Feng Qingxue was so smart. Faced with such enthusiasm, she vaguely sensed that it might be Lu Jiang's relationship.

This guy must have done something without knowing it. Just as he had guessed, he used the intelligence obtained by the special forces to know the enemy's actions in advance. Fortunately, he acted so worried when he received a transfer order. .

If he really did something, then this naval battle would not develop as recorded in history.

Unfortunately, these are military secrets.

While complaining about Lu Jiang's silence, Feng Qingxue said to the leaders: "Thank you so much for your kindness. I will trouble you all when I encounter difficulties."

She was not used to saying no politely and directly like ordinary people.

Here, she was unfamiliar with the place. The navy and army were not in the same system. Lu Jiang was beyond his reach. She really encountered difficulties that she could not solve. Who would help her? It was also impossible to go directly to Lu Jiang's comrades whom he had never met or contacted. It's different when there are several leaders speaking in front of me.

Back in the dormitory, Minglan and Tang Yan immediately asked her what mission she had received. In fact, they still wanted to find out Deputy Commander Wu's intention of leaving Feng Qingxue alone and whether the mission was different from theirs.

Although soldiers absolutely obey orders, some people are afraid of death and are not willing to go to the front line. Otherwise, how could this place have developed to the point of needing to second military doctors? Isn’t it just a shortage of doctors?

Whether they are active duty officers or soldiers or military doctors, there will be very few deserters.

Minglan once worked in a hospital in the Capital Military Region and often came into contact with all kinds of people. She knew very well that since the founding of the People's Republic of China, some of the children or partners of high-ranking cadres have taken the lead and shed blood for the country, but there are also a very small part who have not done anything at all. If you are willing to go, it will all depend on your connections and not being able to get to the front line when things come to pass.

Not only that, deserters would also appear among ordinary soldiers, Minglan had seen it, and it really caused an uproar at that time.

Feng Qingxue didn't know what Minglan was thinking, so she smiled and replied: "There are seven or eight of us here, and the tasks must be different. It mainly depends on the arrangements for us by the health department of the logistics department."

One sentence avoided the two people's questions.

Minglan didn't think much. Tang Yan glanced at Feng Qingxue, thought for a while, and suppressed the doubts in her heart. She guessed that Deputy Commander Wu might be Feng Qingxue's old friend and might have other plans for her. After all, her husband was The leader of an army.

The next day, Tang Yan felt worried.

The army arranged for her and three male doctors to stay at the rear hospital, while the rest were arranged to go to the ship.

Feng Qingxue hunted submarines, Minglan went to the destroyer, and the others went to the patrol ship. Each ship had corresponding medical personnel, and the number was very small. Counting them, there were only a few people, because on a ship of several hundred tons There were less than a hundred people in total.

It's just that the ships sent out have not returned yet. The ships carrying out the next mission do not have to go to sea for the time being, but they need to be familiar with the work on the ship, so they who are waiting to go to sea go to the ship first. The doctors who stay behind in the hospital follow their instructions. Areas of expertise are assigned to various departments for employment.

Feng Qingxue was a little scared about working on a submarine hunt. However, she had checked the information and found that the task of hunting submarines was important. In the history of her previous life, there was a heroic ship and the heroes on the ship who died heroically in the sea.

After looking at the submarine hunting number she was about to work on, Feng Qingxue suddenly relaxed.

Not the ship that was sacrificed.

However, Feng Qingxue still hopes that the ship that sacrificed in her previous life will not go the same way in this life.

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