Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1686 Reunion of teachers and students 4

Half of the fine pearls totaled more than two kilograms and nine taels. Stationmaster Gu simply gave three kilograms to Feng Qingxue.

Feng Qingxue bought another two or three kilograms of second-rate pearls, and scraped together two hundred yuan.

The so-called inferior ones are those that are less than seven or eight millimeters in diameter, or are oval, steamed bun-shaped, nearly round instead of perfectly round, or have slight flaws in the skin, which can be used as jewelry.

Feng Qingxue's sharp eyes saw two Melo beads among the inferior pearls, and she naturally took them into her pocket.

"Doctor Feng, did you buy so much?" The old squad leader was stunned for a long time. Two hundred yuan was equivalent to half a year's salary.

Feng Qingxue was a little embarrassed, but she stopped without saying anything. She put the boxes of pearls she bought into the prepared cloth bags and stuffed them into her satchel, "Old squad leader, this is called hunting heart joy!"

The old squad leader shook his head, not understanding her behavior.

Back outside, Feng Qingxue thanked Station Master Gu again and again, and asked him to evaluate the price of half a bottle of pearls and three Merlot beads.

Stationmaster Gu said naturally: "Of course it's by weight. Don't look at the pearls we export. We all separate them by grade. But when everyone delivers them, they are all uneven, so the purchase price is very low. This half bottle of pearls costs at most five yuan." ”

The old squad leader came back to his senses and said, "Dr. Feng, what are you doing? Are you trying to give me money? No, no!"

Feng Qingxue couldn't really give five yuan to the old squad leader. This few yuan was not insulting enough, so she smiled and said: "No, I don't plan to give you money. I just asked the stationmaster to know what he knows."

The old squad leader was relieved that it was all unexpected income, and when he gave it, he never thought about getting anything in return.

After leaving the purchasing station, Feng Qingxue, with the help of two cooks, first sent things and the letter she wrote last night. Then she said goodbye to the cooks and headed towards the dormitory carrying the oranges and coconuts she bought for herself. Go.

Passing by the door of the family compound, she heard a burst of crying and grabbing.

A woman in her thirties was sitting on the ground, slapping her thighs and howling at the top of her lungs. In front of her stood an elderly woman with gray hair but a straight back, her back to Feng Qingxue, holding a seven or eight-year-old woman in her hand. girl.

There were many family members of the soldiers standing around, trying to stop the fight.

Feng Qingxue became curious and stood still for a while. It seemed that a woman named Xiufen was sitting on the ground crying and abusing her daughter Minmin. After her mother-in-law found out, she scolded her and told her not to be so patriarchal, so she broke out. ended this conflict.

"Doctor Guo, please calm down and don't scare the child." Someone tried to persuade the mother-in-law.

Doctor Guo? Hearing these three words, Feng Qingxue almost blurted out. Thinking that there are many people with the same surname in the world, and there are also many doctors, she swallowed the three words she was about to say.

Doctor Guo said solemnly: "I just feel sorry for the child, look what she did to the child!"

A familiar voice penetrated her ears, and Feng Qingxue immediately walked over.

Noticing the stranger, everyone looked at her in unison. Dr. Guo noticed something strange and heard footsteps again. He turned around halfway and was stunned when he saw Feng Qingxue, "Qingxue? Why are you here? "

Feng Qingxue took three steps at a time and said excitedly: "Doctor Guo, it's really you!"

This was one of her first teachers in medicine. Due to work reasons, she never saw her again.

After not seeing him for many years, Dr. Guo has aged a lot, and his face is full of wrinkles, showing his vicissitudes of life.

. . Happy Chinese Valentine's Day.

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