Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1713 Substituting one thing for another 3

While Shi Guantao was eating, Dr. Guo was not in the mood to go to work. She asked Sister Gu to go to the hospital and ask for an afternoon off for her, saying that she had heatstroke.

It was easy to understand that she was so old and so hot.

After Mrs. Gu, Gu Mei and Gu Min left, Doctor Guo focused his eyes on Shi Guantao.

The more she looked at it, the more she felt that Shi Guantao really looked like her husband Gu Datou, not in appearance, but in momentum, expression, and every move. Cheng Baoguo and Mrs. Gu were right, they looked just like Gu Datou at first glance.

Gu Datou is not called Gu Datou, but compared to his name, he is more widely known by his nickname Gu Datou.

After finishing his meal, Shi Guantao wiped his mouth and looked up to see five children sitting in rows on the mat staring at him. Especially the child who called for him had his head tilted. Shi Guantao suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Feng Qingxue took down the bowls and chopsticks.

Shi Guantao turned his eyes to Dr. Guo, hesitated again and again, and finally said: "In 1935, that is, thirty-nine years ago, did you stay at a farmhouse and give birth to a child while following the army to join other troops?"

Doctor Guo did not deny it, "Yes, it's my son Gu Qing. I remember it was August 15th."

Shi Guantao swallowed, "I was born on August 15th. There is a pomegranate tree full of fruits in the yard, and there is a bush of roses under the window."

Doctor Guo's eyes suddenly opened wide, "How do you know the scene in that farmyard?"

Cheng Baoguo and Wang Cuilan were both stunned and said in unison: "Shi Guantao, do you know what you are talking about?"

Doctor Guo couldn't breathe and almost fainted.

Feng Qingxue just turned around and walked into the house. He quickly stepped forward to untie her collar and rubbed her heart.

Doctor Guo calmed down and stared at Shi Guantao, "What do you mean by this?"

Shi Guantao did not answer her question, but instead talked about other topics, "I have not been liked by my mother and sister-in-law since I was a child. My elder brother and younger brother are both more favored than me, whether it is food or I was the last one to wear it, so I joined the army very early. A few years ago, I changed my job and returned to my hometown to work in the capital. My eldest brother's family still refused to let me go, and a dozen of them lived in the yard assigned to me by the police station. She said that I was easy to bully, but it was actually my mother's fate. She said that my eldest brother is like my father, and my eldest sister-in-law is like my mother. Before she died, she made me swear to take good care of my eldest brother and his family, and never forget my roots. Otherwise, she would curse me underground to have no descendants. "

Feng Qingxue knew this, after Lu Jiang and Shi Guantao met, "He didn't lie. The first time I met him, it was in the capital, and his sister-in-law grabbed his ticket and queued up to buy food."

"Yes, the food stamps were given to me by a factory that year, not by my employer." Shi Guantao also remembered this deeply.

An incredible guess popped up in Dr. Guo's mind. Even though this guess could shatter her whole life into pieces, she still asked: "What do you mean? What do you mean..."

Shi Guantao smiled bitterly, "Maybe it's because people are kind to words when they are about to die. My eldest brother died last month. Before he died, he couldn't take a breath. He pulled me and told me a big secret, saying that I was not his biological brother. , saying that my father’s name is Gu Datou, my mother is a field doctor, her name is Guo Xia, and the whole family is a doctor.”

Feng Qingxue had a flash of inspiration and blurted out: "Substitute one thing for another?"

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