Seeing the bustle at the dining table, Mrs. Zhang smiled knowingly and hurriedly brought over the baked scallion pancakes.

"You guys eat something to fill your stomach first, and I will prepare something delicious for you in the evening. Knowing that you are here today, Comrade Lu asked the orderlies to buy groceries early and told me to cook what you like."

After Lu Erxiong heard this, he originally wanted to grab two scallion pancakes but instead grabbed one.

"Thank you, Mrs. Zhang." His mouth was very sweet, "I like eating meat, all kinds of meat!"

Mrs. Zhang laughed. She knew some nutrition and health care, and said seriously: "It would be better to have a lighter meal at night. There are steamed seabass and fried shrimps. I will make big meat for you tomorrow. There is enough braised pork tube."

Lu Erxiong said "oh" and reluctantly accepted.

Feng Qingxue drank some mutton soup and said, "Sister-in-law Zhang, you don't have to worry about them. You and Xiao Yuan can cook as you normally would. Just make enough food for everyone. We must be diligent and thrifty and not be extravagant."

The leaders of the older generation always treat guests with four dishes and one soup. Why do their families have the nerve to spend so much money on food and fish?

This is the inconvenience of having someone at home who specializes in cooking.

As for Xiao Yuan, he was an orderly assigned to Lu Jiang by the state, and he and Sister Zhang took care of the housework together.

When Lu Jiang reaches a position like this, he has secret skills, guards, orderlies, nannies, and health doctors. There are six guards alone, three at the front door and three at the back. They are very rare. The driver uses The guards serve, while the cooks are served by nannies and orderlies, and the wages and benefits are all funded by the state.

There are cadres at the same level as Lu Jiang, and there are more than half a platoon of guards. Drivers and cooks are arranged separately. The top leader's guards are a guard platoon. It is obvious that the guards are very tight.

Mrs. Zhang responded with a smile, "I'll remember it, don't worry."

Lu Jiang hadn't seen his beloved wife for a long time, and he missed her so much that he urged a group of children, "Hurry up and eat, and then see if there is anything you need to tidy up in your room. I will ask someone to take you to buy the missing things tomorrow."

Fu Bao drank the last sip of the soup and put down his chopsticks and spoon. A green ring full of spiritual energy swayed on Hao's wrist.

"Dad, just tell us which floor the room is on, and we can go up ourselves."

"Your mother and I live on the first floor. One room is used as a study and reception room, and the other two empty rooms are reserved for your grandfather and the third grandpa and grandma. The second floor is your room. You are a girl and live in a separate room. They The four of you will live in a room with two floors of beds. One room will be reserved for your brother, and the remaining room will be used as a study room for you. I will use the third floor for my office. "Lu Jiang has already made arrangements.

The first floor of other people's houses is used for housing and reception, and the second floor is used for offices. However, because their family has a large population, the office can only be moved to the third floor. The empty room is used for collection, and some things have to be displayed on the surface.

The children went to their rooms to place the daily necessities and luggage they had brought, while Feng Qingxue went up to the third floor.

This building is really nice. Each floor has four bedrooms, two living rooms, and a separate bathroom.

"The rent is not low, right? Will it be automatically deducted from your salary every month in the future?" Feng Qingxue had just moved in when she returned to her hometown and hadn't started paying rent yet. She didn't know the specific amount. "I took a look and there is Electrical appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, color TVs, fans, and furniture such as sofas, wardrobes, beds, desks, bookshelves, and dining tables cost a lot of money every month.”

Lu Jiang spread his hands, "The rent for housing, furniture, appliances, and water and electricity bills are about 100 yuan per month, which are directly deducted. The heating fee in winter is 30 yuan, and the party dues are paid separately."

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