He Liang's behavior made He Aiguo and He Ming look over.

After all, they are real flesh and blood relatives, and they know some things.

He Liang suddenly toasted, and He Aiguo guessed what happened in his heart.

Looking at the ugly face of his second daughter-in-law, He Aiguo sighed imperceptibly.

There are some cracks in the relationship between the second brother and He Qiang, which is something that all the He family members know.

Although this has nothing to do with the two brothers themselves, and the two brothers don't even care, it happened after all.

Yu Li is He Liang's wife after all. As long as she is in the He family, this thorn will not be pulled out.

No matter how much the two brothers want to maintain their family relationship, it is always a problem with Yu Li in the middle. Although if the status quo is maintained, he and his eldest son will definitely be taken care of by He Qiang in the future, how can a father not protect his son from wind and rain?

After all, he is his own son. Even if He Aiguo is not satisfied with Yu Li, how can he really ignore He Yong?

Thinking of this, He Aiguo decided to risk his reputation. He had to tell He Qiang about this matter even if he had to use the past friendship and the face of the elders.

He Aiguo took a deep breath and asked He Qiang:"Qiang, don't blame your uncle for spoiling the fun! Even though the brick factory is fine, there are only so many people in the villages around us. If this business is to last long, we have to find a way to the county. But relying on this little business in the village alone, we can't make enough money for the tractor, right?"

A blue brick costs two cents, and 10,000 yuan is worth 200 yuan.

This is also the cost!

There are only a few thousand households in the nearby villages alone, and how many blue bricks can they buy?

The price of the cheapest tractor is nearly 10,000 yuan!

Let mules and horses pull carts to sell in the township and county, and the cost will be even higher. How long will it take to make enough money to buy a tractor?

Isn't this a dead end?

All of a sudden, the mood of everyone at the table changed subtly.

Before, they were so happy that they ignored this matter.

Old lady He put down her chopsticks and said softly,"We need to think carefully about this. I'll go talk to Wu Youhua about it later. Let's see if we can rent the tractor in the village to transport bricks when we have free time! Once we transport the bricks, we can store them in a remote place in the township or county! It will be much more convenient to sell them to people in the city later by horse and donkey carts."

It can only be said that the old lady is worthy of being a veteran who has lived for so many years. Her thinking is still quite clear.

"Mom, I think the idea you proposed is a good one! When the time comes, we just need to rent a warehouse in the township or county to store bricks, and then use horse-drawn carts to deliver the goods when we want to sell them. After all, the roads in the city are flat!"

He Yongjun thought this was a really good idea.

And with the relationship between their family and the village committee, they were not afraid of not being able to reach an agreement.

"Grandma, you don't have to think so complicated. We must buy the tractor ourselves, otherwise the profit will be reduced. Blue bricks rely on small profits and quick turnover, so the lower the cost, the better!"

If He Qiang has no other way, then what Grandma He said is indeed the best solution at the moment.

But the problem is that if the price of renting a tractor from the village is too low, the villagers will definitely have big objections. If the price is too high, their profit will be low.

So this is obviously impossible for He Qiang to adopt.

He Aiguo couldn't help but feel a little worried when he heard He Qiang say this:"But if we want to buy a tractor, we can't save enough money in one or two years, right?"

He Yongjun also scolded He Qiang when he saw this:"You are so careless that you know to buy a tractor, but we don't want to buy it? How can the family come up with so much money? Even if you save for another three years, it won't be enough!" He Qiang explained:

"I didn't say we would buy it with our own money!"


This sentence stunned the whole family.

He Yongjun said unhappily:"If you don't pay for it with your own money, who else do you expect to buy it? Let the country give you a tractor for free?"

Yu Li was so anxious that she couldn't sit still anymore, so she opened her mouth and said in a flattering manner:"Qiangwaer, what do you think about this matter? Can you tell your sister-in-law in detail? You said that you let your brother drive the tractor, but how can your brother work without a tractor?"

Seeing his wife's attitude, He Liang was so angry that he wanted to curse

"Long hair but short knowledge! Qiangwaer has to inform you when he wants to do something. Who do you think you are? You want him to report to you? How he wants to arrange things is his own business. It's your turn to ask?"

He Liang scolded Yu Li, very dissatisfied with her behavior that was almost like interrogation.

Regardless of whether He Qiang really has arrangements or not, what should he do if you ask him like this?

It's okay if he has arrangements, but he will inevitably feel uncomfortable, as if he owes you something.

If he hasn't arranged it, then how can you expect him to step down?

""Men are talking about serious matters, why are you, a woman, butting in! Just eat your meal!"

He Aiguo was furious. This woman is really incapable of doing anything good but more likely to cause trouble!

But He Jianguo scolded He Aiguo and his son at this time:"Are you two drunk and confused? How can you talk like that? Mom is still here! Apologize to her quickly!"

He Jianguo's tone seemed harsh, but he was winking at the two of them frantically, and kept hinting at them in the direction of Wu Shuhua.

He Aiguo and his son suddenly woke up as if from a dream, and immediately stood up respectfully and apologized to Old Lady He.

"Mom, I didn’t mean it just now. It’s mainly because Yu Li is such an uneducated girl that I got really angry!"

""Grandma, my wife is not sensible. I just spoke without thinking. Don't take it personally. I definitely didn't involve you just now!"

He Liang was not finished yet. He apologized to Wu Shuhua and said,"Xiaohua, I was just talking about your sister-in-law just now. Don't take it personally. I apologize to you. I drank too much and my mind was not clear, so I said nonsense!"

Among the people at the table, only Wu Shuhua had long hair.

Because these two women were the only ones in the He family who didn't work in the fields.

Yu Li loved beauty, and Wu Shuhua asked her not to cut her hair because He Qiang liked long hair.

So He Liang's map cannon just now directly included Wu Shuhua.

You can offend anyone but not Wu Shuhua!

This is He Qiang's treasure!

""Brother, don't blame yourself too much. I know you didn't mean it!"

Wu Shuhua glanced at his second sister-in-law, not knowing how to comfort his second brother.

In fact, neither Mrs. He nor Wu Shuhua blamed the father and son. After all, they were also victims in this matter...

Not only He Liang, but everyone at the table actually thought that Yu Li was really stupid. She didn't have any foresight at all.

If you don't say anything, and He Liang really suffers, He Qiang will definitely rearrange it secretly for the sake of brotherhood.

Now that you bring up the matter, you might lose face for He Qiang.

Even if He Liang's matter is finally resolved by then, how can he not feel resentful?

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