Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1903: Receiving the wind and washing away the dust 1

Seeing that his salary was not enough to support his family, Lu Jiang, who was very ashamed, decided not to make things easier for the brats. He went downstairs, found some glue, and stuck the bills with handwriting on their doors.

They live in the largest sunny room on the second floor because it is shared by four people.

As soon as you enter the door, there is a bathroom on the left, two three-door wardrobes on the right, and further inside there is a solid wood bunk bed leaning against the wall on one side, an aisle in the middle, and a writing desk under the window at the end.

Apart from this, there was no other furniture in the room.

The door opened outwards, so once the door was closed, they could see the paper on the door while sitting on the bed.

"Dad, what did you post?" Lu Erxiong was not a good sleeper and lived on the lower bunk. He had just inspected his territory and was satisfied with the fluffy, soft and clean bedding. He put his toiletries in the enamel basin under the bed. , seeing Lu Jiang coming in to post something, he looked at it with big eyes curiously.

Lu Jiang knocked on the account posted on the door with his fingers, "The older you grow, the more you eat, the more you travel, the more you spend, the more you spend. I am an old man who is overwhelmed, so I made a special list of household expenses. Bill, teach you what it means to be diligent and frugal. If you are a man, don’t indulge in enjoyment. Keep in mind the purpose of hard work. Three years of new life and three years of old life, three years of mending and mending. Just eat enough. Don’t ask for good food. Give up. You can play with things that make you lose your mind, study hard and make progress every day.”

Lu Erxiong stood on tiptoes to finish reading, and puffed out his cheeks and said: "Dad, you are making no sense. The one who spends the most money is yourself. The rent and water and electricity bills are 100, the orphanage is 100, the families of the martyrs are 80, a total of 200 Eight miles! Our family only spends 100 on meals, and the tuition and books for the five of us are only more than 100 per year, so the frugality should start with you.”

Lu Jiang glared, "Is that spending money on me? Look carefully and don't talk back to me!"

"Huh, I'm being reasonable, but you're being unreasonable so you can't let me talk back!" Lu Erxiong pointed at the equipment fee that had been crossed out and changed to 30 yuan a year, jumping up and down, waving to his brothers to come up and help, "Yes. Brother, come and take a look. The money my mother wrote to make clothes for us was reduced by my father. It was more severe than cutting it off, leaving only a quarter. "

Zhuangzhuang was lying on the lower bunk opposite him, with a fat pillow under his body and a harmonica in his hand. He said carelessly: "Anyway, I often wear your and third brother's old clothes. It doesn't matter if I don't wear new clothes. I I’m not greedy, and I don’t mind you wearing your clothes in tatters.”

Dundun and Erxiong were born from the same egg. They look similar and have the same build. They are stronger but smaller. They just pick up the clothes they discarded.

In addition to Fubao being extremely beautiful, the living environment has caused several children to not care much about the condition of their clothes. Many of their peers around them wear shabbier and older clothes, and no one is angry about not wearing them.

Of course, I still feel happy wearing new clothes, which is different from wearing old clothes.

"Look at our little Zhuangzhuang, how reasonable we are and how understanding our parents' hard work is." Lu Jiang praised him very much, and then glanced at Lu Erxiong, "My surname is Lu Erxiong, you have to learn from your brother and learn the hard and simple life style. "

Lu Erxiong looked contemptuous, "Dad, you are an adult. Adults cannot oppress us children."

Ye Yan ignored the dispute between father and son, ran over and squeezed Er Xiong away, looked at the bill carefully, turned around and asked worriedly: "Uncle Lu, is our family really out of money? I'll ask dad to send it, or I will Go to grandpa’s house for dinner.”

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