Television has a fatal attraction for children, so only Fubao and Feng Qingxue were left on the tractor when Lu Tianzhi drove home. The other children stayed in the brigade office waiting to watch TV.

When they heard that Feng Qingxue had bought a TV, the eyes of the old men who were playing chess in the yard lit up.

"Hey, a TV? There's a picture that can show people, but it's better than a radio. It's time for our team to be lively." Cheng Baoguo pushed the chessboard forward, "Let's go and have a look. Maybe we can even watch it on the TV." See Ajiang’s figure.”

Most of the old men and women who were decentralized had never been exposed to television. When Cheng Baoguo said this, they suddenly became interested.

Aunt Xu was the first to speak: "Just take a look and see what the TV in Er Xiong's mouth looks like."

"Old Lu, let's go together." Wen Ruyu greeted Lu's father and called Jin Ruochu.

Wang Cuilan, who was steaming steamed buns on the earthen stove in the kitchen, couldn't help but shook her head and shouted at the door: "It's time for the rolls to be taken out of the pot, Xiaoxue, bring the steamed bun basket over here, the luggage will be packed later."

"Come here." Feng Qingxue asked Lu Tianzhi and Fu Bao to move their luggage to their room, and quickly went to the kitchen to help.

There are many people in the family, and we often eat together. Several large pots of steamed buns are steamed, and several pots are left to dry in wicker baskets. There are thick noodles, double noodles, and a pot of cornmeal nests. As for steamed buns, the new ones are white flour rolls.

Although it is said to be white, it is actually slightly yellowish and not as white as snow.

After all the rolls were out of the pot, Wang Cuilan poured a ladle of cold water into the pot, took off the coarse cloth on the grate, turned around and washed it, then added a few ladles of water to the pot, spread the coarse cloth on the grate, and kneaded it well. The yellow steamed buns woke up and said, "This is the last pot of the day. Guess what I mixed in the dough."

Feng Qingxue bent down and smelled it, then put the lid on the pot, "It smells like pumpkin."

Wang Cuilan laughed and said, "As for your nose, I saw that there were a lot of old pumpkins at home. I cooked pumpkin rice and stewed pumpkin vegetables every day. I was tired of eating them, so I steamed some and mixed them into the noodles. I steamed some before. Pot, the kids say it tastes better than the one mixed with cornmeal.”

"Corn flour is thick and can irritate your throat. It's not as delicate as pumpkin, and the kids are quite naughty." Feng Qingxue said honestly.

Wang Cuilan nodded, changed the subject, and asked, "When do you plan to take your children back to the capital?"

"In a few days, I'm not even halfway through my two-month vacation!"

After listening to Feng Qingxue's words, Wang Cuilan hummed, "Let me know in advance when you are leaving, and I will prepare more food for you. Your third uncle and I have decided not to go to the capital with you. We will grow up with your father and you at home." Keep me company."

Feng Qingxue was stunned, "Won't you come with us? Auntie, I still want to take dad away with me!"

"Now we are in the transition period between old and new, everything is unstable, and Ajiang is very busy. Your father said that he will not go to the capital for the time being. After all, his elements are there, and people cannot move around casually. At home, There are still old men and women who have not been rehabilitated. It is better to stay at home and wait until the situation stabilizes and everyone is accounted for before we decide whether to go or not. "

Feng Qingxue wanted to ask her father-in-law for clarification, but when it was dinner time, the old man and his children who went out to watch TV had not returned yet. She went over and saw the scene at the door of the office, and her jaw almost dropped.

There was a sea of ​​people, men, women, old and young, sitting or standing, all staring at a TV set on a square table.

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