The next day, He Qiang slept until he woke up naturally again.

He Qiang sat up with the help of the Simmons mattress and stretched comfortably.

The quality of household products can indeed significantly improve the quality of life.

So money is really like that saying, save when you can and spend when you can.

On the way to the old house, He Qiang hummed a little tune and met his second aunt Zhao Hui who came out of the old house.

Recently, she would come in the morning to take care of the old lady's daily life instead of Wu Shuhua, and even help make breakfast.

It can be regarded as their second room's expression to He Qiang.

After all, the second room has only one male, He Yong. Although the married youngest daughter helped to build a lot of relationships with the team leaders in the past, that was in the past.

The relationship between relatives is getting closer and closer.

If it is not maintained on weekdays, it is easy to fail at the critical moment!

That's why Zhao Hui took over Wu Shuhua's task so actively.

"Hey, Qiang boy is awake. We're having beef noodles this morning. I've freshly rolled the noodles, and I guarantee they're more chewy than weighed noodles."

Zhao Hui greeted He Qiang with a smile.

He Qiang was delighted to hear that:"Thank you so much, auntie. I haven't had freshly rolled noodles for a long time! I think the last time I had them was during the Chinese New Year."

Zhao Hui showed a standard charitable smile of an elder, and waved to He Qiang cheerfully:"Okay, auntie is going to go home first, you should go and have breakfast quickly."

""Okay, Aunt, take care!"

He Qiang said goodbye to Zhao Hui, then quickened his pace and walked happily towards the old house.

Because of the recent money, the yard is no longer as lively as before, with only a few children under three years old staying here.

"Daddy! Look at Niuniu's little rabbits!"

He Tiantian and two younger ones were surrounding a bamboo basket. When they heard the noise, they turned around and saw that it was their father. They immediately waved their chubby little hands at him like offering a treasure.

He Qiang walked over and found that the bamboo basket was filled with a bunch of little rabbits.

These little rabbits had just grown fur and looked ugly.

He Qiang took a look and said perfunctorily:"They are so cute. Which little rabbit is Niuniu's?"

He Tiantian pointed happily at a few rabbits.

He Qiang saw that there was almost no difference between the rabbits and felt that his precious girl might have pointed them randomly, so he asked calmly:

"Have you named the little rabbits?"

He Tiantian did not doubt him and said happily:"This one is called Huihui, this one is called Chouchou, this one is called Guaiguai, and this one is called……"

He Tiantian is stuck.

Children’s memory is good or bad.

He Qiang can even see that his daughter is pointing blindly. Huihui and Chouchou are different from the first time.

But for children, it doesn’t matter. As long as they are happy, it’s fine. Anyway, rabbits are so cute. In the end, they will all become spicy rabbit heads, cumin roasted rabbit legs, spiced rabbit cubes, and spicy pepper rabbits.……

"Daddy, Daddy! This is my little rabbit!"

The youngest daughter of He Yong pointed at the little rabbit and said.

He Qiang hummed and groaned to the children. The old lady on the side looked at them for a while and urged:

"Let's go have breakfast first! Xiaohua has brought it to you."

Wu Shuhua went to the kitchen to cook noodles after hearing He Qiang coming.

Now the family is not short of money, and there is always a small coal stove to heat water every day, so He Qiang just chatted with the children for a while, and the noodles were cooked.

"You guys play with the bunny by yourselves, I'm going to eat noodles!"

He Qiang walked into the house in a leisurely manner, and looking at the fragrant noodles in the bowl, he couldn't help but feel hungry.

Good noodles are inseparable from the soup base.

This beef noodle is made with the soup from yesterday's stewed beef with potatoes, so the taste is naturally needless to say.

He Qiang took a big bite and put it into his mouth. The chewy noodles and the fragrant soup went into his stomach, and he sighed with satisfaction:

"This noodle still has to be hand-rolled."

Wu Shuhua on the side said casually:"Then don't buy water noodles in the future, it's better to buy white flour and noodles directly. Water noodles will be dry after being left for a long time."

He Qiang nodded, thinking that this should be the case:"Don't prepare dried noodles at home in the future, eating water noodles is better than dried noodles."

Today He Yongjun didn't go to the fields to work, because he was at home dealing with the furs that He Qiang had recently saved.

Especially the bison skin that He Qiang brought back yesterday.

Hearing He Qiang's extravagant words, he couldn't help but complain:"What's wrong with dried noodles! I've eaten them for so many years, but you don't want to eat them now because they are so precious!"

He Qiang rolled his eyes and said unhappily:"Okay, you like to eat dried noodles, I will cook dried noodles for you in the future, and we will eat hand-rolled noodles ourselves."

He Yongjun was stunned, and then said unhappily:"You eat hand-rolled noodles, and I eat dried noodles? How can you be so embarrassed!"

Old Mrs. He said unhappily,"You are the only one who talks too much and has no place to say it. You want to eat noodles, but the youngest son tries to satisfy you and you find something to say. You are neither pigs nor dogs, and you are picky (the context here is to describe people who are picky anyway)!"

He Yongjun muttered when he saw this,"I told him not to waste it. I didn't say I don't eat hand-rolled noodles!"

Old Mrs. He said unhappily,"Your grandfather and above were people who could eat fine grains every meal. Noodles can be made of white flour. Who eats noodles? Do you think other people like to eat them?"

He Yongjun was speechless after being rebuked by his own mother, and then he could only mutter,"Just spoil him. The more he eats, the more picky he becomes, like a young master from a landlord's family."

Old Mrs. He said unhappily,"Before your great-grandfather, our He family was a landlord! Now that life is better, who cares if we eat better? This is what the youngest son got back himself!"

He Qiang knew that the He family had a pretty good family background. In the Republic of China era, and even before that, they were considered the local gentry class.

But later on, they knew better and donated all their land to the party before the founding of the country, so they kept a good reputation and escaped the reckoning in the previous turbulent times.

So when Old Lady He got married, she could afford to take wedding photos because the He family had a lot of wealth before.

"Grandma, do you think I have brought honor to our family?"

He Qiang even used idioms.

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