Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1796 Things are different now 9

Speaking of this matter, Wang Zhengguo had more to say, "Can you compare with your aunt?"

"Can't compare!" Guan Yu blurted out. Even Lu Jiang, who is now in a high position, cannot be compared with Feng Qingxue. Her contribution and popularity in the Wanglou Brigade are much better than others. Currently, she is second only to Xibao. She personally delivered a large number of children from all over the country, and their names were all related to her.

Dr. Li Li, who was in charge of the clinic of Wanglou Brigade, came to Wanglou Brigade after Feng Qingxue left. After working hard for so many years, his status in everyone's hearts was not as high as that of Feng Qingxue.

"Isn't this the end?" Wang Zhengguo calmed down, "You can take as much as each household deserves according to their head count. Don't just buy a lot of chickens, ducks, fish, meat and eggs. Don't worry, I will work with all the producers. The captain discussed that all the children would have a share, and the money would be deducted from your family’s work points or you would pay for it. This would not be conspicuous at all, and no one would say anything. After all, you all live at home, and I know you are living a good life. I'm used to it, the food given to you is not enough for you to eat a few meals, but isn't your monthly supply there? You and Tianzhi often go to the city, and no outsiders will know when you come back from the state-owned restaurant. "

Father Lu, who had been silent until now, showed a smile and said, "Ayu, listen to your uncle and grandfather. Your aunt sent a lot of new year's goods and put them in the house. There are also cured goods and game sent by your uncle's comrades, which are enough for us. New Year.”

Guan Yu hummed, fully understanding the foresight of the two elders, and could only look at the old hen and the old duck with excitement.

Father Lu turned to Wang Zhengguo and said, "Forget about anything else, let's buy an old goose and stew it in an iron pot. It's not often found in military compounds. Except for Xibao, several of the children probably haven't eaten it."

"I haven't eaten it before. Is it delicious?" Lu Erxiong asked.

Xibao laughed and said, "You'll know if it tastes good or not after you eat it. If you ask us now, we can't even describe it."

At this time, not only Lu Erxiong, but other children also took a big gulp of saliva.

When Wang Zhengguo saw this, he was overjoyed. He thought to remind his old wife to kill the old hens that had been raised for three or four years to make room for next year's chicks. After the old hen was stewed, he would ask the children to eat it.

Her daughter's in-laws raised chickens, but she didn't raise them herself. Instead, she raised three geese. I believe she would be willing to give one to the Lu family.

Although Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue have not come back these years, they have never been left behind when sending things during the holidays. After two or three years, there will be clothes or military uniforms made for them. After all, the old couple and Wang Jiao What you gain is countless times more than what you pay for. People's hearts are made of flesh, how can they remain indifferent?

When she learned that the Fubao siblings were back, Wang Jiao, who often lived in the city, hurriedly hurried and finally arrived home before evening. Without her father having to say anything, she directly asked Zhang Yuejin to catch a big goose and tie it with a hemp rope. He grabbed the things he brought from the city and ran to Lu's house.

Zhou Zhou, who was rolling out noodles, couldn't help laughing and said, "Cousin, the child is not at home."

Wang Jiao was stunned, "Where have you gone? It's almost dark."

"Xibao took them out for a walk with Grandpa Cheng San and Grandma Cheng. I don't know when they will come back. I guess they will come back during dinner. Didn't you meet them on the way here?"

Wang Jiao shook her head, "No, I ran all the way here as soon as I got home."

Zhou Zhou thought for a while and said, "How about you wait? Have dinner at our house tonight."

"Forget it, I'll go home first and leave my things here. I'll come see the child tomorrow."

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