Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1737 I have a son in my family 4

Having said this, Xibao sighed and lowered his voice: "If we can change the current collective farming model, which is to divide the fields into households, I think the food can be doubled. After paying the public food, the remaining food will be your own." Yes, who wouldn’t work harder and more diligently to serve the crops? Collective farming will only deplete the morale. If restrictions can be relaxed to allow everyone to raise chickens, ducks, geese, sheep, and pigs, the development of non-staple food will be promoted, and farmers will have income, which can also be supplemented. Nutrition, urban residents do not need to limit the supply. "

Feng Qingxue looked her son up and down, "Is this what you think? Or is it someone else who told you?"

"Of course, these are all my own thoughts. I observed the results based on the current situation. Mom, don't worry, I only told my grandfather, not anyone else." Although Xibao is young, he understands the pros and cons. Even when he confided in his mother, he did it outside and now, rather than in front of the Jiang family, because he was worried that the walls had ears and word would spread.

It's different outside. The space is vast, and there aren't many passers-by, and they won't come up to them to listen to them whispering. If someone comes, they can immediately interrupt the conversation between mother and son.

Feng Qingxue was very surprised. Unknowingly, her son had grown to this point.

His mind, his knowledge, and his thoughts are far ahead of this era. Of course, he owes it to the elderly people around him. It is their teachings that made Xibao what he is today.

Under the constraints of a special era, some people follow the trend and follow the rules, while others see the pros and cons and do not agree blindly.

Xibao is the latter. He has seen the shortcomings of the planned economy and has new ideas. Unfortunately, they are not suitable for this era. Feng Qingxue can only remind him to keep it in mind and wait for opportunities.

"Dad, you taught Xibao so well!" When Feng Qingxue arrived at Jiang's house, this was the first thing she said when she saw Father Lu.

Before that, she was worried that Xibao spent most of his time in his hometown. He lived in the military compound for a relatively short time and did not make many close friends. In the future, he was worried that Xibao would lack connections in this area. After all, the compound The relationship between children is cultivated since childhood. It is relatively simple and easier for them to remember for a lifetime. Er Xiong has a large group of good brothers.

Now she doesn't worry anymore. She is strong and her connections are secondary.

The development of the Lu family will only get better and better. When the old people are rehabilitated one after another, the benefits will be huge.

Father Lu smiled and said, "If I don't teach my grandson, who will teach me? Of course, your teachers and the others have also put in a lot of effort. Xibao has so much to learn, and he also brought a lot of homework assigned by them when he came out this time. Make up for him when you have time."

Feng Qingxue nodded heavily, "I'll get more good things to send back to my hometown, and you and your teacher can eat more."

These elderly people are national treasures and must be taken good care of.

Human hearts are made of flesh. If I treated them well before with a little selfishness mixed in, then now that we have been together for a long time, our feelings have already surpassed everything. No matter how many benefits we will get in the future, they will not be as good as my son who has just grown up. of joy.

Returning to Lu Jiang's residence in the evening, Feng Qingxue couldn't wait to share her son's excellence with him.

Lu Jiang felt very proud, "This guy looks like me."

Feng Qingxue laughed at his wife for selling melons, how could she praise herself so much? After the words came out, Lu Jiang said plausibly: "Like father, like son. Why are you just bragging? Of course, there is another saying that a person is better than a person who is better than someone who is good at it."

This shows how satisfied he is with Xibao.

Feng Qingxue was very happy. Don't all parents want their children to become talented?

The couple were proud for a while, and Lu Jiang suddenly said: "There will be a dance in a few days, you go with me."

After hearing this, Feng Qingxue's eyes lit up.

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