Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1687 Spring comes out of dead wood 1

Doctor Guo was also very surprised to see Feng Qingxue, so surprised that he didn't care about his rebellious daughter-in-law.

On the other hand, the onlookers looked at them with curiosity as they held each other's hands tightly, "Doctor Guo, do you know each other? Is this girl new here? Which officer's family member is she? We have never met her."

"Yes, he is so handsome, who is so lucky?"

"Doctor Guo, please introduce us quickly so that we don't know how to say hello next time we meet."

After receiving everyone's reminder, Doctor Guo remembered his first question when he met Feng Qingxue and asked it again.

Feng Qingxue glanced at Xiufen, whose howling stopped abruptly, and held Doctor Guo's arm with the arm that was not carrying the fruit. "Didn't the army loan a few military doctors to the Capital Military Region? I am one of them, I just came back from the sea yesterday. Doctor Guo, why are you here? I almost thought I heard you wrong."

Dr. Guo felt a little proud after hearing this. More than ten years ago, who would have thought that a young girl from the countryside without a formal diploma would achieve what she has today? The doctors and nurses at the Southwest Military Region General Hospital who had taught Feng Qingxue must be very happy.

Although they have not seen each other again in these years, they receive letters and things from Feng Qingxue every year.

There are not many things, and the number of contacts is not much, but it feels very good to be remembered.

Dr. Guo let go of his granddaughter's hand and patted Feng Qingxue's arm, "I'm old, my eyesight is dazzled, and my skills are not stable. I don't dare to be the chief surgeon anymore, so I went through the retirement procedures at the end of the year. "

"The hospital didn't retain you? Your medical skills are so good, even if you are not the chief surgeon, you can still sit in the clinic!"

In the medical profession, ordinary people trust older doctors more, thinking that they are older and more experienced. Departments where old doctors consult are always crowded with people.

Hearing Feng Qingxue say that he had excellent medical skills, Dr. Guo was in a very happy mood, with a friendly smile on his face. He was a little less serious and rigid when working in the hospital, and a little more kind and kind. "Why didn't you retain him? You still want me to take care of you?" Several students were rejected by me. I have been in the Southwest Military Region for most of my life, so it’s time to take a break.”

Feng Qingxue originally planned to ask her why she refused to take care of the students, but thought about it and let it go.

Everyone has the right to choose the rest of their life. Some people will dedicate their lives to their posts, while others, like her own plan, will retire when they are old and have a leisurely time in their later years.

Even though she is only thirty-two years old, she has already made retirement life one of her life plans.

"You have been busy all your life. It's time for you to take a good rest. Why did you end up here?" She remembered that Dr. Guo's husband was a martyr of the Anti-Japanese War and died on the battlefield to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea. Therefore, Dr. Guo's appearance was because her son was there. here?

Doctor Guo's son is also a soldier. Feng Qingxue doesn't know which branch he is in or what his name is.

Doctor Guo smiled faintly, "My family, your brother Gu Qinggu, and his family are here. I came here after him. I wanted to take a rest, but who knew that the military hospital here wanted to hire me back to serve as a doctor. I came here two or three times. I was very worried. I hesitated, but when I saw you, I suddenly became determined to continue working, so that others would not say that I am an old man who only eats and does not work!”

Feng Qingxue's face changed and she was very angry, "Who has such a mean mouth? You have dedicated most of your life to the country and saved countless people. How come you just eat and don't work?"

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