Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1795 Things are different now 8

When they heard the word "kill pig", everyone's eyes lit up, and Lu Erxiong's eyes were like light bulbs.

Others thought that killing pigs was a good idea, and that the dishes of slaughtered pigs were perfect for entertaining people who had been away from home for a long time, but Lu Erxiong thought that he could have a good meal of meat.

Although the Lu family is not short of meat, Lu Erxiong has an inexplicable thirst for meat and will panic if he doesn't eat it.

Wang Zhengguo naturally hopes that the children of his niece's family will be well fed and clothed, adapt to the life in his hometown, and remember the customs and customs of his hometown when they have the ability in the future. However, he cannot act according to his own wishes. He calculated the time and said with a smile: "The day after tomorrow." Kill, I will ask Yuejin to take leave the day after tomorrow, and kill the pigs with the strong laborers of our brigade, keep six pigs, and kill twelve pigs, so that the fellow villagers can have a good year! "

Adults and children burst into cheers. After a busy year, don’t they just think about a bite of meat at the end of the year?

As for the matter of killing pigs and making big pots of meat during the busy farming season, they selectively forgot about it at this moment.

Wang Zhengguo continued: "We will fish tomorrow, while it is not snowing and the river is not blocked by ice. In the evening, we will set some big nets. We will see how many fish we can catch tomorrow, and each household will share it."

Everyone suddenly burst into laughter, fishing and killing pigs. Could their life not be prosperous?

In order not to disturb Wang Zhengguo, Cheng Baoguo and others' reminiscing about old times, and because it was almost noon, everyone finished smoking and sat for a while before saying goodbye one after another. The main room finally returned to calm, without the disturbing noise. .

While Zhou Zhou and Wang Cuilan were making lunch, Guan Yu said with a smile, "Uncle, when will we share the chicken and duck?"

He has missed the old hens and ducks in the farm for a long time.

The old hens are stewed with mushrooms, and the old ducks are stewed with dried bamboo shoots. The taste is amazing.

Wang Zhengguo said angrily: "Why didn't you and Tianzhi go to work today? Today is Monday, which is not a day off."

Guan Yu said with a smile: "Isn't this the three grandpas, grandma and younger brothers and sisters who have come home all the way? Anyway, Tianzhi and I have very free work, so we each asked for three days of leave. Uncle, grandpa, this year we will not be divided into chickens. Duck? If not, we can buy it with money. Please believe in the fact that our family is not short of money."

Members are allowed to purchase chicken, duck, and goose eggs in limited quantities, and the same goes for chicken, duck, and goose meat. However, some families can afford it and are willing to buy it back for family members, while others cannot afford it.

The situation in Wanglou Brigade is very good, but not every household is living well.

Some suffer from famine due to problems with their children getting married, some suffer from helping their relatives and friends, and some suffer from laziness, earning less work points and not being able to share the money. Their lives naturally fall into poverty, and they wish they could be broken into two for a penny. For half a dollar, let alone chickens, ducks, fish, meat and eggs, these families don't necessarily want all the meat that the brigade distributes per person because the money has to be deducted from the work points.

To sum up, the brigade has enough chicken, duck, fish, meat and eggs for people with good conditions to buy.

Wang Zhengguo glared at him, "Are you afraid that other people won't know that you are rich? It's the end of the year, and there are more families fighting famine. They are worried that they have no place to borrow money to solve the current predicament! They dare not ask your third grandfather Third grandma, can’t you speak to your wife? I think you are too worried about the money.”

Guan Yu protested: "I remember when I was a kid, my aunt would often buy pigs to beat our teeth as a sacrifice. Why didn't you talk about aunt? Now I abide by the rules of our brigade and don't buy excessive amounts of chicken, duck, fish, meat and eggs."

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