In the evening, after everyone had left, Mrs. He washed her feet with the help of her second daughter-in-law, Zhao Hui, and returned to the house.

The wooden bed was still there, but the straw on the bed had been replaced with a spring mattress.

Mrs. He climbed onto the bed, feeling the elasticity and comfortable touch of the flat mattress, and her eyes turned to a portrait on the wall.

"Old man, everyone in your family is doing well now. Are you doing well over there?……"

Old Mrs. He's eyes were red. She got out of bed and walked to an old dressing table. She took out a wooden photo frame from the drawer.

The photo showed a perfect match. The man had sharp eyebrows and bright eyes, and his face was like jade. The woman was pretty and generous, dignified and bright.

This was the only photo of the couple together.

"Old man, your youngest grandson who looks most like you is now more capable than you! Our house will soon be built into a brick house, so you can just watch us enjoy our life from now on. When I have enjoyed enough, I will come to find you.……"

Outside the door, He Qiang held Wu Shuhua's hand and winked at her, and the couple quietly turned around and left.

"Drink the honey water."

He Qiang said to Wu Shuhua

"No, I want to go to the toilet at night after drinking too much."

Wu Shuhua frowned and refused.

He Qiang had no choice but to drink it all by himself.

The couple walked side by side on the country dirt road, the bright moonlight illuminating and guiding them. Wu Shuhua, who became sentimental during pregnancy, took her husband's arm and murmured softly:

"Grandma and Grandpa have such a good relationship!"

He Qiang whispered:"We have a good relationship too!" Wu Shuhua did not refute, but said faintly:"Listen to me, I'm not saying that I must ask you to do this or that, but I'm talking about if, if one day you can make a lot of money, take me back to the provincial capital, I must let those who laughed at me for being stupid see how good my man is."

He Qiang knew that Wu Shuhua had frequent correspondence during the period when the educated youth returned to their hometowns.

She chose to stay, and obviously she was under a lot of pressure.

As a man, how could He Qiang not protect his wife from the wind and rain?

His wife must return all the anger she has suffered in the future!

"The educated youth have all returned to their hometowns, so my father-in-law should be able to return to the provincial capital as well. Otherwise, when we buy a tractor, we can go to the provincial capital to see if my father-in-law has returned home?"

He Qiang asked his wife.

In his previous life, He Qiang only knew that his father-in-law resumed his work after being rehabilitated, and soon he was in a high position again.

He Qiang didn't know exactly when he returned to the city because he didn't pay attention to it at the time.

"Dad was sent to a farm for labor reform at that time. He never received a reply to the letters I sent him. I’m afraid his current situation is not good either."

Wu Shuhua said with a complicated expression.

He Qiang was stunned. He didn’t expect that his father-in-law was still living a hard life?

"Why didn't you tell me? I can ask Brother Chen to help find out!"

He Qiang said to Wu Shuhua in surprise.

Wu Shuhua shook his head, clasped He Qiang's hand tightly and whispered:"Don't get involved in this kind of thing. My father was sent down and things are very complicated. If you are also involved, what should I do in the future?"

Seeing Wu Shuhua's helpless look, He Qiang felt a little painful.

After all, he was his wife's biological father. Even if he had broken up their family in the previous life, how could he bear to see Wu Shuhua so sad?

The main reason for such an ending in the previous life was that He Qiang himself had been unsatisfactory.

He might have been able to save the situation in his previous life, but in the end he missed the opportunity because he was too lazy.

At that time, because of Wu Shuhua's pleading, the father-in-law actually gave He Qiang two choices.

One was to go to work in a coal mine. The work was hard and the salary was not high, but there was a guaranteed income.

The other was to give a sum of money to He Qiang, and promised that he would not let him starve to death in the future.

So He Qiang later handed the land to He Yong, and did not charge rent, as long as he could go there to eat every day.

The money was soon squandered by He Qiang. Fortunately, the minimum living security system came into being later. Under the operation of his father-in-law, He Qiang, a farmer, also ate"royal food". He continued to live a carefree life of eating at He Yong's house and spending the minimum living security money.

Later, because He Yongjun was seriously ill, He Qiang exchanged his father-in-law for help at the cost of not contacting He Tiantian.

Although He Yongjun was not saved in the end, He Qiang knew that his father-in-law did try his best and even sent him to... West China Hospital, and invited experts and professors, and he had also visited the hospital.

Thinking of the regrets of his previous life, He Qiang did not have any resentment in his heart. After all, most of them were his own fault.

Now think about it, the choice of his father-in-law at that time was not to give him an opportunity, otherwise, with the means of his father-in-law, if he really wanted to punish him, why would he arrange for him to work in the coal mine? He could also arrange for a harder job.

I guess he just wanted to see if he could turn over a new leaf.

But he chose to continue to eat and wait for death. In the end, his father-in-law resolutely forbade his children and granddaughters to associate with him. In fact, if you put yourself in his shoes, it is understandable.

He Tiantian later She didn't come to see him, obviously she was greatly influenced by her father-in-law. After all, although he liked his daughter back then, he was never the one who really took care of He Tiantian.

Although the child is small, he can indeed remember some things. He was taken to the city when he was just old enough to remember things. It is normal for him not to want to take care of his lazy father when he grows up.

He Qiang can actually understand He Tiantian's choice in his previous life, so he will love him even more after he is reborn in this life.

After all, in this life, even if He Tiantian is finally taken away by her father-in-law, He Qiang is confident that the little girl will always think about her good father in her heart!

"Xiaohua, I will take care of dad's affairs. He is my father-in-law and your biological father. How can I not care? Don't worry, I won't get myself involved. The policies will only get better in the future. The higher-ups are already in charge of ordinary work. Your dad will soon become ordinary. Those who bullied him before will never dare to touch us again. Everything will be fine in the future!"

He Qiang has made up his mind. He will take care of his father-in-law's affairs, and he will take Wu Shuhua with him to find him in a grand manner.

Although He Qiang knew that his father-in-law did nothing wrong in his previous life, this did not prevent him from regaining his face from Lao Deng!

In this life, he will ride a tractor and appear in front of his father-in-law like a hero. He will hold his daughter in his arms and tell him with his head held high:

"Lao Deng, I took good care of your daughter!"

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