter is not up to our family." When

Mrs. He heard this, she said nonchalantly:"Don't the villagers know what the situation of Linghua is? Can she look down on our He family? Even if she doesn't want to, there are other girls who are willing."

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