Lu Jiang reminded: "Don't forget the expenses we occasionally spend on dining out, treating guests to meals, or visiting the doctor. On average, it costs dozens of dollars a month no matter what, as well as the clothes and shoes for you and your children."

Feng Qingxue waved her hand, "Both of us are covered by the state, so we don't need to spend any more money to buy it. The main thing is for the children."

Children grow old when the wind blows, and they need to be replaced every year.

Clothes can be lengthened, widened, and mended, but there is nothing we can do about shoes. They have to be thrown away when they are too small. Fu Bao cherishes some of the old clothes and shoes and can give them away. Ye Yan and the triplets almost wore out the shoes. .

Feng Qingxue sighed and wrote down the favors such as dining out, treating guests, visiting others, etc., and spent 50 yuan per month.

"Even if everyone is proud to wear green military uniforms, you can't always wear military uniforms. I think you will look better if you have white skin and bright colors. You have to make two new outfits throughout the year. Don't be so harsh on yourself." Lu Jiang found that his wife had been working almost all these years and had not bought any new clothes. She bought her old leather shoes around the time of her marriage and they were already a bit out of date.

Suddenly, Lu Jiang felt a little distressed and secretly hated himself for his dereliction of duty.

Feng Qingxue said disapprovingly: "There are many places to spend money, so we old people should live frugally. Don't forget, you still have to send a hundred yuan to the orphanage every month. I have to remember that there are also those martyrs. Dependents, how much do you get per month?”

Lu Jiang sighed, "Some are still sending money, and some have stopped. I will support the children until they are eighteen years old. When they become adults, they should take on the burden of life no matter what. The lonely elderly and young children among the families of the martyrs are still In terms of funding, there is more money this year than last year, about 80 yuan a month.”

Feng Qingxue hummed, it was a big expense.

"We can't always buy new clothes for Fu Bao from now on. For others, it takes three years to get new clothes and three years to get old ones, and another three years to sew and mend them. Although our family doesn't have to go to that point, we can't be extravagant. Cloth tickets are limited, so we only need to pay for each child's clothing. Calculated at 10 yuan a month, 120 yuan a year is quite a lot. It’s about 30 yuan per quarter. If I ask someone to bring them clothes and shoes, I can save a fortune next year.”

Lu Jiang looked at the bill and said, "In this case, the child's tuition and living expenses alone will cost twenty or thirty per month?"

"That's not the case!" Feng Qingxue cleared her throat, "Listen carefully, 100 for rent, water and electricity, 100 for orphanage, 80 for martyrs' families, 20 for children's living expenses and equipment, 100 for food, and 50 for outings and favors. , gas fee is 20, party fee for two people is 8.55, daily necessities is 20, our family’s necessary expenses for a month are 498.55, nearly 500 yuan. This does not include the living expenses of my father and Xibao, nor the annual heating expenses and children. Tuition fees. Leaders of Mainland China, your monthly salary and allowance are not enough to live on!”

Lu Jiang was dumbfounded, "If you do the calculation again, I don't even earn enough to spend?"

Feng Qingxue nodded. Fortunately, she had done the calculation carefully today, otherwise she would still be living a life of lavishness.

"Your salary is 360 yuan a month, with a 30% allowance, a total of 468 yuan. My salary is 135, plus a 10% allowance, a total of 148.5 yuan. Other subsidies are ignored. Let me calculate, Our monthly income is 616.5, minus the 498.55 expenses, the balance is a little over 100. Don’t forget dad and Xibao’s living expenses, as well as heating expenses and tuition fees.”

Lu Jiang almost babbled: "It's really not like I don't know. I'm shocked when I think about it."

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