Wu Shuhua, as a mother, was very touched by He Qiang's assurance.

After all, she was just influenced by Old Lady He and wanted to continue the He family line, but she didn't really favor boys over girls. If He Qiang could treat these daughters equally, that would be great.

"I'm just afraid that I won't be able to take care of too many children in the future, and that they will say that I'm biased as a mother."

Wu Shuhua has now completely begun to rely on He Qiang, and she directly reveals her thoughts to her man.

He Qiang hugged Wu Shuhua and comforted her softly:"It's okay, they are all our children. As long as they are born, she won't owe it to him. Don't worry, I'm still here for you!"

Wu Shuhua hugged He Qiang emotionally, her eyes becoming more and more moist:"He Qiang, it's great to have you……"

He Qiang raised his eyebrows, and secretly had an idea in his mind. Then he hugged Wu Shuhua and walked stealthily to the grass slope behind the house.

Wu Shuhua was still very resistant at first.

After all, this is outside!

If it was at home, she would obey.

But now it was broad daylight, and they were still doing this outside. Wu Shuhua's resistance became fierce.

But He Qiang dragged her into the small woods on the back lawn very forcefully.

In broad daylight, everyone who should be busy was busy, and no one else would come to the grass slope behind their house. At this moment, the two of them went in, and the atmosphere became quite subtle for a while.

"Are you going to die? If people find out, will I still be alive?"

Wu Shuhua's voice was excited, and her face flushed red because of the strong sense of shame.

He Qiang hugged Wu Shuhua tightly, and felt that she was harder to hold down than the New Year pig.

But even so, He Qiang had no intention of letting go.

"Xiaohua, my good Xiaohua, we will stay here and no one will know, please help me! We will do it quietly and won’t be discovered! Besides, as long as I pay attention, we will definitely be able to clean up in advance, and it doesn’t matter if we are discovered,"

He Qiang coaxed his wife in a low voice, and at the same time, his hands did not stop, constantly soothing his wife's restless emotions.

And obviously under He Qiang's skillful offensive, Wu Shuhua's breathing became more and more disordered and rapid, and even the posture of resistance gradually became slow and weak.

Slowly, Wu Shuhua's movements became obviously smaller. It was not so much resistance as it was a shameless persistence, as if he was beating... It was like a half-hearted cover-up.

He Qiang knew his wife too well. As soon as he noticed this change, he knew something was going to happen, so he gently bit her earlobe and whispered a few words to her.

Wu Shuhua snorted softly, but finally turned around and squatted down slowly...

About half an hour later, He Qiang returned to the house with a ruddy face, looking refreshed.

Just at this time, the two"old brothers" finished talking about their relationship, and when they saw the young couple coming in, He Yongjun greeted them:

"Your father-in-law said that the supply and marketing cooperative brought back a big pig head for Xiao Sun this time. Go find Xiao Sun to cut the walnut meat and pig ears and bring them back for roast meat. I want to have a good drink with Old Wu in the evening!"

He Qiang was in a state of not being interested in anything at the moment, and he said"oh" perfunctorily.

He Yongjun was furious and was about to educate his son, but Wu Guowei on the side spoke first:

"Xiaohua, why did you go to rinse your mouth? What happened?"

Wu Shuhua blushed and spit out the foam in his mouth, whispering:"It may be morning sickness, a little nauseous. I just asked He Qiang to accompany me to walk on the grass slope behind, and I vomited."

After hearing this, Wu Guowei glared at He Qiang and said:"What's the matter, you knew Xiaohua's reaction was serious but you didn't pay attention!"

Wu Shuhua hurriedly said:"Dad, don't blame He Qiang, I wanted to walk around in the back to get some air, and it will be fine after this period of time and enter a stable period. This is a normal reaction, there is no need to be so nervous."

Wu Guowei then gave up the plan to continue to pursue He Qiang.

However, He Yongjun took the opportunity to scold He Qiang and asked him to buy some wine and food quickly!

He Qiang pouted and walked out lazily.

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