The two middle-aged men in precarious situations realized for the first time that they were in a similar awkward situation. When their eyes met, they were actually a little excited.

After a meal, the two middle-aged men who had only known each other for less than half a day had become as close as brothers.

Wu Shuhua was very pleased with the two men who were calling each other brothers.

At least his father had accepted the He family very well.

"Relatives, let me tell you, that bastard in my family is really tolerant thanks to you!"

He Yongjun and Wu Guowei hid aside and complained to each other.

Wu Guowei smiled bitterly and replied:"Relatives, it's not easy for you. I'm not as good as you to endure humiliation at home for so long!"

Hearing this, He Yongjun seemed a little excited.

How long has it been, how long has it been!?

Finally someone can speak his mind!

He Yongjun felt that he and Wu Guowei had met too late, and said excitedly:"Relatives, please stay for two more days. I still have a lot of wine here. Let's drink to our heart's content!"

Wu Guowei did not doubt him. He finally found a friendly force. How could he not accompany him to the end at this time!?

"No problem, my in-laws have invited me, there is no reason for me to refuse!"


He Qiang didn't know that his father-in-law had found the"organization" and contacted his father. At this moment, he was talking to Wu Shuhua affectionately about the little things between husband and wife.

"Now my father has been brought home, and the new house is under construction. All that’s left is the birth of the second child, and then our whole family will be reunited."

He Qiang hugged his wife, and gently stroked her belly with his big hands.

Wu Shuhua's eyes were moist and blurred, and she leaned gently on He Qiang, listening to He Qiang talking about the family reunion, and her eyes were full of longing.

"Do you think the second child will be a boy or a girl?"

At this moment, Wu Shuhua was like a cat acting coquettishly with its owner, tilting his head back and rubbing against He Qiang gently.

"It doesn't matter. They are all our children. If you really want me to say it, we should just give birth to daughters and find a live-in son-in-law in the future. This way, we can worry less."

He Qiang is very open-minded about the matter of children.

He has no idea of carrying on the family line.

Instead of favoring sons over daughters, it is better to think about how to make children willing to burn incense and worship themselves after a hundred years.

Otherwise, what's the use of having a son?

But Wu Shuhua obviously didn't think so.

Even though he was well educated and came from a high-ranking official family, he was still affected by this era. In the countryside, the labor force was a hurdle that could not be overcome.

Even though women can hold up half the sky, the work points they can earn are different.

In addition, with the existence of Old Lady He, the head of the family who was born in the Republic of China, Wu Shuhua wanted to give He Qiang a son from the bottom of her heart.

So when she heard He Qiang say this, Wu Shuhua was very moved. She felt that He Qiang didn't want to put pressure on her.

But the more this happened, the more she wanted to give He Qiang a son!

"He Qiang, I'm still young. If the second child is not a son, I will give you another one.……"

Wu Shuhua looked at He Qiang tenderly and said.

With He Qiang's current strength, let alone raising a few children, even forming a team would be no pressure.

He Qiang did not have any obsession with continuing the family line, but since his wife was willing to have a baby, he had no reason to refuse, so he nodded without hesitation and said,"Then let's have the baby. If you want to have as many children as you want, you can raise them yourself. I can afford to raise them and I will make sure that no one will suffer any grievances!"

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