The originally good atmosphere became a little cold because of Yu Li's tactless behavior.

He Aiguo opened his lips slightly, and several times he wanted to say something, but he swallowed it back in his stomach. He really didn't know how to ask He Qiang not to argue with Yu Li.

Fortunately, He Qiang didn't intend to let his uncle and cousin be embarrassed, and said:"The tractor matter will be easy as long as we set up a brick factory. We said we had to save money before, because we couldn't operate it in the name of an individual, but if we use the name of the company, it should be no problem."

He Yongjun said with a confused look on his face:"We opened a brick factory, which is also a private enterprise, right? What else can we do?" He Qiang said casually:"Loan! Agricultural machinery like tractors cannot be afforded by ordinary people. Those collective or state-owned units are generally not very profitable now. When we go to buy tractors, there will be no problem buying them with loans."

In China, there is a lot of room for operation of policy loans.

As long as there are people above, it is almost a foregone conclusion to borrow money to buy tractors.

Tractors have a wide range of agricultural uses. With a little operation, you can get a loan!

Hearing that the whole tractor can be bought with a loan, Old Lady He asked curiously,"Can we really get a loan to buy a tractor? Did Xiao Chen say that, or did Old Song tell you?"

He Qiang said bluntly,"Didn't I ask him about the tractor last time I went to the county? He said at the time that if I could find a way to set up a company and register it in the village, I could find a way to get a loan to buy a tractor, but registering it in the village was too risky, so I didn't say anything."

Song Guoqiang had mentioned this to him before, but he didn't mention it again because he didn't have the idea of starting a company at that time.

But now that he wants to start a brick factory, this matter should be put on the agenda.

Seeing that the tractor issue was finally going well, He Aiguo asked expectantly,"Qiang boy, so as long as our brick factory is open, we can get a loan to buy a tractor?"

He Qiang nodded and said,"Yes, that's the case!

Doesn't our brick factory still have to sell goods in the township and county? When the time comes, we can open a small store and register the enterprise in the township.

When the policy becomes clear, we will convert it into a private enterprise!

There are a lot of unemployed educated youth returning to the city now.

When the time comes, we can talk to the officials and ask them to help solve the problems in the township and county, and then let Brother Chen and Uncle Song come forward.

It will definitely work.


The family couldn't help but nod their heads after hearing this.

They all felt that He Qiang's plan was really comprehensive and versatile.

He Qiang not only took into account the ways of the world, but also guaranteed the future development of his own brick factory. This way, he achieved multiple goals at one stroke and everyone was happy. It was a win-win situation and there was no reason not to succeed.

""Qiang boy is really getting more and more capable and knowledgeable. He has been exercising a lot recently!"

He Aiguo praised with a smile.

He Jianguo also echoed:"You are still smart. We can't think of such a good idea if you ask us to do it!" He Qiang had no idea of being humble in front of his family. He said proudly:"I will go to the county later and talk about these things with Brother Chen and Uncle Song. Then I will try to drive the tractor back in one go!" He Yong joked at this time:"Qiang boy, can you drive a tractor?"

He Qiang said proudly:"I can't drive, but didn't I let my second brother learn it? There is no problem with the new car. Let the second brother drive it, and there is no need for maintenance. He has no problem at all."

He Liang also patted his chest and assured:"Qiang boy, don't worry, although I haven't mastered the skills of maintenance yet, but how to drive a tractor is no problem. I have driven the whole machine for several round trips recently. Master Liu has said that he can be lazy recently."

Seeing his son's proud look, He Aiguo couldn't help but remind him,"Take care of your new car. This is our own tractor. Don't bump into it! This is not the village tractor. If it breaks down, the village will pay for the repair. Do you understand?"

He Liang said aggrievedly,"Dad, my tractor is so precious. It's more precious than me. How can I be careless?"

"It's never too careful!"

He Aiguo said unhappily.

He Qiang tried to smooth things over and said,"Uncle, my second brother is very serious, just trust him!"

He Aiguo then smiled and whispered to He Qiang in a flattering tone,"After all, your second brother is a novice, so he is inevitably inexperienced. If anything goes wrong, please bear with me, and I promise to take care of him!" How could

He Qiang not see that He Aiguo was just waiting for him to respond and get a guarantee?

However, the quality of things in this era is generally better, and they are durable, so He Qiang didn't think there would be any problems.

Unless He Liang drove the tractor into the ditch, there would really be no problem.

But with the speed of the tractor these days, how could it be impossible to operate it in time?

""Okay, uncle, why should we be so polite to each other as a family? How can I blame my second brother? Let's drink, drink!"

He Qiang said, raising the bowl in his hand.

He Qiang drank the wine in the bowl, then smacked his lips and continued,"Today is a happy day, let's talk about happy things and don't teach my second brother a lesson!"

He Yongjun also showed his presence happily at this time and said to his eldest brother,"Don't worry, brother, Xiaoliang is my nephew after all. It's normal for young people to make mistakes. As long as they can correct them, it's fine. What can Qiangwa do to his second brother? Come on, we are happy today, let's eat more meat!"

As He Yongjun spoke, he picked up a piece of braised beef and put it in his mouth, chewing it with big mouthfuls, with a satisfied smile on his face.

Old lady He looked at He Qiang with loving eyes, and said with approval,"We are a family. No matter what happens, we should understand and support each other. A harmonious family is the foundation of everything. Only in this way can things get better and better!"

He Qiang quite agrees with this.

In the Internet age of later generations, all kinds of people complain about relatives, and they don't understand the feelings of the older generation towards their relatives. They even wish they would never have anything to do with their relatives again.

But He Qiang knows that it is because times have changed, life has improved, and the environment is different.

In this day and age, relatives are definitely more trustworthy than outsiders.

If you want to make a career in this rough era, you must have the support of people who can be entrusted to the younger generation.

A big reason why coastal areas are generally wealthy in later generations is because of the strong clan concept there. When a family does business, they will bring relatives to do it together when they become rich, and even bring villagers to do it together in the end!

Relatives can cheat you the most, but they can also be your strongest helper!

"Come on, a harmonious family brings prosperity, let's all drink!"

He Qiang echoed the old lady's words, livening up the atmosphere at the table.

Everyone at the table raised their glasses, and the family atmosphere became harmonious again.

Old lady He sat in the main seat, squinting at the four generations living together happily, with a look of satisfaction and relief.

Although her eyes were a little cloudy, they sparkled with the light of wisdom. She has experienced countless ups and downs, witnessed the rise and fall and honor and disgrace of the times, and now seeing her descendants living in harmony and unity, her heart is full of emotion and relief.

She knows that the reason why this family has been able to prosper until now is because of this unity.

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