It has been more than ten years since I came to this era. In the first few years, I was either living in my hometown or living with the army at the border. When Lu Jiang's rank reached a high level, Feng Qingxue also had her own job. During this period, she had to take care of her children. She was too busy every day to be able to do anything. , and because of the special period, various agencies, units and troops had already canceled the dance, so she did not attend the dance.

Suddenly there was such an opportunity to appear and dance with Lu Jiang. Of course, Feng Qingxue was not willing to let it go. To be honest, she was very curious about the dance.

After learning that the dress code was casual, Feng Qingxue began to prepare for the dance.

It was impossible to change her hairstyle or put on makeup, so she just put effort into her clothes.

It needs to look good, and the style cannot be beyond this era.

Feng Qingxue thought carefully and made herself a pearl-white cotton and linen shirt and a pair of gray-green overalls, also made of cotton and linen. The straight-leg pants were relatively loose, just like the wide-leg pants of later generations.

Overalls are actually overalls, which are a popular style nowadays. Most of them are made of labor cloth.

The two pieces of clothing were washed and ironed, and Feng Qingxue tried them on the night before the dance. Not only did they not cover up her slender and graceful figure, they actually made her have an outstanding temperament and a kind of elegant and dignified beauty.

Lu Jiang's eyes were full of love, he nodded and said: "It looks great!"

He looked around and felt that something was missing. He suddenly slapped his forehead, stood up and went to dig through his suitcase. He took out a very ordinary small wooden box and took out a pair of jade bracelets.

The jade of this pair of bracelets is crystal clear, the structure is tight and fine, and the whole body is green and almost dripping with water.

Positive, dense and evenly yang, with a base as clean as glass, the characteristics of the best jadeite.

Lu Jiang skillfully put it on his wife's wrist, then took out a safety clasp that was obviously polished from the core material of the bracelet, and hung it on her chest, almost making her face green.

Both the clothing style and jewelry are simple to the extreme.

Extreme simplicity, but even more amazing beauty

"Where did such good jade come from? It looks like new jade." Feng Qingxue's eyes widened.

"A few months ago on a business trip, I went to the Southwest Military Region and stayed in the border area for a few days. I accidentally saw someone selling jade privately on the black market, so I quietly collected some. This set is the best. I think you will wear it. It looks good. In addition, I have collected some uncarved jadeite materials and kept them at home. When the time comes, I will find a skilled jade carver to make jewelry for you and Fubao."

Lu Jiang took two steps back and looked at it for a moment, with a flash of admiration in his eyes, and said, "No wonder you lesbians like to wear jewelry very much. Sure enough, there is a big difference between wearing it and not wearing it, which makes you even more beautiful."

Feng Qingxue took out the mirror and took a look, her cheeks were dizzy, and the jade color complemented each other, adding a luxurious and graceful aura.

"So what if it looks good? You can't wear it outside." Feng Qingxue turned the bracelet, touched the safety buckle, and touched the jadeite. Her fingertips felt cool. "By the time I can wear it, I will be really old."

What a pity that you can't dress up as much as you want at your most beautiful age.

Lu Jiang k With its elegance and charm, any jewelry will never neglect you because of your age, it will always be your embellishment.”

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