"It seems that we won't be able to buy cultural relics and antiques as we like in the future. We don't have spare money, so we have to keep the more than one hundred left every month for emergencies." Feng Qingxue suddenly felt heartbroken and filled up the bill. He clutched his notebook to his heart, "We still owe Uncle Xia 10,000 yuan. I wrote on the IOU to pay it off within three years. Now I can only sell gold to pay off the debt."

I used to feel that my life was very comfortable, but now I find that if I don’t increase revenue and reduce expenditure, I will be stretched thin.

This, this, this... is simply a world of difference!

Lu Jiang had a toothache and covered his cheek. He couldn't buy his wife the things she liked. He couldn't let her live a life of buying whatever she wanted. This was a serious problem for him.

"Show me, why our expenses are so high." Lu Jiang read the bill that Feng Qingxue had written down from beginning to end, pondered for a moment, crossed out the children's equipment expenses, and changed it to 10 per month for living expenses. Yuan, plus the installation fee of 30 Yuan per person per year, and then change expenses such as eating out, "Let's eat out less and just focus on human relationships, and we can save 20 Yuan every month."

Feng Qingxue stretched out her finger and gave him a virtual nod, "You have a beautiful idea. Our children spend more than 20 yuan for a meal when they go out. You haven't seen Erxiong. His appetite is so big that it can even support a strong laborer. This item cannot be Change. The cost of clothing for boys can be reduced appropriately. Their old clothes can be mended, lengthened and widened, or your and my old military uniforms can be made smaller and smaller. The bigger the Fu Bao is, the more beautiful it will be. There are new clothes to wear, but if you shorten them too much, she will be in a hurry with you. "

After a pause, she looked happy, "I have to thank Yunyun for sending Fu Bao several sets of clothes and several pairs of new shoes this year. Next year, I will spend dozens of dollars to make her two skirts and shirts, and I can probably get away with it." ”

In this way, most of the child's equipment costs next year can be saved.

"It can save hundreds of miles!" Feng Qingxue said happily.

Lu Jiang hummed twice, opened his eyes wide and tried hard to find where he could save, and finally crossed off the gas bill, "I decided, except for business trips, I would not use the car if I can, or take a ride and save this money." I’ll buy you something.”

Feng Qingxue was overjoyed after hearing this, and her heart was as sweet as honey.

Really unable to find any place to save money, Lu Jiang closed the book and cleared his throat, "Dad and Xibao don't need us to worry about it for the time being. Maybe it's because the third uncle and third aunt are here and they haven't asked us for money in the past two years. When dad can live with us, I guess it will be time for him to be rehabilitated, and the country will definitely compensate him. "

Feng Qingxue suddenly remembered the 100,000 yuan the country had given Lu's father as compensation in her previous life, "At that time, my father's household was worth 100,000 yuan. But that's dad's money. We can't make any decisions. There are still Tianjuan and Tianzhi!"

Mentioning her two nephews, she suddenly remembered the extra monthly income, "I almost forgot, I have to remember that Tianjuan and Acheng have to send me 20 yuan every month, which is 40 yuan a month." , No matter how many times I said it, I still want to give it to Tianzhi and Ayu, but I finally persuaded them to do so. Isn’t it enough for them to live in their hometown with just a little more money?”

"And the living expenses that Ye Xiangqian gave to Ye Yan." One hundred a month, which is a lot of money.

Feng Qingxue shook her head and said: "There is no need to remember this money. His grandparents live next door to us. Ye Yan has to live there for a while. Maybe our children will go there to earn money. How can we have the nerve to collect Ye Yan?" Money forward?”

She knew what was going on.

. . . Preparing to save for tomorrow's update, the result is published. . . .

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