Ye Yan was okay, after all, his surname was not Lu, and he didn't usually interfere with the upbringing of his younger brothers and sisters. Dundun and Zhuangzhuang were smarter, and they both looked at Lu Erxiong like Fubao, staring at him until he raised his hands in surrender, "Okay. , Okay, can I tell the truth? It was really the third grandma who gave it to me. I’m not lying to you. It was just that the third grandpa accidentally stepped on my toy, and the third grandma bought me a new toy as compensation. "

Fu Bao said unhappily: "Where are those tattered toys in your hometown worth ten yuan? You also lied and said you bought cakes."

Lu Erxiong said without hesitation: "The money you give me is mine. Whether it is used to buy toys or cakes, that is my freedom! I don't want to buy new toys now, I want to eat cakes!"

Xia Shuhuai's guard looked amused and cleared his throat, "Are you calling for a food delivery service or going out to eat?"

Ye Yan thought for a while, asked his younger brother and sister for their opinions, turned around and said to him: "When we go to a restaurant to eat, we don't need to call for a food delivery service. It can easily get cold when delivered on the road, and we don't have such a big air. It's not easy to eat out. "Okay, I'm afraid that Er Xiong will run around and lose him, and I won't be able to explain it to Aunt Lu." Everyone knows Lu Er Xiong's character of having fun.

Lu Erxiong glanced at him angrily and stuffed the big group back into his pocket, "Then I won't treat you to dinner."

Who cares about breakfast? Fubao, Dundun, and Zhuangzhuang thought at the same time.

After locking the room door, the guard took them to the rooftop restaurant. Fu Bao wanted to eat fermented dumplings with boiled eggs, Lu Erxiong wanted to eat fried dumplings and glutinous rice cakes, and Ye Yan, Dundun, and Zhuang Zhuang wanted to eat Xiao Long Bao, soup dumplings, and Sweet and salty tofu pudding, Ye Yan also ordered soy milk, fried dough sticks, steamed buns and eggs for the guard, and the table was filled with various varieties.

While Lu Erxiong ate a big meal, he shouted that he would go to the club opposite to play after the meal. He couldn't leave the hotel too far, so the club would be fine, right? Just as he was talking enthusiastically, he looked up and saw an annoying guy walking into the entrance of the restaurant.

"Sister, look." Lu Erxiong pushed his arm against Fu Bao, who was sitting next to him.

Looking up to see the arrogant Su Jiaojiao, Fu Bao frowned slightly. To be honest, she had grown up now and really didn't want to compete with Su Jiaojiao. She was also annoyed by Su Jiaojiao's behavior towards her. Too much trouble.

Su Jiaojiao dressed up very well and came in with her uncle's aunt Su Meixiang. At first she didn't notice the Lu family's children. She couldn't stand Fu Bao because he was pretty and always the center of attention. She had just ordered the food and was looking around. Su Jiaojiao saw them, and her face suddenly seemed to be covered with a thick layer of frost.

It’s not that enemies don’t get together, it’s really unlucky!

"What? Did you meet someone you know?" Su Meixiang looked at her niece.

Su Jiaojiao frowned tightly, "Yes, I met my mortal enemy. Why do they live here!"

"who is it?"

Su Jiaojiao pointed at the children of the Lu family who were feasting, "They're the ones I hate the most. Wherever I go I hear people praising Lu Tianhui for being so good and handsome. It's really annoying!"

Su Meixiang blurted out: "Is he a child of the Lu family? Is the older boy a child of the Ye family?"

Her face was also very ugly. The name Lu Tianhui and Ye Yan brought not good memories.

Su Jiaojiao hummed, "It's them!"

Su Meixiang's face was dark, like a dark cloud covering her head.

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