The 12-inch TV was too small for Feng Qingxue, who had been exposed to a 60-inch high-definition LCD screen, and the picture was not very clear, but it still attracted the folks from the Wanglou Brigade. The scene was comparable to watching a movie. .

A bamboo pole was erected at the door of the office, holding a light bulb, which emitted a dim light and illuminated the heads of people crowded together.

"Fortunately, I didn't put the TV at home." Feng Qingxue said secretly after seeing this scene.

When she was looking for someone in the dim light, the TV screen suddenly dimmed and turned into snowflakes.

The audience sitting in the first row became anxious, "Ouch, ouch, Xibao, come and see why there is no one there, where are they gone?"

"The signal is not good." Xibao hurriedly stepped forward to debug. After debugging for a long time, the snowflakes disappeared and people appeared, but it was the news broadcast that was broadcast on time at seven o'clock, a program that only started on July 1 this year.

"It's better than the radio, which only has sound but no pictures, but it's not as good as the movie."

"The movie screen is relatively big, but the TV is too small. It's far away and I can't even see what's on it."

"Who told you to sit at the back?"

"Isn't it late? You didn't tell me earlier that there was a TV to watch."

"Captain, it's getting cold, and there isn't much work. When will the cinema above come to our brigade to show a movie? Captain, you can discuss it with your superiors and treat it as a reward for our great harvest this year."

"That's right, it's been a long time since we played a movie!"

Hearing the opinions of the young people around him, Wang Zhengguo laughed and scolded, "Who said there is no work? People who see a job are able to find work every day, while people who see no work are too lazy to take advantage of them. I washed a lot of sweet potatoes today and will start flouring them tomorrow. This year’s vermicelli hasn’t arrived yet, and the bosses are urging me.”

A group of young people suddenly fell into disgrace.

"We're going to make powder tomorrow? That's a tiring job. Captain, can't you let us rest for two days?"

"Take a break. Do you get any work points after taking a break? Do you have money or food points? No money or food. You don't want to marry a wife anymore?" The young man who spoke was standing and got a kick on the butt. He turned around to see that it was him. Dad got mad and shut up angrily.

Wang Zhengguo smiled and looked at the bustle of father training his son in front of him.

Father Lu and Yi Qian are both smart, and Xibao is flexible. In the past two years, in addition to developing the breeding industry, the Wanglou Brigade has also built several semi-mechanical workshops, including an oil mill, a mill and a vermicelli workshop. The vermicelli workshop is only open in winter. Started work, specializing in sweet potato vermicelli. The quality is so good that it is sold directly in the city, and it is quite famous.

Feng Qingxue heard this and walked over and interrupted: "How many days will it take for the vermicelli to be ready? I can take some with me when I return to the capital."

Vermicelli is fragile and inconvenient to mail. It is difficult to eat sweet potato vermicelli made in my hometown in the capital.

Wang Zhengguo turned to his niece and smiled: "It depends on the weather. I can't say how long it will take. The selected sweet potatoes have just been washed and not broken yet. Tomorrow, if they are broken, they will have to be filtered twice, and the sweet potatoes will have to be filtered twice." After the noodles are dried in the sun, they have to be beaten into paste. One step after another requires a lot of effort. You can’t be sloppy at all. After the noodles are made, they have to be dried in the sun. "

"So troublesome!"

Feng Qingxue was speechless. She had never seen the scene of vermicelli processing. It was rare in her previous life, and she had never been in a vermicelli processing factory in this life. The production teams in the countryside rarely had the conditions to make vermicelli by themselves, so naturally they did not understand the process.

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