Ye Yan nodded in agreement, "There is something wrong, and the illness is not serious!"

In the past, when he was in the army compound, he wanted to get close to Xibao but was also hostile to the Lu family. He targeted Fubao many times. I really didn’t know what Su Jiaojiao was thinking. Now that Mr. Su has passed away, although there is residual shadow, it is far less than Lu Jiang’s rise and rise. , Really lackluster.

Fu Bao touched his smooth and tender little face, "I can't help it, who told me to look good!"

Everyone laughed after hearing this.

"Then you have to be careful. I heard people say that some people were ugly when they were young, but they are handsome when they grow up, and some people were good-looking when they were young, but they are ugly when they grow up." Lu Erxiong said sincerely.

Fu Bao was so angry that he slapped him twice on the shoulder, "A dog can't spit out ivory from its mouth!"

Feng Qingxue ignored their harmless jokes and went to a place selling musical instruments amidst their noise. There were many types of musical instruments, the most common ones being accordions and harmonicas.

Feng Qingxue first chose a harmonica for her youngest son. The best harmonica only cost more than two yuan, which was more than enough for Zhuangzhuang's pocket money.

Zhuang Zhuang was very happy. He tried the audition and a familiar red song came out. Feng Qingxue listened carefully and found that the tune seemed to be right. It seemed that his youngest son was also very talented in music.

Thinking of this, Feng Qingxue couldn't help but laugh.

Talking about talent, in fact, many talents depend on whether they have the conditions to learn. Children who have the conditions to learn will naturally know their talents when they are developed in a certain art. Children who do not have the conditions will be buried even if they have talent.

Fu Bao clapped vigorously, "My little brother played so well! Mom, in addition to calligraphy and painting, I want to learn dancing and singing."

Dance to practice your body, and sing to practice your voice.

"Okay, when we get to the capital, I will take you to learn the art. When your aunt returns to the country, you can also ask her for advice." Feng Qingxue knows many old artists, and any one who is willing to accept Fu Bao can take her with him. peak.

Since too much is not overwhelming, and the study tasks are not heavy now, it is right to learn more about art.

As long as the children like to learn, Feng Qingxue has no reason to stop them. As for whether they can persist in the future, it depends on the children themselves. As parents, we can only provide them with learning conditions, but cannot demand that they must start and finish.

Fu Bao's wish was fulfilled, and he smiled happily and rolled his eyes.

Lu Erxiong said impatiently: "I bought my little brother's things, but I haven't bought my toys yet. Let's go, let's go!"

He only likes to play. He rushed to the toy store and wanted to round up all the toys. Feng Qingxue disagreed and raised two fingers, "Use your own money to buy at most two items. If you buy more, your sister won't be asked to pay." money."

Lu Erxiong was very frustrated, picking things up here and there, unable to make up his mind.

He wanted tank models, airplane models, and small trains were also very good. There were also new slingshots and toy pistols. He was almost dazzled by them. He rolled his eyes, grabbed Dundun and Zhuangzhuang, and said enthusiastically: "Three Brothers and sisters, let’s buy it together!”

Zhuang Zhuang said with contempt on his face, "I won't buy it, I'm going to buy a villain book."

"Me too, I don't buy toys, I just buy useful things." Dundun also saw through Lu Erxiong's deep intention of letting the two of them buy toys so that he can play with them. It's beautiful to be able to play without spending money.

The brother was not fooled. Lu Erxiong sighed and picked two toys, an airplane model and a tank model.

Passing by the counter selling sports equipment, Ye Yan and Dundun Erxiong happened to buy a set of table tennis rackets and balls, a basketball and a football. They decided to pull Zhuangzhuang on while exercising. His health was so bad. Needs exercise.

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