Lin Tong, Xiao Yang and others had nothing to say and sent them back to their dormitory. When Lin Tong told them to go to the cafeteria on time for dinner in the evening, Xiao Yang told them that he would leave tomorrow and leave the rest to the army.

Xiao Yang has already said this, and there are no surprises to anyone.

Anyway, they just followed the army's arrangements on this trip and didn't worry about anything else.

They thought that just like Lin Tong said, they would not be able to see the senior generals in the army, but just after dinner, they were received by the deputy commander and other senior cadres. The deputy commander is currently the highest-ranking military officer on the island.

After a face-to-face meeting, Feng Qingxue found out that the deputy commander was Wu Changzheng, the former Commander Wu of the Capital Military Region.

Feng Qingxue forgot whether she had met Wu Changzheng before, because she had met too many people in the past ten years. Some people were deeply impressed, and some people's impressions were blurred. However, she went to the capital for a meeting in Lujiang. We had seen Wu Changzheng in a group photo. When Lu Jiang was coveted by Han Aiguo, Wu Changzheng, Fan Xiaohai, Zhou Xuecheng and others all favored Lu Jiang. Feng Qingxue naturally kept it in mind.

Deputy Commander Wu expressed his cordial condolences. The content was similar to what the two old leaders said on the plane. The difference was that he said he was very grateful for everyone's coming and providing medical reinforcements to the troops.

In the end, Deputy Commander Wu kept Feng Qingxue.

Facing the surprised looks of other doctors and senior generals such as the chief of staff, army commander, and political commissar, Deputy Commander Wu said that an important task was assigned to Feng Qingxue, and the doctors suppressed their doubts and left first.

"When I first saw the list, I thought I had made a mistake." Deputy Commander Wu said.

Commander Li said in shock: "Comrade Wu, do you know him?"

Deputy Commander Wu smiled and said: "Don't you know? Comrade Qingxue is Comrade Lu Jiang's revolutionary comrade. Although he is young, his ability cannot be underestimated. Who drew up the order for the secondment of military doctors? He is very discerning."

"Of course it's the health department of the Logistics Department." Commander Li replied without thinking.

After saying this, Commander Li's eyes suddenly lit up, "Are you from the Army Commander's family? I thought they had the same name."

Feng Qingxue smiled and said, "My name is not very common."

As many people have said, frivolity is not a name that should be given to a person with a good background.

Commander Li nodded and said: "That's true, that's true. Speaking of which, it was my negligence. I approved the secondment application from the Logistics Department and submitted it. I didn't pay attention to the name on it. I didn't even know the relationship between Comrade Qingxue and Comrade Lu. I only knew everything. The people who are seconded are relatively powerful talents in the medical field. Comrade Qingxue, I will have to trouble you next. The doctors here are not as skilled as those in the Capital Military Region, so we can only second you to participate in the next medical work. "

"This is our bounden duty, and we absolutely obey orders." After Feng Qingxue finished speaking, she suddenly realized that this sentence seemed to be said by you and me. It had been said no less than ten or eight times, and it was no longer new.

Although it was not new, Feng Qingxue soon discovered that the leaders in front of her were extremely enthusiastic towards her.

They were a bit too enthusiastic, and they said that if you need anything on the island, you can come to them, and they will help you solve it without hesitation.

Deputy Commander Wu knew in his heart that they were in love with each other, and that the special forces trained by Lu Jiang had made achievements that were only known to a few cadres above the military level in the capital and Southeast Military Region.

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