Next, they walked around the department store a few more times, touching up and down. Fubao bought Liu Baozhu a three-foot headband and two pairs of quite exquisite hairpins as gifts, and naturally he did not forget his own share. , and bought some cream, clam oil shampoo, etc., and then bought several colors of wool thread.

She planned to knit scarves and gloves for her parents and Wang Zhonghua, but she didn't say anything.

Zhuang Zhuang was aware of it, and he, who had more money to spare, teamed up with Dundun, who had less money, to buy a sheepskin vest for Feng Qingxue and Lu Jiang each, made of military green khaki fabric. This filial piety kept the wind. Qingxue was terribly moved.

Ye Yan saw it, but he didn't take any action. He decided to buy it secretly.

Among the children, Ye Yan is the richest. He doesn't have one thousand but eight hundred in his hand. His father has no time to take care of him these years. The only good way to take care of him is to send money, checks and things. In addition to sending money to the Lu family, he also I sent a separate copy to Ye Yan as pocket money. His grandparents who were far away felt sorry for him and sent him no less.

Dundun and Zhuangzhuang came next. They didn't need to spend money on food, clothing, housing, transportation, or study. They didn't love beauty as much as Fubao. They usually bought hairpins, hairpins, ice cream, etc., and almost all their pocket money was saved.

The poorest one is Lu Erxiong. If he has money, he wants to spend it. In the past two years in his hometown, he has gone to the supply and marketing cooperative every now and then to buy things that don't require tickets, or food, or entertainment, so he spends his money. When he ran out of money, he turned to his brothers and sisters, "The cream cake is so delicious, the fruit cake is so tempting, and the white rabbit is so sweet!"

He walked around everyone, but no one paid any attention to him.

As the days were short and the nights were long in winter, they took their loot back to the hotel to end their afternoon trip.

"Have a good rest tonight. We will go to the Bund tomorrow and then look for a nearby bookstore to buy the study materials we need at home and send them back." Regarding the future of students, Feng Qingxue has always been concerned about it.

Except for Lu Erxiong, no one had any objections.

Feng Qingxue stayed up all night on the train the night before, thanks to the good physical strength she had exercised for the surgery, but she felt sleepy at night and sent her children to bed early after taking them to dinner.

The four boys share a room, and she and Fu Bao share a room.

After getting enough sleep, you will feel refreshed the next day.

At around seven o'clock, when she was about to take her children to play on the Bund, Xia Shuhuai came over accompanied by the security guard.

"Xiaoxue, please do me a favor." Xia Shuhuai got straight to the point.

Feng Qingxue hurriedly asked what was going on, and Xia Shuhuai replied: "Something happened, guns were fired, and there were many wounded people. There are not enough people in the military hospital. Doctors who can do major surgeries are all available and they can't solve the problem. There are wounded people who must be in the hospital." Today's surgery cannot be postponed for a day, but the surgeon is not available, and the first person to leave the operating table will be three hours later. I hope you can help me. "

Feng Qingxue was stunned, "Isn't Senior Brother Yuying here?"

"You only have one senior brother, and I'm going to go there, but the more doctors the better, so I can only trouble you." Some conspiracy has just been shattered, and the situation in Shanghai is chaotic. Xia Shuhuai is okay, but Chen Anlin is very worried, and he can't The wounded in the army sit back and do nothing, and the number of technical talents who can be rehabilitated is really limited, and they can only catch the strong men.

He has said so, what can Feng Qingxue say? I can only break my promise to the child and save others first.

Xia Shuhuai was overjoyed and said, "Thank you, Xiaoxue. I will send someone to send you and your senior brother over. Just leave these children to me. I will ensure that you see a group of lively children after the operation."

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