Lu Jiang's response was to hand the box to the guard driving the car, and then put several children into the car.

"It's very cold outside, and the weather forecast says there will be snow at night. If you have anything to say, we'll talk about it when we get home." Lu Jiang pushed Lu Erxiong's head in protest, "I pay attention to the things your mother likes, so don't worry about it, kid. ”

Ye Yan took the triplets in a car, and Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue took Fu Bao in a car.

It was December in the Gregorian calendar and the weather was very cold. It took a while to drive the car before it started.

Pass through half of the capital city and drive directly into the Xishan Courtyard.

There was a guard at the door every five steps and a sentry at ten steps. When the car approached the guard, Lu Jiang opened the car window, stretched out his head and said, "I brought the children and their mother back."

When they saw him, the guard saluted him and immediately let him go without any further questioning.

Lu Jiang also returned a military salute before closing the car window.

Fu Bao saw it and exclaimed: "Mom, it's so strict here. It's completely different from what we felt in the army."

"Of course, this is the capital. You can just get used to it." Feng Qingxue only stayed here for a few days before going back to her hometown on vacation. She is also very unfamiliar with this place and needs to integrate in the future.

The car stopped in front of a three-story building assigned to their home by the state, and the adults and children got off one after another.

"Wow, that's a building!" Lu Erxiong's eyes widened.

Feng Qingxue corrected: "It's a villa."

"Isn't a villa just a building? It's just a title. Mom, why are you so fussy about it?" Lu Erxiong took the lead and rushed into his new home, "I'll come too!"

A woman in her thirties with a delicate appearance, very simple clothes and short ear-length hair walked out of the kitchen. Seeing Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue, she hurriedly asked: "The two comrades are back? Have you brought all the children back? ? The weather is cold, so I made a pot of mutton soup and drank a bowl each to warm up. "

"Sister-in-law Zhang, thank you for your hard work. There is another one in my hometown, and I have brought the others." Feng Qingxue turned around and said to the children: "This Aunt Zhang is our family's nanny. Please get to know each other. Don't let her go." polite."

"Hello, Mrs. Zhang!" The five children bowed in unison, their voices bright and full of vitality.

Mrs. Zhang smiled brightly and said, "Hey, hello, little comrades, please sit down and have a rest while I go to serve the soup."

Feng Qingxue took off her military coat and hung it on the clothes rack. She sat on the sofa and felt sore all over. "Sister-in-law Zhang, let them wash their hands and serve it yourself. You don't have to do everything."

Mrs. Zhang smiled and did not answer.

Lu Erxiong saw the TV set in the living room and rushed over to open it, "Wow, it's color, mom, it's color! And it's bigger than our TV. You didn't tell me. If I had known, I would have come back earlier." "

Given Lu Jiang's level, their family should have had these things as early as the 1960s. Those above the division level were equipped with sofas in the 1950s and televisions in the 1960s. However, the couple was considerate of the country's economic difficulties and the shortage of supplies. Apart from the dining table and wardrobe, There are no necessary furniture such as beds. The house we live in now was left by the previous owner, and the furniture has not been moved.

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue ignored the yelling Xiong son, washed their hands, and invited the children to drink soup together.

"After drinking the soup, I will take you upstairs to see your room." Lu Jiang said.

There were no programs on TV now, so Lu Erxiong went to wash his hands obediently, then ran back and sat at the dining table to drink soup, "Zhuang Zhuang, there is so much mutton in your bowl, share it with me quickly, you won't be able to digest it."

Zhuang Zhuang rolled his eyes at him and put the unfinished mutton into his mother's bowl.

. . . Slowly pick up the hand speed. . . . .

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