"You are right, little brother. It is definitely right to pay attention to the long-term in everything!"

Tao Xiufang on the other end of the phone also seemed very satisfied. After exchanging a few polite words with He Qiang, she hung up the phone.

In this negotiation, it is obvious that both parties are quite satisfied with each other's sincerity.

After the call, He Qiang left the room, and Wu Youhua greeted him:"Have you finished the discussion? I have something else to discuss with you. Do you think you are free now?"

He Qiang nodded and said,"I don't have anything else to do this afternoon. Just tell me."

Anyway, Sun Jifa had already taken the meat for He Yongjun and the others, and he had no other tasks on his shoulders.

Wu Youhua smiled and explained to He Qiang:"Actually, it is like this. Your father-in-law is an old comrade who has been working for a long time. Our village committee is planning to organize party representatives to visit him. We just want to inform you and see how many days your father-in-law plans to stay in our Gunziwan so that we can make arrangements here."

He Qiang looked at Wu Youhua, as if he could see the words"I want to make progress" on his face.

Moreover, He Qiang felt that, according to Wu Youhua's judgment, he would most likely succeed.

After all, for many leaders, it is a common phenomenon that people leave and the tea gets cold.

As a leader in trouble, Wu Guowei has not even restored his organizational relationship at this moment. Now that the grassroots party organization has sent representatives to express condolences, isn't that encouragement and support like sending charcoal in the snow?

He Qiang can completely guess Wu Guowei's current mood.

This old man was stubborn at the beginning and didn't go back to Gunziwan with his daughter and wanted to live in the county town by himself. Isn't that because he didn't want to live under someone else's roof?

Now if Wu Youhua brings the village committee to"pay a visit", isn't that to boost Wu Guowei's momentum?

At that time, with this excuse, plus the advantage of the family, it is certain that he will be able to get in touch!

"I have told my father-in-law that we should stay in the village for two days to build relationships. We are almost like old brothers now. If you really want to, go tell my father and let him talk to us. Then it will definitely work out."

He Qiang pointed out a clear way for Wu Youhua.

Wu Youhua's eyes lit up when he heard it, and then he said to He Qiang with gratitude:"Captain He, thank you for your advice. I'll remember the favor and will thank you later!"

He Qiang said modestly:"We are all from the same village. It's our duty to help each other. There's no need to thank us!" Wu

Youhua didn't take this seriously, and said to He Qiang seriously:"Captain He, let's not talk nonsense. Just watch how I act!"

Wu Youhua is actually a man with a clear mind. If it weren't for the turbulent times, he would have been promoted long ago.

"If there is nothing else, I will go back first."

He Qiang said, saying goodbye to Wu Youhua.

Seeing this, Wu Youhua smiled and said,"That's great, let's go together! I will go to your dad to ask for help on this matter.""

He Qiang had no objection, and the two of them walked towards Gunziwan together.

Although he and his father-in-law were competing with each other, He Qiang had no reason to stop Wu Youhua from currying favor with his father-in-law.

After all, Wu Youhua was still the village chief of Gunziwan in the short term, and he was the current manager.

As a member of the He family, the most correct choice for him at this moment was undoubtedly to do a favor and let Wu Youhua better connect with his father-in-law, while also making his father's role more prominent.

Pointing out the"brotherhood" between his father and his father-in-law was to let Wu Youhua understand the specific role of his father in this matter.

In this way, Wu Youhua would owe him a favor, his father-in-law would be able to surrender, and his father would be able to get more attention from the village committee in the future. He would no longer be just the father of He Qiang, and at the same time he would have the title of Wu Guowei's good brother.

This was a good way to kill three birds with one stone.

If he turned down Wu Youhua just because he wanted to compete with his father-in-law, it would be too childish.

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