To save people, we need to race against time.

Feng Qingxue simply explained to her children why they had to go, and apologized for not being able to accompany them today. She told Ye Yan and Fu Bao to take care of their younger brother, and told them to call the food delivery service to pay for the breakfast they had planned to eat out. The tickets and house keys were handed over to Ye Yan, and then accompanied by the security guard, he went downstairs and sat down with Zhan Yuying.

The Hongqi sedan assigned to Xia Shuhuai by the army drove at a fast pace and arrived at the military hospital in less than half an hour.

Xia Shuhuai had called the hospital in advance, and Zhan Yuying and Feng Qingxue were picked up as soon as they got off the car.

Feng Qingxue has worked in a military hospital for so many years. She knew at a glance that this conflict that might have occurred at night was really serious. There were wounded soldiers lying in the corridor. There were more than 20 wounded soldiers at a rough count. It was not known whether they had been suppressed. What kind of rebellion? The nurse was treating their wounds and dripping water. Their breath was filled with the smell of blood and trauma drugs.

The person who greeted them said while leading the way: "Thank God, Doctor Zhan, Doctor Feng, thank you for your generous intervention. You came in time. A seriously injured patient's condition has worsened and must be operated on immediately. Please change your surgical clothes quickly."

"Please tell me the patient's condition in detail, as well as the hospital's previous inspection data. No details can be ignored, and surgical supplies and assistants must be in place immediately." Zhan Yuying spoke without hesitation, turning to face Feng Qingxue said: "Leave this surgery to me, and you will be responsible for the others assigned to you by the hospital."

Feng Qingxue nodded solemnly, "Okay, senior brother, don't worry."

The hospital moved very quickly, and everything was in place immediately. The brother and sister put on surgical clothes and walked into the operating room without any delay.

The operation was a long wait, and the children who stayed at the Jinjiang Hotel suddenly seemed like wild horses that had escaped the reins. After all, Xia Shuhuai needed to solve this incident, so she could only let the security guards take care of them.

Instead of heeding their mother's orders to order food delivery, they went out to eat.

"I'm treating you. I'm treating you. You can order chicken shredded porridge, fried steamed buns, fried dough sticks, and steamed buns!" Lu Erxiong smiled and took out a big wrinkled dough from the pocket of his cotton-padded jacket.

Everyone was stunned, "Where did you get the money?"

"Third grandma bought me cakes to eat." Lu Erxiong answered his sister proudly.

Not to mention that Fubao didn't believe it, even Ye Yan, Dundun, and Zhuangzhuang didn't believe Lu Erxiong's lies. Although Wang Cuilan did like Lu Erxiong a little, naughty and sweet-tongued children always easily attracted everyone's attention, but in terms of life, the family The elders treat everyone equally and never favor anyone in any aspect.

Just like this time, Wang Cuilan gave them pocket money for a trip to Shanghai, one hundred per person, impartially. Not only Ye Yan was included, but also Xibao who stayed in his hometown would probably get the same amount.

Fu Bao was worried that his mother would find out about this, so he put on a serious look, "How did you get the money? Don't lie!"

Seeing her stern little face, Lu Erxiong slumped his shoulders and muttered: "I can't hide anything from you! Sister, can you not be so strict? I didn't steal or rob."

"You didn't steal or rob, but I'm worried that you're stalking your elders for money." This is strictly prohibited in the Lu family.

If you have reasonable requirements, you can ask your parents for money, but you cannot ask for money from other elders other than your parents.

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