After arriving at the village committee and greeting Wu Youhua and others, He Qiang picked up the phone directly.

As soon as he heard the familiar voice of the other party, He Qiang smiled and said,"Sister Tao, I have been waiting for your news for a long time. It seems that your business should be booming and busy recently!"

Tao Xiufang on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment and replied,"Brother, you misunderstood, right? The main thing is that the matter you mentioned before is more complicated to deal with. I can only let my man find out and give you a clear answer. No, sister doesn't have any business. Isn't it just asking my man to help people bring some special products!"

You call it bringing some special products! ?

Are tens of thousands of industrial machines also considered special products! ?

However, He Qiang obviously wouldn't point out the matter. He thought that since the other party was so cautious, it was a good thing. At least the risk of the other party exposing the problem was lower. For those who do these businesses, don't think about being high-profile. Just make a fortune quietly. Otherwise, if you are targeted by the upper level, even if the backstage is strong, it is easy to have problems.

Moreover, He Qiang is doing a big business, which may even involve the bank, so it is easy to be exaggerated.

It is also a good thing for him if the other party is careful.

"Ahem, since Sister Tao said so, you must have good news to tell me, right?"

He Qiang stopped talking nonsense and went straight to the point.

"We should talk about these things face to face, and arrange a place so that we can both feel at ease and settle the matter. Don’t you agree on this?"

On the other end of the phone, Tao Xiufang's voice sounded a little low. It was obvious that the other party's vigilance had not decreased, and no wind was leaked at this moment.

He Qiang felt that this was no problem. After all, some things could not be settled in telephone communication. This was the same as the Internet in later generations, which was so convenient, but those big bosses still needed to travel to discuss business and fly all over the country.

So He Qiang did not hesitate and agreed readily:"No problem, Sister Tao, how about this, you tell me a place in our province, and I will come over to talk to you face to face, and then we can settle any problems at once, do you think it's okay?""

Tao Xiufang breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that He Qiang was a smart buyer.

Doing business with a smart person would definitely be more convenient and worry-free.

Tao Xiufang had already prepared a plan for today's communication, so after He Qiang agreed, she immediately said:"Since you have no objection, brother, I will compromise on the location and choose your provincial capital. Is that okay? Then you won't have to travel so far to the coast."

Tao Xiufang's proposal was full of sincerity, and He Qiang had no reason to refuse, so he further asked:"No problem, Sister Tao, let's set a time to meet?"

"I can get a ticket for tomorrow's bus, and I have to prepare for it. Let's meet at the People's Park in the provincial capital at 11 o'clock in the morning five days later?"

Tao Xiufang asked He Qiang for his opinion.

He Qiang said,"Let me tell you the situation in advance. I will bring someone to talk to you at that time. I may not be the one to contact you in the future. Sister Tao, do you have any objections?" The person on the other end of the phone paused for a moment, and then smiled and said,"Brother, do you seem to have great needs in the future? You actually plan to find someone to be responsible for contact?"

After hearing this, He Qiang replied meaningfully,"Of course, this kind of good thing must be long-lasting and good for everyone, Sister Tao, don't you think?"

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