Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1712 Substituting one thing for another 2

Doctor Guo was stunned, "Do you feel this way too?"

Cheng Baoguo didn't know what he meant, so he nodded, "Yes!"

"Xiaoman said the same thing, but," Doctor Guo's face looked like crying and laughing, "he is not a relative of the Gu family at all. There is no such person among the relatives of the Gu family. He is Lu Jiang's comrade, his name is Shi Guantao , Xiaoxue just said."

Feng Qingxue glared at Erxiong who was hiding behind Cheng Baoguo, asked Shi Guantao to sit down first, poured him water, and asked him if he had eaten yet.

There is a reason for asking this.

Because Doctor Guo goes to work in the afternoon and Gu Mei and Gu Min have to go to class, their family cooks a little earlier than other families. Doctor Guo, Gu Mei and Gu Min start cooking when they get home, and it's not even one o'clock yet.

Shi Guantao came all the way here and found this place at this time. There was a high chance that he had not eaten.

"Sister-in-law, you're welcome, I've eaten..." Before he could say the words, Shi Guantao's stomach made a hungry sound.

Feng Qingxue smiled, "Auntie, you guys talk first, I'll fry a bowl of rice for brother Guantao."

There is still a bowl and a half of steamed rice left at noon, just in time for fried rice, which is convenient and quick.

"Go ahead and see what other dishes are cooked and served."

After Doctor Guo finished speaking, he did not look at Feng Qingxue's back, but stared at Shi Guantao, "Er Xiong said you were looking for me? Can I know your purpose? There are no outsiders here, just tell me."

She didn't know why, but she just didn't want to talk to Shi Guantao seriously and loudly.

Shi Guantao said dullly: "I'm here to find my relatives."

"Looking for relatives? Me?" But Dr. Guo racked his brains and couldn't remember any relatives named Shi in the Gu family or his own natal family. He had never heard of the name Shi Guantao. Today was the first time he saw it and heard it for the first time. name.

Cheng Baoguo and Wang Cuilan, who were sitting on the mat, immediately became serious, "Shi Guantao, are you a relative of the Gu family?"

Like Gu Datou, could he be Gu Datou's son?

Thirty or forty years ago, during the Anti-Japanese War, there were many children of military officers who were living abroad. Some abandoned their feudal marriage and married another. There were also those who had been unable to contact their families for three years and remarried. There were also those who abandoned their wives after becoming successful. Although there were no such cases after the founding of the People's Republic of China, After serious statistics, Cheng Baoguo knew that this situation was almost countless.

Sister-in-law Gu entered the house with a group of children. After hearing Cheng Baoguo's words, she blurted out: "I basically know all the relatives of the Gu family, but I don't have this comrade? But he does look like a member of the Gu family."

Doctor Guo also looked at Shi Guantao, "Aren't you looking for me?"

The person looking for her is not an ordinary relative of the Gu family, right? Otherwise, go directly to the Gu family.

Shi Guantao gave Dr. Guo a deep look, "I'm here to see you, but I don't know where to start."

"Then let's eat first, think carefully while eating, and then speak again after eating." Feng Qingxue came in with a large enamel bowl of green onion and egg fried rice and a large bowl of eggplant meat that was not eaten at noon. At the dinner table, Fu Bao was asked to bring water for Shi Guantao to wash his hands.

Doctor Guo immediately agreed: "Yes, yes, let's eat first, and we'll talk about it after we finish eating."

Dr. Guo felt very distressed when he heard Shi Guantao's stomach growling from hunger.

Shi Guantao was still a little embarrassed, so Fubao directly brought the egg in the enamel basin filled with water to him.


Shi Guantao didn't eat well in the past few days. He came to the island by boat early this morning and didn't even have time to eat breakfast. So, he finished the meal in front of him in less than five minutes. Feng Qingxue brought a bowl of chicken soup with some Unfinished chicken at noon.

"Here, let's drink the soup. It's still warm, just enough not to burn your mouth."

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